Re buying a new vehicle

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by silu, Nov 4, 2017.

  1. silu

    silu gardening easy...hmmm

    Oct 20, 2010
    Wondering if someone can advise me please.
    I was hoping to get my old Subaru fixed up but not to be as her bodywork is not good and going to cost mega to fix.
    Regrettably she is pretty well ready for the scrap heap and so I decided to take advantage of The Ford scrappage scheme (Ford will take pertol cars where many manufacturers will only take diesel in the scheme and my car is Petrol)
    I have never bought a new vehicle before so no experience whatsoever.
    Buying a van (only a wee 1) and discovered the vast majority of Ford commercial dealers are down South.
    To cut a long story short, all the dealings re the purchase have been conducted over the
    phone. I have paid a deposit on the vehicle which I have not seen and now the dealer wants payment in full before I have even had a chance to see it.
    This was not explained to me when I agreed th purchase price.
    I had asked for the van to be delivered to 1 of the garages (domestic as don’t have a commercial outlets close to where I live) so that we could check the vehicle over before paying for it. Now I might as well get the van delivered here which was the original suggestion by the dealer. I am really unhappy about parting with full payment before even seeing the van as if I do pay in full my bargaining position is zero. Is it common practice for dealers to ask for full payment up front?
    Also,does anybody know if the is a new vehicle registration fee. I was quoted by the dealer £240 road fund licence and on my bill it had £295 VED which as far as I am aware is the same as RFL.
    I am not the most trusting person these days and I have not often heard a good word spoken about those involved in selling vehicles! Already my deposit which I was promised would be deducted off the final bill has been, oh surprise surprise “missed off” the final total so will be phoning today to see if this can be sorted if anybody is around, it being a Saturday.
    If I don’t get satisfactory outcomes I will tell them they can shove their van where the sun doesn’t shine as I’m not that desperate to get 1 and have wheels available to me. I have already spoken with my credit card provider ( used my credit card for the deposit) and they will get my money back if there is an issue.
    Maybe now I am realising why I was so against EVER buying a new vehicle. I am regretting already using the scrappage scheme which isn’t nearly as good a deal as it is made out to big surprise there then. Certainly unless someone has a car like mine which would not have passed an MOT without a lot of expensive work doing to it, the scheme is not in the slightest generous.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    • silu

      silu gardening easy...hmmm

      Oct 20, 2010
      Found out there is a new vehicle registation of £55 so that sorts out the discrepancy over the rfl but feel I should have been informed. Got the deposit taken off my final bill and a “oh sorry”! But not sorted re payment in full before collection. Suggesting I drive about 2 hours to see the van, go home and then after payment go and pick up the van. That’s 4 hours damned driving time....ridiculous.
      I have told them to go away and have a think about it and come up with a better solution than that :)otherwise the sale is off. They are VERY quick to ask for payment when I don’t even know when the van will be arriving up here.
      • Like Like x 3
      • ricky101

        ricky101 Total Gardener

        Jun 15, 2016

        Sure its a method of buying a vehicle that some use, but as you are finding , seems it does have its perils.

        You have done right in using your credit card to give that protection.
        However, think you have a lot more protection these days when buying remotely, particularly online, though not quiet sure if the same protection is true when ordering by phone ?

        Might be worth checking sites like these to know your rights.
        Consumer Contracts Regulations
        Buying a New Car: Your Rights

        My feeling from your posts is that you should walk away now and get your deposit back.

        Out of interest, what kind of saving does that deal give you over finding one locally.

