Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Totalbeginner!, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. Totalbeginner!

    Totalbeginner! Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 22, 2008
    well, after all the tips and getting my little push mower and all my seed packets, i got a phone call from the allotment people to give me the terrible news that they had actually double booked my plot. As in , it was already someone elses!!!!!
    i tried to explain that i had already cleared 8 bin bags of rubbish along with god know how many of recycling(cans, and bottles) in the few weeks that i had had it along with clearing a small bed for my flowers. All she could say was that it was a computer error as their system is being renewed!!!!
    i was so angry cos i felt that all my hard work had been for nothing, and this woman had it since oct and done nothing to it!!!1 and it was her second plot yet wouldnt let me have it!
    so i have since got another one, in a much worse area, i have to cross 2 padlocked gates to get from the ''car park'' to my plot, and the same for the water!!!!
    plus the fence around my bit is completly mashed from i asume kids jumping over it.,
    i also have to make another brand new plan to where im having everything!!!
    and its meant to be the same size as the other one yet feels and looks much smaller!!!!
    i feel so disheartened!!!!!!
    has this happened to anyone else?
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Thats an appalling mistake and the new one they have given you sounds much worse - I can see why you're angry, sorry I can't think what you could do except keep your eye on the first one - it sounds greedy to have two and not use one. If they don't start using it soon I'd kick up a big fuss and get them to give it to you.
  3. djrock

    djrock Gardener

    Oct 11, 2008
    What a mistake to make. The computer always gets the blame when it a human error! Your new plot sounds like its in a prison.
  4. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Hi TotalBGinner My advice for what its worth is to fight it all the way especially if this other person has 2 plots,Its just not on,it depends on how important it is to you:)
  5. mumandason

    mumandason Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 15, 2009
    Coudn't the computer allocate the woman your spot since it is her second and obviously not as desireable?
  6. Totalbeginner!

    Totalbeginner! Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 22, 2008
    i tried all this , but the lady at the office said she had tried to reason with the woman and she wasnt having it, she said it was hers and that was that.
    so , to be honest, its not that bad of a new plot, but its just not my original one. i know im being silly, but it was my first ever plot and i had all sorts of luittle ideas of what i was going to do and use etc, and starting all that and then being told i have to start all over again, it kind of made me think well whats the point!!!
    i guess once i have my ideas about this one it wont be so bad...... she says.
  7. Bazherts

    Bazherts Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 28, 2009
    Do you know what............i think these things happen for a reason! I think the soil on that plot maybe wasnt as good, thats why she wasnt using it.

    Your new plot is a clean slate. wipe it down and make it your own.

    I think when you get your wellies on and spade in hand you'll love it more.....

  8. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Send a bill to the allotment committee for 'services rendered' in clearing and tidying the plot that they sent you to, only to kick you off for their mistake.

    When they refuse to pay, send them a letter advising them that as if payment is not received within 7 days, you will refer the case to the small claims court.

    I doubt you'd win if it did go to court, but it will certainly give the appropriate people a good kick up the backside and may prompt them to review their initial decision about whether or not you should have had the first plot.
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Clueless, that is a good idea :gnthb:. I wouldn't be so sure about not winning in the Small Claims Court. I've used the SCC a few dozen times (for a lot of other people as well as myself :)) and have won on much more tenuous an argument.

    Totalbeginner, I'd be happy to word the letter for you if you wish :thumb:. If you decide you want to bother then just PM me. You need to decide whether you really want to bother. In my opinion: if you spent a lot of time and effort on working on the plot then you should be compensated for it.

    It is not the fault of the woman who has the plot so you shouldn't be annoyed with her. It is the fault of whoever told you that you could have it (presumably, the Council). If you have anything in writing saying that you can have that plot then you have a strong case for compensation. When asking for compensation you make it a reasonable amount and not a ridiculously high amount.

    I know that wiseoldowl would definitely do something about it and so would I. Going after the Council (?) would not antagonise any of the other plot holders so you shouldn't worry about that.

    Just remember that, whatever you decide, everyone here on GC are supporting you.

