Your Day (apart from gardening) - what took place?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by GCHQ, Nov 30, 2017.

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    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    I must admit I don't mind watching a rewind of RED, Irmemac, as John Malkovich humour does make me grin.:heehee:
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      Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2018
    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England

      Have to admit, I've seen red a few times :redface: but I've never watched it ;) :heehee:
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      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Yesterday I had a nice brisk walk to the village and back - or, at least, that was the intention. Meeting people on the way put paid to my good intentions.

        I still did the walk but had to stop to chat about important things such as 'how much longer are the electricity people going to take in changing the mains cable that goes across the road, across the village green and supplies power to the church and the smaller village hall?'. They're already over the estimated time by nearly two weeks. The generator that they installed to run power for the church and the hall (and the Christmas tree on the village green) was stolen the other day!

        Then I met someone who had just come from the doctors' surgery who was complaining that the parking at the surgery is so bad that they had to walk the 400 yards there and back. I'm afraid that I didn't look or sound very sympathetic seeing that I was walking five times that amount.

        Then, of course, I had to talk to the dogs and their humans that were out walking and to a ginger cat that insisted on having a discussion with me!

        So my 40 minute walk turned into 75 minutes but I did manage to get some lovely fresh hot French bread at the village shop.

        Today I'm off into town to have my new lenses fitted into my glasses, do some food shopping ready for visitors at the weekend and sort out some problem for one of the disabled people that I look after.
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        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          Anyone want to buy a generator?
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          • Kandy

            Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

            Apr 23, 2006
            Head gardener
            In the Middle Of Blighty
            Well the day finally arrived today after being stuck indoors for seven weeks and this morning Mr Kandy took me back to the hospital to see the Consultant and to discuss the results of the X-rays I had done yesterday:smile:

            The good news is the bones have healed well and the screws are still in place.:yes: The Consultant explained everything to me about what the situation had been when the other Consultant/Surgeon had done the procedure and what had been found and what had had to be done in order to rectify the problem.As I said before I now have a shorter big toe and this toe is now raised up slightly so will never now touch the floor but as I said if it means that I can walk and be pain free then I am willing to accept it:biggrin: I have to go back in five months time for a final check up and to be signed off and to contact them if I have any other problems.I did ask the Consultant if the problem will ever come back and he said no so I am now a happy bunny:hapfeet:

            As a Thank you to the team I gave them a very large box of Shortbread biscuits and a Thankyou card to show my appreciation for what has been done on my two feet:biggrin:

            Looking forward now to having a nice long shower and getting to work on my foot and making it look a bit more presentable.:snorky:

            I also asked Mr Kandy to take me to our local garden center for a quick look round as I have been having withdrawal symptoms so we got some veggie seeds and a few other sale items but wasn’t going to pay £8.99 for a plastic bowl of crocuses when I have my own coming up that I potted up in October when I got the crocus bulbs in a bag or two from Tesco’s :biggrin:

            PS I can’t believe how bitterly cold it is out there after being in a nice warm house for so long.Just going off to see the greenhouse for the first time in seven weeks and to get some sun on me skin:biggrin:
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            • luciusmaximus

              luciusmaximus Total Gardener

              Apr 18, 2014
              Lost in the Wilderness
              Isle of Anglesey
              Glad you are on the mend Kandy:smile:. Lots of gardening, walking and bird watching to look forward to :) You've been very patient in coping with your feet problems even though it must have been very frustrating for you.
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              • Kandy

                Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                Apr 23, 2006
                Head gardener
                In the Middle Of Blighty
                Thanks @luciusmaximus not doing to badly at the moment.:blue thumb: Have been for a couple of walks and done some tidying up in the garden and this morning managed two hours over at the lottie with Mr Kandy and now just having some lunch and relaxing with my feet up.:biggrin:

                Yes it has been a nightmare being cooped up and I said to Mr Kandy if ever I went to prison I would never cope being shut up all day long:biggrin:

                Hope you are keeping well in yourself:smile:
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                • "M"

                  "M" Total Gardener

                  Aug 11, 2012
                  The Garden of England
                  No more blisters then! :thumbsup:

                  Really pleased to hear this @Kandy and so relieved to hear you are now out and about; I know how hard it has been for you being cooped up, but, well done on persevering! It has paid off now.
                  So: Gold Star Award goes to .... (drum roll, please) ...

