Hello Does anyone have any experience of growing Fuchsia Winston Churchill. I bought a few cheap and wondering how they perform and best situation. I want them for a border but having looked around the internet there are lots of quite different descriptions on their growth habit height etc. Anyone grown these in a border? cheers
I've grown it in the past. You can grow it in a border - it is a bush fuchsia with double flowers, pink and blue but it is only semi hardy . Very pretty big flowers.
Think I bought the wrong ones cheap and on impulse so I'll probably give these away. Not much of a bargain then LOL
No don't do that! :cnfs: If you bought them cheap they will make cheap bush fuchsias and give you pleasure in the garden :gnthb::gnthb:
Enjoy them in your border this year and take cuttings for next year in Autumn. I have 3 or 4 fuschias I do that with every year. Steve...
Okay okay okay you win :lollol: I was in a hurry when I snapped them up and somehow thought I was buying Rufus. Can you tell me expected height? I've got a particular spot I selected for them and want to make sure they're not too short. Was hoping for about 2foot plus? Also is the growth quite sturdy or more spindly branches/stems? I've got ducks who visit and have a nice rummage through my garden and they batter anything that's not sturdy enough. Cheers