Locating nearby gardeners to meet.

Discussion in 'Wish You Were Here' started by Chesterfieldgardener, Nov 25, 2017.

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  1. Chesterfieldgardener

    Chesterfieldgardener Gardener

    Aug 16, 2011
    House husband
    N.Derbs - Nr Chesterfield / S. Sheffield
    I'm near Chesterfield, South Yorkshire / North Derbyshire (Well on the borders, with long-standing, ongoing discussions where we are exactly lol). And, in the hope of trying to find other amateur "reasonably local" gardeners like myself, scoured the internet and various blogs. I've been a member of this site for a few years but haven't found an easy way to locate others where we could meet up, seed swap, etc. I have found, and joined another called Greenplantswap, which is designed specifically for locating in the UK, as opposed to information and discussions like this one. I'm not trying to "promote" the other, and even asked the Mods on this one if a similar function could be built on this site, but it was decided it wasn't appropriate.

    My wife and I have met up with and made a really good gardening friend as result of the other site but, unfortunately, in spite of it being a very comprehensive and large site, it is far less active than this one - could be that my area (up to as far as 20+ miles) simply does not "produce" many sociable, enthusiastic souls like myself and wife! So if anyone like-minded, and in a nearby location (or just visiting), stumbles across this rambling of mine who wants to correspond, then Here I Be!!
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    • BeeHappy

      BeeHappy Total Gardener

      Feb 19, 2016
      Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
      Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
      Hi @Chesterfieldgardener how nice to meet you:spinning:
      @shiney does have a FAB garden meet up in Shinyland - Ill go and see if i can find the GC link for it :thumbsup:
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      • Chesterfieldgardener

        Chesterfieldgardener Gardener

        Aug 16, 2011
        House husband
        N.Derbs - Nr Chesterfield / S. Sheffield
        Just had a peek at your page - lovely photos! Thanks for your reply and help :)
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        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          @BeeHappy and @Chesterfieldgardener This is the best link about my event.


          The 'Sneak Preview' was what I first posted 9 years ago and the others are postings and photos - and all the usual banter from subsequent years. I know it's a long way to come but some members make a weekend of it.

          I've no idea how many members live up your way :scratch: The distance from you to Shineyland is about 150 miles - straight down the A1. :blue thumb:
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          • ricky101

            ricky101 Total Gardener

            Jun 15, 2016
            Hi @Chesterfieldgardener,

            Think you are pushing it you are trying to say you are a Yorkshireman .:biggrin:

            Know the South / old West Yorkshire boundaries have been creeping further south in the last 100 years but even my old mate in Dronfield, has resigned to becoming a Spire - ite :mute:

            I'm originally from south yorks but now a good few miles further north, but there are a few other regular forum members in your local area who may want to join in.

            There certainly is a strong family scene if you join a local allotment society, but not everyone is able to take one on, even if one's available, plus its a lot of hard work getting a plot up and running again.

            Spare seeds and plants always seem to get wasted, regularly throw out Fuchsias etc, just cannot stop taking cuttings :).

            Was just thinking the other day what to do with the 5 spare Glen Ample raspberry canes I will have when the pack of 10 arrive in January; none of the neighbours want them.
            They don't cost that much, but seems such a shame to compost them, much better to swap or give them away.
            Raspberry Glen Ample Long-Cane
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            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              In previous years GC has had a Seed Swap thread but don't know what has happened to it recently.

              @pamsdish used to put a lot of hard work into running it. :blue thumb:

              This was last year's
              SEED SWAP 2016
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              • miraflores

                miraflores Total Gardener

                Apr 16, 2006
                mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
                Hi there - I also don't understand why there are not more meetings and i am not talking anything fancy (actually better not too fancy eh eh) but a visit to some gardens, to a market, to a festival and so on. Or a get together with some nice food...
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                • Fat Controller

                  Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                  May 5, 2012
                  Public Transport
                  At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                  Just to add to this, we decided as a team at the time that our members locations should be protected, and as many swaps already take place between members, AND we have the benefit of Shineyland each year, we didn't think there would be much appetite for it.

                  Now, as you all know, we choose to be as transparent as we possibly can be, and if we have read the situation wrong, and there IS an appetite for something like this, I am happy to go about doing the technical work to set something up - BUT, there would need to be a real appetite for it, AND it would have to be agreed by my colleagues and of course @Webmaster.
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                  • Chesterfieldgardener

                    Chesterfieldgardener Gardener

                    Aug 16, 2011
                    House husband
                    N.Derbs - Nr Chesterfield / S. Sheffield
                    Would never push it to claim I'm a Yorkshireman - I'm a London born deserter, and I always maintain this is North Derbyshire (Dint of fact our council is "North-East Derbyshire" even though we have a South Yorkshire post-code, and a Chesterfield phone number prefix - Haha.)
                    My wife is a Sheffield lass, and still trying to teach me South Yorkshirese!

                    I am literally a 10 minute drive from Dronfield - had my Lawnmower serviced there, last year!!

                    Because of the size of the "back garden" (Inherited a blank canvas of just lawn 12 years ago), we dug up a 3rd of it creating 6 small veg plots with a greenhouse and small shed (photos on my profile page), so no need to search for allotments. Fortunate, not least because of my wife and I aren't dedicated enough to maintain a place umpteen miles away haha.

