Lawn seed question

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by Bashy, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. Bashy

    Bashy Gardener

    Mar 4, 2008

    Just re-seeded my lawn yesterday.
    Been keeping it moist today.
    When can I next mow it?
    7 days?
    10 days?
    14 days?

    The lawn seed was evergreen multi purpose.

  2. rossco

    rossco Gardener

    Feb 5, 2006
    head gardener/estate manager
    hi bashy
    dont mow it at all til the new seed has germinated and is at least 2 inches high, then mow on high just topping the new growth, then mow weekly gradually reducing the height each week til you reach your normal mowing height,,,,patience is a must. if you try to mow before the new seed has set you will only either suck up (if using a rotary mower) or scatter the seed where ever the breeeze takes it......
    good luck
  3. plant1star

    plant1star Gardener

    Mar 15, 2009
    Don't give your lawn too much water, or the seed will rot rather than germinate! I would imagine that there is enough moisture in the soil to get the grass seed to start growing, what you could do with is some sun to warm the ground up.

    I would advise not to cut the grass for upto SIX WEEKS! but it does depend on where you are located, and how quickly the grass germinates etc.

    I do a test on all newly turfed and seeded areas, where I try and pull (gently at first) to see if I pull a handful of 'clippings' or pull a handful of semi-germinated grass seed/turf! Like Rossco said, you don't want the mower to damage your hard work!

    Tip for great grass, mow it frequently and often, and only take a little off at a time.

    Hope this Helps!
  4. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    "Don't give your lawn too much water, or the seed will rot rather than germinate! I would imagine that there is enough moisture in the soil to get the grass seed to start growing"

    I agree, don't water unless we get a prolonged dry spell - you will have to water a spring-sown lawn once we get to May or June to keep it alive, but only when there are prolonged dry spells - you want the roots to go down looking for water, and if you water too much in the Summer they won't bother - but there again you don't want to stress the plant. A good thorough soaking, somewhat less frequently, will be better in the Summer than a quick Splash.

    Once the grass is "up" and green enough that it looks to be more than just an Algal growth! I would recommend rolling it - that will firm up the soil, and push the plants into it, and also encourage tillering

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