        Again everyones situation is different, but doubt I would buy a new car again, get something a year or two old that you can see and test drive first and get the remainder of the full dealer warranty, like Toyota who have 5 years, and push for maximum trade in value on the old car.

        good luck
        • Like Like x 3
        • silu

          silu gardening easy...hmmm

          Oct 20, 2010
          Many thanks @ricky101. I would agree with what you have said and believe it or not this is the very 1st new vehicle I have ever bought despite being able to draw the OAP! as always gone for 2nd hand
          However, there are various reasons for buying a Ford van. Scrappage with Ford allows Petrol trade ins most other manufacturers only will do the scheme with diesel cars/vans. Also seems worthwhile as most 2nd hand vans are sold with VAT unlike many 2nd hand cars so a not new van isn’t very economic for someone like me to buy as I can’t claim the VAT back.
          There are no close commercial Ford dealers near me. You have to get the new car/ van registered before 31st Dec to get the scrappage scheme allowance so you can’t just pick from the brochure what you want as the lead up time is too long to get exactly what you want.
          The deal is off the rrp not what the dealer is prepared to offer you as a discount. In reality the actual deal saves on what I want about £1250 in comparison to a non scrappage offers I have had quoted to me. The discount on the van I want is advertised as being £5000 but a dealers discount isn’t much less than that.
          The real point of going for the scrappage scheme is my car is currently sorned. I’d hoped Daughter’s bf could get her back and running for not too much money but he’s a very experienced mechanic who used to work for The Ford rally team and he is not at all happy to spend a good doze of cash on spare parts needed when the bodywork is not good and would need constant welding attention. I did briefly try to sell the car before her MOT ran out and honestly before I knew she was not good underneath, having funnily enough not looked under her
          OMG the dregs of society appeared out of the drains. I had a fair idea this would happen as my car is a Subaru Impressa STI. commonly known as the favourite boy/ chav racer type of car. After 1 absolute sh1t turned up and offered me less than 10% of my asking price and was probably casing my house at the same time I decided life was too short and it was preferable to my state of nerves to scrap the car if nothing else seemed an option.......then the scrappage scheme appeared which seemed a good idea for me.
          I will wait and see what Monday brings. I have contacted another Commercial Ford dealer who hasn’t got what I want but at least duly quoted the £55 registration fee. It’s not that I mind the fee it’s not being upfront with all the costs which annoys the hell out of me:wallbanging:
          If I can get pretty much what I want for similar money then I will walk away from the 1st deal and get my deposit it back or die in the attempt:rolleyespink:.
          • Friendly Friendly x 1
          • ricky101

            ricky101 Total Gardener

            Jun 15, 2016

            Thought you were probably referirng to a Subaru Forester, but an OAP with a Subaru Impressa STI ?! hardly the local shopper mobile :biggrin:

            Not meaning to pry, but seems a big change from a Subaru to a Ford Van ? do you need the carrying capacity of the Ford or more because its a low cost vehicle ? though surely you will still have to pay the vat on a new one , unless you are a registered business.

            What about the Dacias, new from £5995, plenty of space, they have some scrappage offers too, though trade in value probably worth more.
          • silu

            silu gardening easy...hmmm

            Oct 20, 2010
            Oh it gets worse @ricky101 . If you think me driving an Impressa STI is bad for an old bag visiting Tesco’s then add a 330S to the mix cos that’s what I will be driving mostly from now on yum yum! It is still an STI but wowooooooow a good deal quicker than the normal STI and it has Recaro seats which a uuuuuber comfortable.Slight/major snag is it asolutely drinks fuel. It’s daughter’s car but she is doing a fairly hefty mileage nowadays and finding the Subaru is EXPENSIVE to run so I’m getting her Subaru:) and she is having the new van as sthe he does way more mileage than me now. I still cart plants, compost, wood for the wood burning stove etc and my poor old Subura buckled under the strain and I needed to replace a shocker:wallbanging: which collapsed under the weight of about 1/2 a huge tree I was seemed a good idea to get a van for when I’m needing to carry god knows all what.
            Jeeee a Dacian for £6000 does that model actually come with an engine or is it self propelled:lunapic 130165696578242 5:. Blimey a Ford Van of the type we are getting is at least double that. I have test driven the van we are probably going to get, note only probably! It’s just like driving a car and the bigger engined one is not too sluggish. Visability very good and turning circle good too so IF the you know what’s will be gracious:) enough to at least let me see what I’m getting for my money and tell me when and where it is being delivered to then perhaps we will be the owners of a new van next week. If they won’t accept that I am not paying for something I haven’t even clapped eyes on then I’m walking on.
          • Sandy Ground

            Sandy Ground Total Gardener

            Jun 10, 2015
            Making things of note.
            Scania, Sweden
            @silu Which Ford van is it? A Connect?
          • Scrungee

            Scrungee Well known for it

            Dec 5, 2010
            Central England on heavy clay soil
            What about an MPV in lieu of a van?

