Blueberry, White Current, Stella Cherry Tree & Blue Moon Rose.

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by Goku, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. Goku

    Goku Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 22, 2017
    Rochester, Kent
    Introduction: Good day everyone. I did a lot of agriculture with my grandad plenty of years ago as a child but since his death quite some time ago I dropped the hobby due to my reasons, because I was a child and as I have grown up I have forgotten a lot of it. What I'm saying is, is I'm struggling to get a grip and if anyone is willing to help I won't be offended if you explain things to me like I am a child, in fact I'd prefer it, I find it's easier to understand and grasp. You might be thinking why the hell have we got berry bushes when in my opinion they aren't the simplest of things to grow or look after, turned out my grandad had been growing them down his allotment and my grandma didn't want to leave them down there when she had to sell the plot, she didn't really have the room and didn't have any clue as to how to look after them and I had sort of an idea, not to mention that my grandma didn't have ability like she use too. I very much want to get back into agriculture and take up what once was a great passion. OK, I hope that clears up any possible questions.

    WARNING: I personally DO NOT like using man made chemicals, I prefer using natural methods.

    Blueberry: I think it has the disease called leaf spot, this happened about a year ago but at that point in time my mums boyfriend helped me out and did it for me without me having to asking and I wasn't around to see. (Which I had no problem with.) It has now returned, I am unsure as to what I should do, I've heard once the disease is there it's very unlikely to ever leave. Suggestions would be appreciated as will it be appreciate with other things listed. Thank you. Pictures will be included and in order of the list!

    White Currents: I believe what this has is leaf scorch although this could also leaf spot as I have heard it can be spread between berry bushes, although I am unsure if this is true. This is the first time that this has happened to the white current bush, again pictures will be included and help is very much appreciated.

    Stella Cherry Tree: The last two-three years I have been having a mighty battle with black fly, every single year without fail they are always there, this year I purchased lady bug larva and they have done a very good job at eating them. I wanted to know a way/s of being able to prevent them, I personally think they keep coming back because for whatever reason my next door neighbour decided to get a cherry tree also and doesn't bother to look after his tree, by this I mean every single leaf on his tree is covered by black fly.

    Blue Moon Rose: This isn't my flower but my mums, I believe it has black spot but I'm unsure, picture will be included and input is appreciated.

    I'm unsure as to whether it's OK to ask this here in the same post and if it isn't I'm sorry, I thought I'd include it here rather than making to posts in different sections.

    Firstly, I'm clearing up a section of the garden and I have an idea of what I'd like to grow, I borrowed a bunch of my grandads agriculture books and it mentioned/recommended using a kit to test the soil, any idea where I could buy one that is legitimate and safe?

    Secondly, I spoke to somebody briefly about the garden and they mentioned using Blood, Fish & Bone, upon giving a good read through a book it mentioned using it. I had a quick look on the Internet and saw many places selling it. I'm always careful when it comes to stuff like this so I would appreciate it if someone could give me a hand on a brand that is well known and used and possibly a well known place to buy some from.

    Lastly, A water butt, I've been looking around for 600+ litre water butt since the garden is decent in size and I have plenty of things to water and with weather like we have currently been having it's not a very good idea to be using tap water or things like berry bushes. Upon looking around, places want to charge me hundreds upon hundred for a piece of plastic, any idea where I can find one for a very reasonable price that won't cost me a kidney. Thank you.

    That concludes my post, as stated many times, I do truly appreciate help and I look forward to using the forums in the future to maybe share an update or how the help has improved my skills and my garden. Thank you once again, -Goku.

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    • Clare G

      Clare G Super Gardener

      Mar 29, 2017
      London UK
      Hi and welcome Goku! Good on you for wanting to rekindle your gardening passion, I am sure your grandfather would be delighted. I have happy memories of being introduced to gardening by my grandmother and indeed still have some of her tools in regular use.

      And don't be afraid of asking questions - that's the way to learn - I only joined recently myself but the gardeners on this website are definitely a helpful and friendly bunch.

