Pruning Viburnum in a pot?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Selleri, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. Selleri

    Selleri Koala

    Mar 1, 2009
    North Tyneside
    Hi all,
    my stolen winter flowering Viburnum needs pruning. I know the standard advice is to remove some older stems from the root but this one is actually a baby, only 3 stems.

    It is about 2m tall and my aim is to grow it in the huge pot it actually lives in now. I only stole (sorry, aquired) it last spring and have let it until now to find its own shape. The problem is, 2 of the stems are crossing, making an X, also there is a branch that was clipped by the poor previous owner, now the branches below the cutting point are an unsightly T shape.

    Can I cut the upright stems? Or will the result be the T- shaped lower branches? How to prune to keep it as a container plant?
  2. plant1star

    plant1star Gardener

    Mar 15, 2009
    I would recommend that any crossing branches are cut, well at least one of them is removed to give the remaining branch the best chance of survival. The crossing branches will eventually rub the bark off the stems, and give a site where disease or pests can penetrate, and damage the plant long term.

    I'm not too sure what you mean about

    Perhaps if you take a photo, and post it on here, someone could perhaps help you more.

    Hope this Helps!
  3. Selleri

    Selleri Koala

    Mar 1, 2009
    North Tyneside
    as the shrublet is now well in leaf I had a good look at it... actually the lopsided windswept shape duplicates prettily the grown trees on neighbours side behind it. I decided to let it find its own shape for yet another year. Less is more. Let love rule. (and the rest of the lazy gardener's excuses) ;)
    Anyway, need to keep an eye on the rubbing branches. Thanks for advice Plantstar.

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