                    We are the opposite to you when it comes to hoarding seeds, shrubs, etc. In fact, earlier today I was busily gathering Cosmos seeds (as per instructed by the missus...)
                    And your last sentence, "..such a shame to compost them, much better to swap or give them away.", leads me right back to my "hunt for / locate local gardeners" mission.

                    In the past I have mailed heritage tomato seeds in exchange for other seeds as far as North America - fellow members of the "Tomatoville" blog site, and with scrungee on this GC site - I have a thread from last year called "Rare Tomato seed". However, mailing a 4 foot Killmarnock willow we dug up last year was outside of our budget!

                    My most current and up-to-date gardener "blogging / photos" are on the other site I mentioned: with the member name "David & Hazel In Chesterfield." Yes, I know, I need to be updating my profile and photos on GC haha, and dividing my time more equally between here and there (hangs head in shame). We do now have 2 gardening helpers - Molly & Sago the Bengal cats. I posted a photo on the GC competition thread earlier this year, as an example of Sago "helping" with runner beans haha.

                    I would love to know who the other regular GC members are in my area. Maybe they would like various spare veg seeds inspected by Bengals? hahaha.

                    Thanks for all your replies and info. Looking forward to more :)
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                    • Chesterfieldgardener

                      Chesterfieldgardener Gardener

                      Aug 16, 2011
                      House husband
                      N.Derbs - Nr Chesterfield / S. Sheffield
                      Hi FatController, I fully understand your reasons. The only comment I would make is that there is already some opportunity on GC for members to give out their (approximate or detailed) locations. I do love this site, but you can check out the system they work with on the site I have been mentioning

                      Perhaps there's a way to do some kind of informal survey of GC members to guage if locating / meeting is something worth having? I fully respect your reasons and decision as it stands.

                      I want to thank you and those involved for all the hard work that has gone into creating this great community :)
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                        Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2017
                      • CanadianLori

                        CanadianLori Total Gardener

                        Sep 20, 2015
                        Battle Axe
                        Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                        @Chesterfieldgardener you should count yourself lucky to be so close to Shineyland. I am 5,742km from it!
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                        • Fat Controller

                          Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                          May 5, 2012
                          Public Transport
                          At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                          @Chesterfieldgardener, it is our pleasure :), thank you for your kind words.

                          Feel free to start a specific thread if you wish, and add a poll to it, not least as you are best positioned to explain the benefits to others. I will happily support you in doing so, and will participate in the thread should any questions arise that I can answer.
                          • Friendly Friendly x 1
                          • shiney

                            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                            Jul 3, 2006
                            Retired - Last Century!!!
                            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                            We do occasionally (not more than once a year) meet up at well known gardens but they tend to be nearer the S.E./East Anglia area. That's mainly because there seems to be more enthusiasm for the meet up in that area.

                            I expect you here this year. :old: :wub2:

                            In the past we've had visitors from the U.S., France and Luxembourg and this year we had some from New Zealand, Australia and Israel. :blue thumb: (They didn't come over just to visit us! :heehee:)
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                            • ARMANDII

                              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                              Jan 12, 2019
                              Hi CG, FC is right, the Admin Team does have a legal responsibility to protect our members regarding private information and other details which is why we don't encourage members to divulge locations or other information even to "safe" Forums or sites. Also within in our Rules and Protocols we should be asked for permission by members to post links to other sites, again for the reasons of security to the GC site and the members. I think, and hope, that everyone will agree that I ain't a "jobs worth" or fanatic about rules but the GC rules and protocols were in place long before I became an Administrator and they have evolved out of the experience of past incidents and problems and are there for good reason, i.e: our members security and protection.

                              Not really.:dunno: We have had in the past one or two members who had given their precise locations and phone numbers out on the Open Forum and we have, when we became aware of it, immediately deleted that information and informed the member of our action. The release of the general location of members doesn't normally cause problems and some members are aware of other members precise locations, due to that information being given willingly via pms, but that is a member's decision and not under Admins control as pm's are regarded as confidentially sacrosanct unless there is a criminal act or case involved.

                              Shineyland's Open Day falls into a special category where Mr and Mrs Shiney hold it for a Charity and members know of, and some have been to, the precise location.
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                              • Chesterfieldgardener

                                Chesterfieldgardener Gardener

                                Aug 16, 2011
                                House husband
                                N.Derbs - Nr Chesterfield / S. Sheffield
                                I am flattered to be given your confidence and support to do this!

                                I could first write a draft, then message this to you for any changes, or additions you think necessary. However, I do think a new thread with this information would be far better coming from yourself or one of the more established and recognised staff/mods who will undoubtedly receive far greater notice and response than a relatively unrecognised member like myself.

                                Also, my suggestion would be to highlight this - an announcement, as it were - on the home page to get the widest attention possible. The more who respond, the more accurate a picture you would get for the viability of this proposal.

                                Hi, also, Armandii... As I said earlier to FC, I fully understand all of these reasons, and I can only suggest you take a look at to see how they have accommodated the concerns, rules and protocol that GC has in place.
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                                  Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2017
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