Not A Good Start to 2018

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Kandy, Jan 9, 2018.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Sent my friend an email this morning in reply to one she sent me just before the new year as it was her birthday (71st) at the end of December and had already wished her a Happy Birthday so wanted to wish her Happy New Year Wishes.:smile:

    Had a reply some time later from her to say that she had been rushed into hospital I think at the weekend but she didn’t actually say with a heart attack and angina pains and after having an angiogram and stent put in the next morning was sent home at 7pm that evening with a load of tablets and told not to drive or swim for a week:yikes:

    What I can’t get my head round is that for years my friend kept having Cholesterol blood tests done which always came out with the figure 9 but rather than put her on Statins the nurse and Doctor said that she must have hereditary high cholesterol so left her to it and as well as being quiet overweight and despite there being most of her family with Type2 diabetes she carried on enjoying her drink and meals out with ladies that lunch not realising that this kind of diet was causing her arteries to clog up:sad:

    As I said in reply to her email I would rather be on a low dose of Statin and perhaps be safe from a heart attack or just carry on as before and risk having a heart attack like members of my family have had which killed one of my brothers the other year and my dad had a stroke at 61 and was dead five months later.:sad:

    I know there is a lot of controversy regarding Statins but is it worth damaging your heart and perhaps dieing rather than being able to say at 71 that you are not on any tablets whatsoever.I think I know what I would rather have:biggrin:

    At the moment I haven’t heard back from her so she could be got visitors as she has lived on her own since her hubby died four years ago although she sees friends and family on a regular bases.I shall be glad when I am able to get out and about properly so that we can pop over to visit her:smile:

    Thanks for listening :smile:
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      Last edited: Jan 10, 2018
    • ricky101

      ricky101 Total Gardener

      Jun 15, 2016
      Its a worrying time for all when sudden attacks like that happens.

      While no expert, think you have to read between the lines in that she has been released from hospital so soon, which to my mind indicates that the heart attack was a minor one ( it depends on which artery is clogged and how badly) and that they clearly do not consider she needs a lot of follow up home help as they could never have arranged things like that in so little time.

      Generally things like statins, aspirin and betablockers etc will all have been supplied by the hospital doctors so thats all sorted , though am surprised at the local gps attitude to high cholesterol in this case.

      Am sure it will have been a big shock to her, so plenty of moral support / visits will doubtless be welcomed.
      The gp/nurse should now be doing regular checks on her for all the usual bloods and things because her risk factor for diabetes in now much greater; so easy on the biscuits and cakes !:smile:
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      • Fat Controller

        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

        May 5, 2012
        Public Transport
        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
        Oh dear, that is not good at all.

        I don't understand the controversy around statins to be honest - I was diagnosed with HBP a couple of years ago, and have ever since been on blood pressure tablets, and statins, and have made diet changes also; my BP averages 126/84 at the moment and is reasonably stable, so things are clearly working for me.

        I sincerely hope your friend now gets the attention she deserves, and the medication that should follow.
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        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          So sorry to read about your friend @Kandy and I do wish her better health from now on :grphg:
          Maybe it wasn't the health professionals who didn't put her on statins, maybe it was her own reservations regarding them? :dunno: Dr's advise; patients decide. ;)
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