            No VAT, better visability, possibly cheaper insurance(?), less chance of being broken into by tool thieves, etc. That's what my last 2 vehicles have been, and most of the time we use just the front seats and have the floor to the rear lined with plywood.

            Unfortunately, in my experience, car sales only accept credit cards for the deposit and not the (vast majority of the cost) balance, losing me money on my cashback credit card.
            • Informative Informative x 1
            • ricky101

              ricky101 Total Gardener

              Jun 15, 2016
              Hmmm.. am I missing something ? any new vehicle has vat, just that a vat registered business can claim it back if its for 100% business use.

              Two neighbours have got them, one the Sandero and one the Duster, 3 year warranty standard, extendable up to 7 years /100,000 miles.
              Worth a look at the price - Dacia UK official website | You do the maths | Dacia UK
            • Scrungee

              Scrungee Well known for it

              Dec 5, 2010
              Central England on heavy clay soil
              As @silu is wanting to confirm condition of vehicle prior to purchase, I'm assuming it's second hand, and if a van sold sold by a commercial dealer it should attract addition of VAT, unlike secondhand non-commercial (private) vehicles [1], plus if the former, then unless silu is VAT registered she will be unable reclaim the VAT paid, albeit may be able to get a better price from a non-commercial/VAT registered buyer when/if selling on.

              [1] All secondhand car dealers need to do is charge VAT on their profit from the sale, rather than total charge Do I have to pay VAT on a second-hand car? | This is Money unlike commerciial vehicle dealers who will charge VAT on the total resale price. The full VAT option may well be used n conjunction with other options for overall financial benefit.

              So if dealers are making 10% profit, a secondhand 'commercial' will attract 20% VAT, and a private car with 10% profit will attract only 2% VAT, that's a significant difference.
              • Agree Agree x 1
                Last edited: Nov 4, 2017
              • Jack McHammocklashing

                Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

                May 29, 2011
                Ex Civil Serpent
                Fife Scotland
                Parks Perth Ford Commercials
                • Informative Informative x 1
                • Fat Controller

                  Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                  May 5, 2012
                  Public Transport
                  At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                  @silu - are we talking a brand new, never been on the road, never registered before vehicle? If so, then you have the manufacturers warranty to resolve any issues with the vehicle within the first three years of its life. Any Ford dealer will happily undertake any warranty work if it is required, as they simply bill Ford for the work (albeit at a slightly lower rate than you and I would pay).

                  I trust you have actually driven one of these vans to make sure it is what you want?
                  • Like Like x 1
                  • silu

                    silu gardening easy...hmmm

                    Oct 20, 2010
                    Yes @Sandy Ground . Tried the Courier too but that really is diddy. Seems to do the job we would want it for and gets very good reviews.
                    • Informative Informative x 1
                    • Fat Controller

                      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                      May 5, 2012
                      Public Transport
                      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                      The Connect's are pretty tough wee things, and don't ail much from what I can gather. We had some trouble with all of our leased Ford's, but that turned out to be due to an aftermarket telematics system that was stopping them starting, and not due to the vehicles themselves. Ford were pretty helpful in resolving the problem, even though it wasn't of their making.

                      One thing I remember from my Ford's of old - once in a while, they really appreciate a damn good thrashing. Fords hate poodling around all the time, and a good Italian tune up does them the world of good. Oh, and if it is diesel, I would strongly recommend Millers Diesel EcoMax
                      • Like Like x 2
                      • Sheal

                        Sheal Total Gardener

                        Feb 2, 2011
                        Dingwall, Ross-shire
                        Have you thought of asking local scrap dealers how much they would give you for your Suburu, Silu? If they offer you a reasonable price then you could walk away from the Ford and try a different make of vehicle, also possibly a better deal.
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