Deterring Tailgater's

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Larkshall, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. Mikkel

    Mikkel Gardener

    Oct 23, 2008
    Please or offend, I have noticed that the worst offenders for speeding are: Taxi-Drivers, Delivery-Van Drivers and the youth fraternity who feel thay are all exempt. It is Not the speed that kills, but the sudden stop at the end of it.
  2. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    Very true, Mikkel!

    I know this isn't exactly tailgating, but once, when driving in London, I stopped at a complex traffic light system, waiting to turn right, 4 lanes each way. Lights go green, I move into position to wait for a gap in the oncoming traffic. Bloke pulls up behind me and because I didn't move on right away, bumps me a couple of times with his car, trying to push me forward! Now mine's and old, well rusted, well dented Datsun so that's not going to bother me much, but trying to push me into the path of oncoming traffic is another thing. I'm about to get out and take him to task when I check in my rear mirror and see that this guy is rough and nasty looking. [​IMG] I think better of it and wait for the traffic to go.

    Eventually I can proceed into the right turn which is a road almost 2 cars width so there's room enough for him to overtake but not unless I pull right over. Which I won't! Instead I proceed at about 25mph and gently moving from side to side. He's nearly having a stroke at this point and talk about red in the face! After a short distance I have to make a left turn and he shoots off like a demonised rocket. That's when I notice his car is something like a brand new Daimler and I realise it was probably stolen!

    Methinks I had a close shave there!
  3. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Sounds like you did have Daisees. London drivers are not to be messed with! I know, I lived there long enough. On the plus side though, the tend to be pretty observant as they are so used to numpty tourists and pedestrians stepping out into the road without looking.
  4. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    In my experience, with lots of motorway driving under my belt, the worst offenders for speeding on the open road tend to be drivers of well know german brands of vehicle.

    No offence to any decent drivers who own mercs, bmws or audis, but many drivers of such vehicles seem to think they own the motorway and everybody else is cluttering up their road.

    I have a running joke with a couple of the lads at work that own BMWs. Whenever the subject comes up (as it does whenever there is an opportunity for them to boast of their superior vehicles), I ask them if they have the standard version or if they paid extra for the specialist options. They used to wonder what I meant but they have heard the retort often enough now to know I am refering to the optional indicators, speedo and mirrors.
  5. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    It used to be Volvo drivers that got slatted as the worst drivers.
  6. Mikkel

    Mikkel Gardener

    Oct 23, 2008
    Clueless1, I LOVE your response to those of Foreign make cars who think others clutter THEIR roads. In the summer when I see a driver fail to use their indicator and have their window open, I say hoping they hear me: "Oh I wouldn't buy one of them. They don't have indicators fitted." or I might even shout: "Excuse me Mate/Ma'm, but the bulb in whatever indicator has gone!"

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