What are you reading? 2019

Discussion in 'Members Hobbies' started by Dips, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. Gail_68

    Gail_68 Guest

    It's me after reading what you've stated it just throwed me back on thinking about how women writers and poets had to use a mans name years back to get books etc published...until it was properly recognised and also reading the name Wordsworth...[​IMG] Woo for confusing you :sad:
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    • wiseowl

      wiseowl Admin Staff Member

      Oct 29, 2006
      Philosophy of people
      Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
      No Worries @Gail_68 my friend ,I confuse myself at times,enjoy your day:)
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      • Gail_68

        Gail_68 Guest

        Well i've not long finished that first book in the series by Wendy Vella...lovely book about brothers and sister with high senses...going back generations and i've just purchased the second book :yahoo:...it's about Sinclairs protecting the Raven Lords.

      • Fern4

        Fern4 Total Gardener

        Jan 30, 2013
        The gardener of the house!
        I've just started this one...


        It's pretty good so far. How about you @Gail_68 ? What are you reading? :)
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        • Gail_68

          Gail_68 Guest

          Hi @Fern4 I've just managed to finish this novel as they're a lovely set of books :)...I usually pay £3-99 for a book so I always look for just over 300 pages :snorky:

          Hows your read coming along?

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          • Fern4

            Fern4 Total Gardener

            Jan 30, 2013
            The gardener of the house!
            @Gail_68 ....I read a few books on the trot but I've been doing a bit of gardening lately so I haven't finished "The Child" yet. It is a good read though. :blue thumb:
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            • Gail_68

              Gail_68 Guest

              Your garden comes first mate before a book while we have the weather...glad your enjoying it though when you can :dbgrtmb:
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              • PetalsonthePavingSlabs

                PetalsonthePavingSlabs Gardener

                May 17, 2018
                Environmental Health
                Just finished Down to Earth by Monty Don, wow, he doesn't muck about! Good book, not a word wasted. Am just about to start Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett, I re-read the discworld series in order every few years and this is where I'm up to.
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                • Gail_68

                  Gail_68 Guest

                  Well I've just purchased another book earlier by Kathryn Le Veque and they're great books.

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                  • Gail_68

                    Gail_68 Guest

                    Well "GODSPEED" was a lovely book to read and last night purchased another which follows in a series of other books..."Thank god" as I hate the searching lark besides ratings :wallbanging:

                  • Gail_68

                    Gail_68 Guest

                    [​IMG] This book is slow going and I hate that...so last night I purchased another, so hopefully it will be a good read as the writer is excellent and with detail of history :)

                  • Sienna's Blossom

                    Sienna's Blossom Super Gardener

                    Mar 4, 2018
                    I'm reading 'A posy of wild flowers' by Rosemary Penfold. It's about a lady who grew up in a gypsy wagon in the English countryside. She has such happy childhood memories, and it sounded quite idyllic really. I love how flowers can come to hold such precious memories for people as they look back at their childhoods, I hope my own children will have their own happy memories to look back on, of carefree days playing in the garden, and a love of gardening will continue on.
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                    • Gail_68

                      Gail_68 Guest

                      Hello mate, I've read Regency books of gypsy men and women and they're always been a great read but the highlander ones I like reading is you get the herbalists in them and lavender was a good flower for many cures.

                      Your garden is one special memory and :thankyou:for sharing it with us [​IMG]
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                      • Gail_68

                        Gail_68 Guest

                        Well I read "LESPADA" excellent read and purchased another last night by the same writer..Kathryn's books get you hooked line and sinker [​IMG] plus I love reading the history involved in the books...I do know the other half said not again already :heehee:

                        1187 A.D. - They call him the Lord of Winter.

                        As Richard the Lionheart's most powerful general, Sir Juston de Royans is as moody as he is skilled. Reminiscent of the ancient warrior Achilles, Juston fights when it is necessary, instead choosing to command the powerful men beneath him. Never wrong in action or command, he has never lost a battle and when he finds himself in the midst of a terrible siege at Bowes Castle, he predictably emerges the victor with the lady of the keep as his prize.

                        And that's when the trouble begins.

                        When the never-wrong egotist meets the flame that will melt his frozen heart, a romance of epic proportions happens.
                      • Gail_68

                        Gail_68 Guest

                        Well finished "Lord of Winter" tonight great read again :yes:….straight on Amazon and purchased another to do with "The Wolf series"


                        The sons of William de Wolfe (The Wolfe) are immortal, so they say. Men who are known as ShadowWolfe... DarkWolfe... Nighthawk... are as legendary as their father. The eldest four sons - Scott, Troy, Patrick, and James have always run in a pack. They are all to each other, in both brotherhood and in strength. But in 1282 A.D., James de Wolfe, the endearing and gentle brother, is killed in Wales as the Welsh rebel against Henry III.

                        ... or was he?

                        Five years later, tales of a Welsh warrior known as Blaidd Cryf, or Blayth the Strong, are making way to English ears along the Welsh Marches. It's 1286 A.D., and a Welsh warrior who can somehow read the minds of the English armies is rising to power among the last princes of Wales. With Blayth leading the Welsh armies, the English are being handed defeat after defeat. No one knows who Blayth is, or where he's come from, but the English warlords are coming to realize that they will lose Wales if Blayth and his brilliant tactics aren't stopped.

                        Some even believe that Blayth (the phenetic pronunciation for Blaidd, meaning wolf in Welsh) may be the most deadly warrior Wales - and England - has ever seen.

                        Helping Blayth in stirring the rebellion is the great-granddaughter of the last king of Deheubarth. Called the 'Dragon Princess' by the Welsh, Asmara ap Cader is a fierce warrior in her own right. She fights in the rebellion and is deadly in her aim, and even as Blayth leads the Welsh, he cannot help but be attracted to the lovely Dragon Princess who fights so brilliantly beside him.

                        As the romance between Blayth and Asmara begins to blossom, rumors come from Wales that Blayth the Strong is none other than James de Wolfe. When William catches wind of this, he will stop at nothing to discover the truth to these rumors, including risking his very life to discover if his son has indeed risen from the dead. It’s all hands on deck as the House of de Wolfe returns to Wales to discover if the son they believed dead is indeed the man now raising an army against the English.

                        Discover the epic adventure of A Wolfe among Dragons, a complex tale of mystery, of hope, and most of all, of romance and redemption. When a dead son returns, it can be the greatest of joys and the deepest of tragedies. A Wolfe Among Dragons is truly a story for the ages.​
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