I think the USA have got this very wrong.!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Marley Farley, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    I know not gardening but this is just awful.! :mad:

    I have just been sent this by a friend in the USA who is expecting her first child and wants to do the right thing and give it the best start in life..

    Ok fair enough you say, that’s what we all want to do but it seems Trump and his government don’t think that at all....

    Trump is leading the USA into isolation and backwards in time.. He is such a redneck I wouldn’t put anything past this man now...

    So sad as the USA was a great nation, but now seems to not be so great..!
    I am being calm here although I don’t feel it...
    Now Trumps lot are even targeting babies..!!
    U.S. Opposition to Breast-Feeding Resolution Stuns World Health Officials
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    • Sian in Belgium

      Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

      Apr 8, 2011
      Just south of Brussels
      Shocking, @Marley Farley! I'd missed that in the news, so thanks for the heads-up.
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      • Marley Farley

        Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

        May 11, 2005
        Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
        Under the Edge Zone 8b
        It is really shocking I think in this day and age @Sian in Belgium especially as more and more people find themselves on the breadline.. If mothers milk wasn't best and the way to go, then cows wouldn't have udders and women wouldn't have boobs..

        I don't know why Trump thinks he can run the American nation like some cheap company... After all he has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy 6 times that I know of.. Things could get very bleak for the USA if they are not careful..
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        • Redwing

          Redwing Wild Gardener

          Mar 22, 2009
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          • Phil A

            Phil A Guest

            Blimey, next thing he'll be recallisifying rhubarb as a fruit...

            Oh hang on a minute :whistle:

            Don't believe everything that you read :th scifD36::paladin:
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            • ARMANDII

              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

              Jan 12, 2019
              I have several friends in the States and none of them voted for Putin's buddy and they're not happy about the voting system. The USA is going back to the 1930's which is a shame as there are many good people who disagree with what is going on there. But for those who voted for Trump..........


              and something I hope doesn't occur............
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              • longk

                longk Total Gardener

                Nov 24, 2011
                I think that the breast milk thing is indicative of how little he is actually achieving.

                He used to scare me but now the more I read the more that I get the impression that the American version of the civil service is just keeping its head down and hoping that;
                a] some vein or coronary artery ruptures


                b] the CIA decide that enough is enough and gets another of those bendy bullets out that they reserve for presidents

                That is bad in itself but worse is the number of small family businesses that he has ruined by reneging on contracts that they had with his companies. There for the little man my ass! He's there for what it can do for him, nothing more.
                • Agree Agree x 5
                • ARMANDII

                  ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                  Jan 12, 2019
                  Well, tell that to his "faithful", longk,:wallbanging::dunno::doh: They appear to be those who are self centered, inward looking, believe the world is against them, and are always looking for a Saviour or Godlike entity who can do no wrong in their eyes and who cannot be persuaded otherwise. And, like in previous occasion, when the ........

                  and they will point the finger of blame on everyone else other than themselves and, sadly, will convince themselves and believe they are right.:wallbanging::doh::snorky:
                  • Agree Agree x 3
                  • Marley Farley

                    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

                    May 11, 2005
                    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
                    Under the Edge Zone 8b
                    Total agreement with you there @ARMANDII you put it perfectly.
                    • Friendly Friendly x 1
                    • Aldo

                      Aldo Super Gardener

                      Nov 25, 2017
                      My dad used to say that the US system of allowing for the business to openly support political candidates was in the end better, because at least it is trasparent, you know who is supporting who, and can judge better whether certain decisions are being taken in the public interest or not.
                      As opposed to be left wondering whether politicians are in the pockets of certain pressure groups, as in other countries where that is frown upon and theoretically forbidden.

                      But I guess that only works when the public bother to examine political decisions in the light of their own real interests.
                      It seems to me that with Trump a large part of the electorate could be told that *anything* is beneficial to them, and they would believe it.
                      It is a whole political approach based on victimism, with Trump depicting US citizens as victims of external circumstances in every possible situation.

                      To be honest, some mothers do have real trouble breastfeeding, and I find that sometimes they get mistreated unfairily for not "trying harder", when objectively they are unable to.
                      But of course breasfeeding should be encouraged whenever possible, not opposed.

                      Still, in the great scheme of things, I find other statements about health from Trump more outrageous.
                      In particular, not long ago he suggested that US citizens pay through their nose for treatments and medicines which are cheap elsewhere because of "socialist systems" (e.g NHS) 'force' USA companies to sell medicines for cheap to Europe.
                      So the poor companies have to charge US citizens more, and basically, based on this fantasy theory of his, which is supporters immediately embraced, it is us who cause the rednecks to go bankrupt each time they need medical treatment..

                      Not the corrupt insurance and private health system they have in place, which funds Trump. It is enough for him to tell people that they are victims, and they will adore him no matter what he does to them.. So sad.

                      Many describe him as an idiot of sort. He is not. He is actually a pretty intelligent man, but amoral and corrupt. He is great at manipulating people, and ruthless at inflicting on them all kind of troubles if it benefits him and his future perspectives. The list of favours to be returned to him by the business will last him and his family until he lives. I dread the day his daughter will run for presidency, but I see it as a distinct possibility in a decade or so.
                      • Agree Agree x 2

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