Growing Asparagus

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Paul Blackburn, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. Paul Blackburn

    Paul Blackburn Gardener

    Aug 5, 2013
    I have a couple of raised beds in my allotment which will be free next season and am thinking of trying to grow asparagus.Can anyone give me any advice as have never grown it.There are quite a few plot holders on my site who grow it.I believe you have to wait a few years before picking and that there is only a few months it can be picked.How is it planted,when is the best time to plant it and is there any variety that can be recommended.
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    • Marley Farley

      Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

      May 11, 2005
      Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
      Under the Edge Zone 8b
      @Paul Blackburn order yourself some crowns ready plant in March. I ordered mine last year and have created a bed in my poly tunnel. I have had lots of spears come up and now very tall and fern like.. I am growing mine in a keyhole bed as an experiment but they go really well in a raised bed.. These are the instructions I am following ....

      Plant crowns, in March dig a trench 30cm (12in) wide and 20cm (8in) deep. Work in well-rotted manure to the bottom of the trench and cover the base with a 5cm (2in) layer of the soil.
      Make a 10cm-high (4in) ridge of soil down the centre of the trench. Place the crowns on top of this ridge, spacing them 30-45cm (12-18in) apart within the row. Spread the roots evenly and replace the rest of the soil, leaving the bud tips just visible.
      Leave 45cm (18in) between rows and stagger the plants between adjacent rows. Water in and mulch with 5cm (2in) of well-rotted manure.
      Then protect any early appearing tips from any late frost..
      Do not harvest for the first two years after planting. In the third year, harvest spears from mid-April for six weeks. In subsequent years you can harvest for eight weeks from mid-April.
      To harvest, cut individual spears with a sharp knife 2.5cm (1in) below the soil when they are no more than 18cm (7in) tall. In warm weather, harvest every two to three days for the best quality spears.
      Give it a go I am really pleased with mine.. I will go and get the names of mine a minute and post them up for you..
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      • Dave W

        Dave W Total Gardener

        Feb 6, 2006
        Anything I fancy and can afford!
        Tay Valley
        It is a long term investment. You have to wait for 4 years before starting full cropping but once started the bed will last for years. The only thing I'd add to Marleys post is that some support is needed for the plants to stop them blowing over when fully grown. I used a short fence post at each end of the row with parallel wires. Male plants produce better spears than female ones, but as far as I can recollect the best way to ensure you get male plants is to grow your own from seed - you should do a bit of research on the www about this, but I do know that our first asparagus bed that I grew from seed was more productive than our last one which was done from bought plants.
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        • Marley Farley

          Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

          May 11, 2005
          Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
          Under the Edge Zone 8b
          Thanks for the couple of tips there @Dave W . I have small canes and string at present but will devise something permanent like you

          I have planted crowns as I said as thought would be better but now I am wondering if you did well with seed.. Did you sow the seed direct into your prepared bed or in seed trays.. I am intrigued as thinking of creating another bed.. :SUNsmile:
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          • Dave W

            Dave W Total Gardener

            Feb 6, 2006
            Anything I fancy and can afford!
            Tay Valley
            Started the seeds in propagator in the greenhouse and then potted them in 3 inch pots when about a couple of inches tall. Sank the pots in a spare area of the garden for the first year and then planted into the prepared bed.
            If planting outside you really do need support as when fully grown the asparagus is very tall and wind can loosen the plants at the base. Shouldn't be so much of a problem in your tunnel.
            My seed grown bed was much more productive than the last one which was grown from bought crowns, though lack of productivity wasn't helped by Mrs W's weeding that pulled out asparagus as well as weeds. Can't complain though as Mrs W is partially sighted and little asparagus plants do look a bit like weeds :-)
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            • Marley Farley

              Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

              May 11, 2005
              Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
              Under the Edge Zone 8b
              @Dave W Thanks so much I think I might try that I will look into getting some seed sorted first then..
              I didn't realise they grew so tall but beautiful..! I was going to use some in a flower arrangement I need to do..

              Aww dear me, but I think we can let Mrs.W off though as weeding is such a constant job.! Thanks Dave.. :SUNsmile:
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              • Kandy

                Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                Apr 23, 2006
                Head gardener
                In the Middle Of Blighty
                Blimey four years until the first harvest:thud:

                When we were over the Lottie the other day I found what appears to be a couple of fronds of Asparagus sprouting from underneath a Mahonia shrub I put down the allotment years ago and have been waiting for some damp weather to dig up the fronds and try growing them on at home,but didn't realise it was such a long wait.I think they must have come from the birds as I wouldn't have planted them at the bottom of a shrub:biggrin:
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