      I'm not a fruit expert either so hopefully others will see your queries about the bushes and the cherry tree. But I will say when I looked at the currant I thought 'that does look dry - and hungry.' Is that some bindweed growing through it too? My suspicion is that may be all that is wrong, and that if you can get rid of the bindweed and give it a good water and a good feed that may be all it needs.

      The blueberry though does look as if it's under attack by something - not sure what.

      Re a plan to prevent future black fly my feeling is 'good luck with that.' I think looking after plants is a bit like looking after yourself - keep them healthy (by planting in the right place, feeding and pruning appropriately, etc etc) and they will be able to fight most things off. If you can see they are struggling then you may need to intervene - but like you I don't care to use chemicals. I wonder if a good spraying of the leaves just with water from a hose would wash off and kill the black fly?

      And I think that's insect damage rather than black spot on the rose leaves. I'd pick off and destroy (not compost) the affected leaves, check for more insects and again spray if necessary. Water from a hose is again good for things like greenfly and I will admit that I very occasionally use Roseclear if I get something worse.

      Blood, fish and bone is ace stuff, an excellent slow-release fertiliser. I have never found any difference between brands and just buy where I see it cheapest (usually Lidl, Asda, Poundland...)

      No advice re soil kits, but yes those big water butts always seem to be very expensive. Had you considered using say 3 x the regular 200 litre ones? You can get kits to link them together in a row and sometimes there are subsidised deals via your local council or water company to encourage recycling (mine came via Thames Water). Or I believe some clever people convert things like wheely bins and industrial containers....
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      • Linz

        Linz Total Gardener

        Oct 7, 2015
        Prosperous Peasant
        Hi Goku, welcome!

        @Clare G has given you some good advice :blue thumb: I'm no expert either but it looks as if your white currant and blueberry are suffering from scorch, give it a good feed with a high potash content like tomato feed. Cherry tree - rub down the leaves with washing up liquid and water solution with a wet rag.

        Soil kit - easy obtainable online and you dig down so far put a sample of the soil in a tube with a testing solution and it will show you the ph of the soil. These can range from £'s to £££'s depending how much of a profile you want OR 4 Easy Soil Tests You Can Perform Yourself and to see what kind of soil you have eg clay/loam/sand/chalk DIY Test of Your Garden Soil's Texture

        Same as Clare with BFB not something I've found a big difference in brands, wilko is my place to go for it or if I see Westlands on the cheap (compare the £/kg not the actual price as some boxes are bigger than others i.e 1 kg or 1.5 kg)

        With the waterbutt I would either get normal water butts around £20 quid each or if you have a factory nearby, ask whether they have any ibc tanks, there's a place near me that gives them away washed out for free or £15 delivered IBC Tank | eBay. Then there's always freecycle which I aquired 2 regular water butts off for free.
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        • Goku

          Goku Apprentice Gardener

          Jun 22, 2017
          Rochester, Kent
          Thanks to both of you, I appreciate the replies. I'll have a look at getting some potash and while I'm at it some FBB as well. I should also include I have in fact made note of the suggestions for future use. I should also say, while the black fly are somewhat there, the lady bug larva have done a fantastic job and still are even after introducing them around a month ago. Yes I know they would have become lady bugs but those things mate like crazy, I think this is the third/fourth generation on my tree. About what you said Linz, what kind of factory? So I can have a look and see if ones kinda close to me, I also did think about using an IBC tank, I found out about them funnily enough on Ebay. I'm a cheapskate at times and I can't see myself playing tons for a piece of plastic, if I can get one for free you can bet I'll try, if not then I'd have to buy one. Once again, thanks to both of you.
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          • Linz

            Linz Total Gardener

            Oct 7, 2015
            Prosperous Peasant
            No worries :smile: Its a food factory, it contained veg oil. No trace of it after it being washed out by them and got the valve handle on it. Some are pretty cheap on ebay and you can get attachments to go on it from ebay. If you do get one remember to hunt in skips for 2 pallets to put it on otherwise its a pain to get underneath it with a watering can.
          • Goku

            Goku Apprentice Gardener

            Jun 22, 2017
            Rochester, Kent
            Cheers, turns out there's quite a few, I never knew but there's a Distillery very close so fingers crossed I'm hoping they might use them.
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