Boris the pregnant fish

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by pete, Aug 12, 2018.

  1. Sian in Belgium

    Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

    Apr 8, 2011
    Just south of Brussels
    For what it's worth (almost certainly nothing), here are my thoughts on the matter.

    Firstly this is not something Boris said, but what he wrote in a newspaper article.
    So, like me, he probably wandered around doing his daily chores, whilst mulling over what he wanted to say. Then, he sat down, and jotted down a few ideas. Re-read them, clarified a point here, tweaked an idea there, etc. He's being paid for this task, so unlike me and this comment, he probably then wandered some more, came back to his missive, re-read it again, made some final amendments, before submitting it to the paper.
    This is a considered, thought-out statement. Not a knee-jerk response. Despite him portraying himself as a Bafoon, he is actually an intelligent individual, very much aware of how his comments will be taken by his readers and the media as a whole.

    Secondly, he has been constantly trying to keep his presence in the media, and his Party's attention. In this, I am in agreement that it would have been better if the press had ignored him. It was well-laid bait, and they took it, hook, line and sinker.

    Thirdly, despite what I said above (!!), the man is an idiot (well, I think we are mostly in agreement there!). He doesn't know what he's talking about - ditto!
    Unless things have very much changed since I was last in the U.K. 2 weeks ago, both letter-boxes and post-boxes have an Opening. A burka doesn't! There is mesh across the eyes...
    What I think the Boris meant was the Niqab, which is the full face-veil, normally black, with the eyes uncovered.

    Now, I know that the burka (full veil, can be different colours, with mesh across the eyes) is banned in Belgium. But I can't remember when I last saw it, anywhere. The Niqab (full veil, normally black, with opening for eyes), I have rarely seen this.... but it is worn, sometimes by obligation, sometimes by choice. Having felt uncomfortable with people staring at me, judging me, when out and about, I can relate to that "don't stare at me" code of dress. What seems to be fairly widespread is the Hijab (covering the head and neck, with most of the face visible through a round "opening"). I have no problem with this at all. I take no offence at seeing a woman wearing a veil, in the same way that I am not offended with a catholic wearing a crucifix, or an Orthodox Jew wearing a kippot. I practice my faith, and allow others to practice theirs....
    • Like Like x 2
    • pete

      pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

      Jan 9, 2005
      Mid Kent
      Isn't the "mayor of London thing" something that is mostly decided by which party the candidates support??
      I think that might be how Boris got the job, or maybe they thought he would be good for a laugh.

      I dont think they have had a decent Mayor since the whole thing started.
      Cant see the point in it or what the Mayor actually does, just jobs for the boys I think.
      • Like Like x 1
      • Charlie996

        Charlie996 Gardener

        Jan 10, 2015
        Retired Builder
        The Vale of Evesham
        I don’t think Boris said anything wrong.

        Read the whole story not just the headlines. I think you will then agree that it’s being turned to make him look bad.

        The problem in this country is we have no rights to say anything anymore. Nothing Boris said was said with the intent of offence it’s just his way of saying things.. Clumsy yes with intent to harm ? No way.

        May and her vile government just want rid cos he poses to much of a problem to them continuing along the selfish paths they lead.

        They should get rid of the bare faced liars first not those who speak as everyday working people do....
        • Like Like x 1
        • longk

          longk Total Gardener

          Nov 24, 2011
          He did say something wrong but I do agree that the sensationalist headlines do neglect to say what 'the thrust of the piece' was. I used single quotation marks for reasons set out below.

          Yes we do. However, the standards expected of those who aspire to high office are (rightly) much higher.

          Nothing in that piece was sincere - it is all part of Project Boris. He wanted to ingratiate himself with liberal thinkers whilst at the same time not offending his core supporters with right wing views hence the insulting remarks.

          May and her vile government (we agree on that much) want rid of an opportunist, self interested liability.
          It is also important to note that he is also under investigation over breach of parliamentary rules by accepting the contract to write his columns within 90 (?) days without applying for permission to do so.

          Most ordinary working people do not talk like Boris. I've sacked people for talking in racist tones on two occasions and it was upheld at tribunal once and the second complaint against me was withdrawn "under advice".

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