Your Day (apart from gardening) - what took place?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by GCHQ, Nov 30, 2017.

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  1. luciusmaximus

    luciusmaximus Total Gardener

    Apr 18, 2014
    Lost in the Wilderness
    Isle of Anglesey
    It would depend on how money you had to give away I suppose as to where a line would be drawn. If I ever have a substantial lottery win I would give a large chunk of it to various charities ( I wouldn't need to keep much for myself as extravagant lifestyle wouldn't appeal to me, just enough to not have to worry about bills and have a slightly more comfortable life ) And also set up charities of my own employing people to run them.

    I have paid for some of the bunnies at this rescue to be vaccinated as she said she could not afford it. It is very important that buns receive yearly vaccinations. She has lost so many from not doing this :cry3: :cry3:.
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      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

      Jan 12, 2019
      A bit of a "blast from the past" for me today as, on flicking through the TV channels I came across a program on BBC Alba about the Isle of Lewis and a place called Aird Uig where I was stationed around 1968 on what was a Early Warning Radar Station. Anyway, the program was about the residents in the local area wanting to buy back the RAF Station which is on a point of land known as Gallans Head. I was detached there for about 9 months to help close it down and have good memories of the place and the Island. There is only one of the original villagers left and the rest of the Village Population are known as "incomers" no matter how long they've lived there:snorky: Anyway the program followed the progress of the council of people trying to buy the land and it was quite interesting as they had no money as such and there's no industry or jobs there. So through the program I was seeing views of the old RAF camp, the village, the hills, cliffs and beaches that I'd seen in reality many moons ago. The camp had be sold eventually to one person who tried to sell various buildings to people who wanted to escape City life and live there. He didn't really succeed and the camp fell into disrepair and became abandoned. The MOD agreed to sell the land to the "incomers" but at a price of £110, OOO pound and also an estimate of £460,000 to clean up the site and make it safe. The incomers applied to a Scottish Government Trust for a grant and at the end of the program got a £200, 000 grant to buy the land and a help to start the cleaning up. The area around Gallans Head is really wild but beautiful and well worth saving even if there are no, except one, of the original Villagers there and 4 of the 8 houses in the Village are empty. So now the place is in the hands of the "incomers" who love the place and I must admit that even today I remember just how wild, raw, and beautiful it was and is. So an unexpected trip back to a place I been to many Moons ago and a stirring of many good memories.:snorky:
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        Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2017
      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Nice story ARMANDII :blue thumb:

        Mine is rather mundane.

        I have to finish replacing the bulbs in the outside lights (on front of building) as some of them had not worked for a while (was waiting for them to come back into stock). By the time I got them yesterday it was 2.30 and dusk was fast approaching and it was a struggle to change them.

        As it has been a long time since I've had to change them I couldn't remember what sort of fixings held the top of the fittings. So I brought along a variety of screwdrivers and spanners as well as the light bulbs (I'm probably the most non-DIY person you could ever meet :doh: :noidea:). I got the ladder from the shed (a long walk), climbed up to look at the fittings and found that they were small, fancy, nuts that were much too small for the spanners.

        So back indoors for some pliers, back up the ladder and then try to undo the quarter inch wide nuts. This wasn't helped by Sarafi the cat deciding he wanted to help as well. There's a tree right alongside the first light (on the corner of the building) and he climbed the tree and kept patting me on the cheek :scratch:. So I lifted him off the tree and sat him on the roof, where he happily sat and kept telling me what to do. :heehee:

        The light fittings, and the nuts, are black. The nuts are tiny and there are bushes underneath, so I had to be very careful. It was below zero and my fingers were freezing. I managed to change two of the lights - had to clean them as well - but the third one had to be left until today as it's the most awkward one to get to (shrubs in the way) and it was now too dark to see what I was doing. I've left all the gear in the gutter above the light and the ladder in place.
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        • Kandy

          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

          Apr 23, 2006
          Head gardener
          In the Middle Of Blighty
          @ARMANDII Many thanks for pointing out that programme as Mr Kandy has just bought a gadget called a Roku which has now enabled us to get programmes that we had lost when the software was upgraded for Iplayer so while I am unable to get out and about I am watching a bit more TV:biggrin:

          It was so nice to see the community getting together to put in the bid but it is a disgrace that the MOD acquired the land in the first place for £5 then they expect the people to pay a fortune to buy the land and an even bigger fortune to clean the area up:biggrin:

          Good idea if they could have a sanctuary for people to come and watch the bird life and to look out for Whales etc.I am surprised the land hasn’t been snapped up by the RSPB but I expect they don’t see it as a money making site:sad:

          It was interesting to hear the locals talking the Gaelic language but didnote there was a smattering of English words added and I loved the couple who moved from Wales to live there and had got some gardening stuff going on:biggrin:

          I don’t think I could live there though as having no trees would do my head in:snorky:

          Glad that the programme brought back many happy memories for you and it was nice to see the photos of all the young soldiers who look like they had a good time of it while stationed there:biggrin:
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          • Kandy

            Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

            Apr 23, 2006
            Head gardener
            In the Middle Of Blighty
            Still chilling out here at the moment so am feeling rather bored with myself:sad:

            Had my stitches out last Thursday and the Consultant/Surgeon is pleased with my progress as there isn’t as much swelling/bruising as last time so everything is looking good.:hapfeet:

            The only fly in the appointment is that he told me I still can’t go out and about due to the fact that I have had surgery and he doesn’t want me walking about on it where I could get people treading on it or bumping into me so am still imprisoned until the middle of January :sad:

            As I am now at the start of week four I haven’t got much longer to go before freedom:hapydancsmil:

            Thanks again for everyone’s wishes they do help when I am feeling a tad down:smile:
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            • ARMANDII

              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

              Jan 12, 2019
              I think in those days of the aftermath of WWII and the ensuing Cold War, Kandy, National Security, in the form of Early Warning Radar Stations were priority in the "panic" of a perceived attack from Russia. £5 in the 1950's and 1960's is worth around around £108 in today's money and it was probably worth nothing, in those days, in real estate value, also I'm pretty sure that the Villagers saw nothing of the money which probably was paid to some Scottish Government Department.:dunno:.
              The Villagers weren't even consulted in the matter but, I think, they benefited not from the original sum of money paid for the land but for the jobs which they got while the RAF Station Aird Uig was there.
              I agree that the sum of money demanded to buy the land back was, in my opinion, too much and would have thought around £50,000 to £60,000 would have been fairer especially as there was that huge bill, in the future, for cleaning up and making safe the site. To be honest, I'm not sure what they mean by making "safe" as what underground cables there were were isolated [I know, because I was the one who did it:heehee:]. The Generators had been removed and sold, all power was shut off permanently from the site two days before I left. There were no radiation problems or suchlike. All the buildings were left absolutely clean and in good repair as was the whole site so I was surprised to see them in such disrepair and the rubbish left in them, but that was due I realised later to the selling of the land to that one person and people moving in.
              I was/am a lousy sailor and can be seasick for days after a trip on the water. In those days you had to catch a McBrains Ferry from Mallaig to Stornoway and I "died" on that trip. But I found out that the Royal Mail, while using McBrains Ferries for carrying the mail, also used a guy that flew in from Mallaig and landed on a beach at Stornoway so I used to pay him £5 to take me, when he could, to avoid the sea trip:yes:
              I think it's ironic that, because there are none of the original Villagers, bar one, left that it's the "incomers" that are restoring Gallans Head and trying to resuscitate Aird Uig:dunno: I remember one thing about the place was that when arriving by Land Rover across the island I could see the Station a few miles away and thought it was on fire as I could see thick "smoke" on it. That turned out to be low cloud, and I do mean low, because on some days you could reach up and touch the cloud. The other thing was that in the morning when going to the Mess for breakfast you sometimes had to kick the door of your accommodation hut open because the Sheep would lie against the door on the outside.:heehee:
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              • "M"

                "M" Total Gardener

                Aug 11, 2012
                The Garden of England
                Just spent the past couple of hours totally absorbed in making "Thank You" cards :phew:
                I only completed 3 :redface: :heehee:
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                • Irmemac

                  Irmemac Total Gardener

                  Jun 11, 2017
                  West of Scotland
                  Oh well done, @"M"!

                  We hosted some friends last night for New Year, and after they left I was violently sick (not alcohol related I hasten to add!). Still feeling a little delicate today, so not doing much. Poor husband had to do all the clearing up :pathd:. I'm having surgery on Friday so I'm currently planning meals and thinking about laundry as I'm not sure how long I will be out of action.
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                  • Logan

                    Logan Total Gardener

                    May 27, 2017
                    redditch Worcester
                    Vaccumed down stairs and up. Walked the boys. Did some washing and hanged it in the garage, it's raining so can't put it outside.
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                    • Fat Controller

                      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                      May 5, 2012
                      Public Transport
                      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                      I suspect my day was very similar to a lot of people - reclaiming the house from the Christmas decorations, fighting to unravel fairly lights and putting them all away for another year.... I replaced the draught excluder strip on the loft hatch (a 'whilst I am up here' job), and generally tidied up. Just had a lovely soak in a warm tub, and now am thinking of dinner and beer.....
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                      • Phil A

                        Phil A Guest

                        I put the Christmas smilies back in the office cellar inbetween FC's homebrew and Armandii's tan vats :)
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                        • Logan

                          Logan Total Gardener

                          May 27, 2017
                          redditch Worcester
                          I put our decorations away on the 1st of January. Today went to see my friend keith. He has MS and in a wheelchair. He has carers in the morning and night, to help him get in and out of bed,help with his showering and other things. When i went today,he had a relapse, couldn't hold things very well and very tired. He got stressed out about something that the carers didn't do. Good thing that he has another carer that can pop in to help him with anything during the day.He will recover in a few days. He's going to change them for another one.
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                          • Trunky

                            Trunky ...who nose about gardening

                            Apr 23, 2011
                            Professional Gardener (retired)
                            East Suffolk
                            Been 'recycling' today. :)

                            Last Wednesday's storm demolished one of the wooden field shelters in the horse paddocks at work. It was damaged beyond repair, but there was still a considerable amount of usable timber and board cladding left intact, so I asked if I could salvage some to use at home.

                            The owners were quite happy to let me take some, so I popped over there in the car today and came home with enough timber to, hopefully, complete the small log store I'm trying to build at the bottom of the garden. As the old saying goes, 'it's an ill wind...'

                            Might tackle that job tomorrow. No idea how it will turn out - I'm kind of making it up as I go along and my DIY skills are abysmal, so wish me luck. :heehee:
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                            • ARMANDII

                              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                              Jan 12, 2019
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                              • Irmemac

                                Irmemac Total Gardener

                                Jun 11, 2017
                                West of Scotland
                                Got home from hospital today so spent the afternoon fast asleep on the settee. Went for a short walk after dinner (crisp and clear here) and now half watching RED for the umpteenth time on TV and browsing GC.
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