2017, my year

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Loofah, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. Loofah

    Loofah Admin Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    So inspired by a few other folks' posts and news of the year that was, I've decided it might be cathartic for me to also share a bit about my last year.

    It really is split down the middle, the first half very painful and the second full of joy but tinged with deep sadness.

    In 2016 my mother fell ill. The docs all went through the motions of various diagnoses but she kept deteriorating. At the end of April, after the doctors had decided what it was and stopped any attempt at treatment, my mother died following a brutal fight that stripped her of all dignity. She was 72 and the illness was paraneoplastic cerebular degeneration. There is no cure as it's so rare and it is an abnormal immune response by the body to (in this case) ovarian cancer. She progressively lost control of her body and speech although we think her mind was fully intact right until the last. It is horrendous.
    After 40 years of marriage, my father who has always been a tad aloof but very strong, fell apart and is left a shell of himself. At 83 he has effectively given up although I remain hopeful that at some point he will begin to heal a bit.

    Skip forward to July and the birth of my son, Oscar, has managed to mercifully distract me but more importantly complete a family. The run up however saw my wife once again (I have other posts regarding pregnancies!) spending an inordinate amount of time in hospital with various complications. Lets just say we got our monies worth and some of the doctors, nurses and midwives were close personal friends by the time of delivery. The docs have all advised against more... Thankfully both my wife and son are in great shape and my daughter, although initially suspicious, has come to accept his presence.

    Christmas was a very painful time that brought the whole year into sharp focus and it would be fair to say I feel like I've been through the ringer.

    Now it's 2018 so a new chapter once more, a healing one I hope and a time for growth! It's certainly true of my waistline at any rate.
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    • Fat Controller

      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

      May 5, 2012
      Public Transport
      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
      God Andy, you have been through the mill :grphg: :grphg:

      So sorry to hear about your mum - sadly, no matter how hard our medics try, or how much technology has moved along, sometimes mother nature takes the upper hand. Given time, your dad will hopefully heal and recover to some degree, as you all will - it takes time though, and often longer than many people would believe. I tend to find Christmas and New Year are the most difficult when it comes to things like this, as that is the time of year when our thoughts naturally turn to those who have passed on.

      I hope 2018 is a much better year for you, and I am sure that Oscar and his sister will keep your whole family on your toes :)
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      • Jiffy

        Jiffy The Match is on Fire

        Aug 25, 2011
        Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
        All the best for 2018 :Wino:

        All i can say is 2017 was a good year, but the 20 years running up to it was bad, one year was very bad
        Miss Jiff lost 5 close family members with in 6 months

        But after all the problems there is a cloud with a silver lining and a big bill :yikes: from the solicior for his good work
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          Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
        • luciusmaximus

          luciusmaximus Total Gardener

          Apr 18, 2014
          Lost in the Wilderness
          Isle of Anglesey
          @Loofah what a horrible time you had. Really hope things are much brighter in 2018.

          I had a very bad year too in 2017. So many bad things happened and some of it has spilled over into 2018. And as a final fanfare to the end of 2017 Rubi died in my arms on New Years Eve :cry3::cry3:. Hartley is absolutely bereft without her. I took this pic earlier, he looks so sad and there is nothing I can do to explain to him :sad:. I am looking around for another wifeybun for him. IMG_20180105_1418386_rewind.jpg
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          • Freddy

            Freddy Miserable git, well known for it

            Jul 15, 2007
            Retired - yay!
            I’d like to offer some words of comfort Andy, but as I know only too well, tragedy is a very personal thing, so in truth, there aren’t any. One can only hope that things pick up for you and yours.
            ATB, Freddy.
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            • "M"

              "M" Total Gardener

              Aug 11, 2012
              The Garden of England
              Oh, Andy, I am so, so sorry to read of all you have had to endure this past year or so :grphg:

              As far as your father is concerned, it is still very early days in the grieving process for him; 40 years of marriage is a long time and he is still only 8 months along the road of coming to terms with her dying but also the manner in which she died. The first year will always be the hardest: the first birthday, the first Christmas, first Mother's/Father's day; first anniversary.

              Bethany and Oscar will bring much love and joy into the family - for everyone! With two active youngsters in the household ... they may bring the changes you wish for to your waistline ;) :heehee:

              I also wish your 2018 will be one of healing, of growth and of positive memories to make and to treasure xxMxx
              • Friendly Friendly x 3
              • Phil A

                Phil A Guest

                Blimey Loof :grphg:
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                • Loofah

                  Loofah Admin Staff Member

                  Feb 20, 2008
                  See, a cathartic experience! Thanks for the sentiments everyone. 2018 has started by having to evict a tenant for non-payment of rent...
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