    Good luck :)
  10. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Shiney; its not the council that made the mistake, it was the allotment committee. Claiming compensation would cause bad feelings at the very least and all the other plot holders would soon get to hear and probably side with their committee. After all allotmenteering is as much about socialising as growing - they help each other, so if a new member comes in laying down the law they may get sidelined. That would not be an enjoyable experience for the sake of a few quid.

    I like Bazherts sentiments above, that first plot wasn't meant for you for good reasons. Its unfortunate that someone made a big mistake, but its just human error, we all do it. Make the new plot your own and have fun and enjoy it.
  11. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Hi John, thanks for pointing that out to me :gnthb:. I missed that bit. If it was the allotment committee then, of course, the situation is different. You are right, there is no point in antagonising the other people on the allotments.

    I don't know much about allotments but thought the landowners allocated them :flag::(. Out of curiosity, does that mean that the plotholders form a committee and do all the admin work for the landowner?
  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    I am applaud that this has happened to you but sadly it has also happened on our site too with one of my lady buddies she had it a few weeks and did no end of work clearing it only to be told 'Sorry it's already been taken!

    My friend was of course very upset as one would imagine but was afraid to stick up for herself being a newbie and all, but thankfully she got a bigger and better site.

    If it was me I wouldn't let it lie I would fight tooth and nail for a proper outcome be it reinstated on your original plot or compensated for 'work done' you must fight for what you know is right and not what people tell you is right.

    Shiney is a gem of a guy the kind few would dare to go up against in a battle of words and is the ideal man to have in your corner if he says things can be done then it can indeed be done.Good luck and don't give in. Hel.xxx.
  13. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Shiney - no probs :gnthb:; I'm not one to roll over and be seen as an easy touch so I do share your sentiments about fighting your corner when you've been let down. You may be right about it being the council's responsibility, the landowner must take the ultimate responsibilty even if they get a plotholder committee to do the admin day to day.

    I have to say I'm worried about this committee, if they can't allocate plots properly, what else might they be getting wrong? I'd question whether I'd want to belong to such a disorganised society - its up to Totalbeginner of course :thumb:
  14. Totalbeginner!

    Totalbeginner! Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 22, 2008
    wow, thank you everyone,
    well to be honest i dont really know what to do still. im going to call them for them to fix the fence before i move anything over from my other plot.
    its def not the other ladys fault, i know, its certainly the girls at the office whom when i asked minor information when i signed the original contract, and they didnt have a clue, i should havesen it coming really.
    im doing a plan today of whats going to go where, so after that i should feel a bit better.
    im not going to take it to the courts, after all it was human error, (stupid one at that) but i will certainly write a letter to complain to the people above them, and when i call i will ask who it was that gave me the plot to begin with.
    thank you all soooo much for your support everyone. it was truly unexpected, i just needed to get it off my chest to someone who would understand. LOL. i've already bored my friends senseless about 'my allotment''.
    but shiney if you wouldnt mind helping me word the complaints letter i would be very grateful, im afraid i tend to write how i speak, so it wouldnt do much effect to the person reading it.
    thanks again.
  15. Chopper

    Chopper Do I really look like a people person?

    Mar 18, 2009
    Seal Clubber
    Ilminster, SOMERSET
    I have read through this thread and while my gut instinct says, fight tooth and nail, go for blood, my head is saying something completely different. I have been a fighter all my life. I used to get paid for it, as a soldier, then a bodyguard and doorman. Now I am a complete novice gardener and reaping the hue rewards from it.

    There is probably not much you can do about someone making a cock up in the office. Very annoying I know, BUT! look at the bigger picture mate.

    If you do kick up a big stink, you could be alienating those that you want on your side later on. You don't want to be an outcast among your fellow plot holders. That would really back fire on you.

    I would suggest that instead of expending energy on a fight that could cause you problems later on, you concentrate on making the new plot what YOU want it to be. Spend your time, energy and money on the plot that you have now got. Write off the other plot and put it down to experience. You now have a plot. So you have not lost everything. You may well have gained a lot more. Complete new start. This time of year you don't have spare time to be getting into fights. You need to be on your plot and your plot needs to have you there.

    The other thing of course is that if you do start a ruckus, you may spoil what you do have.

    Shame it has happened to you, but look on the brighter side. Good luck with the new plot.



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