                  ... our @Kandy ! :star:
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                  • "M"

                    "M" Total Gardener

                    Aug 11, 2012
                    The Garden of England
                    Today I went to work. :)
                    Today, I worked. :blue thumb:
                    Today I travelled home from work.:phew:
                    Now, I am home from work. :)
                    Arriving home from work, I noticed there is still much work to be done! :th scifD36:
                    Now, I have given myself the rest of the day OFF! :whistle: :thumbsup:
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                    • Kandy

                      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                      Apr 23, 2006
                      Head gardener
                      In the Middle Of Blighty
                      Thanks @“M” for the Gold star,haven’t had one of them since I was at school many moons ago:biggrin: You wouldn’t like to see the state of my foot though after being wrapped up in dressings for seven weeks but will soon have it sorted and looking nice.I have a foot check on Monday so will let the nurse have a good look at it and see what she thinks.I forgot to ask the Consultant as to whether I will need Orthotics now that my gait will be changing with a fusion on both feet:sad:

                      We visited our friend the other afternoon,the one that had the heart attack in the New Year so heard all about what happened there but now she has a stent put in she is carrying on as per normal enjoying life to the full and now on a high dose of Statins.She didn’t say what her Cholesterol level is nowadays but the 9 I mentioned that she told me about was over twenty years ago so it must have been sky high and looks like she declined the little pills and left her arteries to clog up:yikes:

                      We had a heavy frost yesterday morning so we drove over to the allotment and while Mr Kandy pruned the Gooseberry bushes and started cutting back the rampant self set blackberry briar I gathered up the fallen fruit tree leaves and did some weeding.After two hours we had had enough so came back home had a bit to eat and then I spent time catching up with the Farming Showdown programme that I missed the other day and then watched yesterday’s one while I rested my foot.It is in twenty parts so still got a few more to go before the series finishes but as in yesterday’s programme I don’t think I would want to take up farming in my sixties after spending all my life working.Retirement should be about taking things a bit more easily:biggrin:
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                        Last edited: Jan 20, 2018
                      • rustyroots

                        rustyroots Total Gardener

                        Oct 18, 2011
                        Solihull, West Midlands
                        As the snow/ rain and general yuck weather meant that football this morning was cancelled I was at a bit of a loose end. Firstly I did a cooked breakfast for everyone (wife had hers in bed-browny point number 1). Then I did the ironing (browny point number 2). We then went to my wife’s cousins sons confirmation party, had a lovely curry a few beers and cake. Back home now watching football with my son, whilst my wife and daughter are at a birthday party. I am then going to make curried parsnip soup for tea.

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                        • shiney

                          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                          Jul 3, 2006
                          Retired - Last Century!!!
                          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                          Went out early this morning before the snow to meet some contractors at the village hall. They're going to resurface the driveway through the car park and the public footpath. Had to sort out some details with them and tell them what days they can't be working there. They must have been happy with it because they shook my hand at the end of our meeting. The job is worth 22k to them so they would be happy. We've got three quarters of that amount in grants from different places so we're happy too.

                          The rest of the day I've been pottering around at home in the warm. Read a complete book. :blue thumb:
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                          • luciusmaximus

                            luciusmaximus Total Gardener

                            Apr 18, 2014
                            Lost in the Wilderness
                            Isle of Anglesey
                            We had a trip to South Stacks earlier. I read the advice on the RSPB web site about how to make your garden more wildlife friendly. There is a list of things to do and advice/ videos on how to do it. One thing to do is try to attract Bats. We see the odd Bat flitting about in summer but I don't know which species it is and never get a good look at it. I thought the RSPB would know which species we have on Anglesey. They didn't. But the lady we spoke to showed us photos of her and her husband walking on Snowdon :lunapic 130165696578242 5:. The lunch was good too.
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                            • shiney

                              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                              Jul 3, 2006
                              Retired - Last Century!!!
                              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                              You could try putting up a bat box. :blue thumb:

                              It doesn't always work as our one had blue tits nesting in it. :rolleyespink: :noidea:

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                              • Kandy

                                Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                                Apr 23, 2006
                                Head gardener
                                In the Middle Of Blighty
                                @luciusmaximus We like bats and sometimes get them flying round our garden on a summers evening as it is getting twilight but we haven’t a clue where they roost during the day:smile:

                                They are lovely creatures but you don’t want them in your roof space because once they are in there it is against the law to disturbe them by trying to get rid of them:sad:

                                PS,Just found that I forgot to press the Post Reply button last evening so this post about bats didn’t show up:thud:
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                                  Last edited: Jan 23, 2018
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