Ginger Lily care .... ?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Jonnygardener, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. Jonnygardener

    Jonnygardener Gardener

    Aug 25, 2008
    Hi All,
    Not been on here for a while, far too busy planting about 1000 bulbs in almost every conceivable soil space in my garden and tubs, should look great in the summer, spring and into next autumn.

    Onto my question though, I've got a tubbed ginger lily overwintering in my garage, i've given it a little water about once-a-month and the 2 large stems still look reasonable, the leaves have all died back and shrivelled though. When I come to bring it out again in a few weeks how should I best care for it ??
    Should I cut the stems back to soil level or just trim the leaves off and leave the stems ?? It took so long to get to this stage last year it never even got to the point of producing a flower. It was taken as a sliced cutting about 18months back so maybe it just needs time to settle in and build up its energy/food stocks ??

    Any advise would be appreciated


  2. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Cut off all the old stems and if its crowded repot once growth starts to appear.
    A bit of extra warmth would help it into growth, but careful with the watering until its really growing well, at that point it needs lots of water in hot weather and feeding well.

    Do you know the species or variety?
  3. Jonnygardener

    Jonnygardener Gardener

    Aug 25, 2008
    Thanks Pete

    I've noticed the soil stays very moist even though its been in the garage for about 4months now. I cut back the old stems to just above the soil level and was amazed by how much moisture leached out of the 2 stems.
    I'm not entirely sure on the species as its a cutting from my uncles garden, he's got dozen of them in 18" terracotta pots (the same as i've done mine), all of his have flowered over the years and looking on google etc, it appears to be the Red Tara variety.
    I'll keep it in the garage, probably till early April to keep it out of harms way.

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