Sedum Carl

Discussion in 'NEW Gardeners !' started by Outlander, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. Outlander

    Outlander Gardener

    Mar 13, 2018
    I'm back again, see I told you all I would be a nuisance when I first joined but you welcomed me anyway. :snorky:

    I have a Sedum Carl which I planted last year in the ground. It flowered fine last year, died back and appeared again this year. The problem is, although it has lots of tiny flower buds on it, it has never flowered and doesn't look as though it is about to. Next door's one has been flowering since the beginning of August. The strange thing is that I took some cuttings from it which have been indoors and they have actually flowered. :scratch: The plant gets full sun in the morning.

    Any ideas anyone? :sad:

  2. Verdun

    Verdun Passionate gardener

    Oct 16, 2012
    West Cornwall
    Ha ha, "nuisance" away Outlander :)

    A couple of things I think....
    Sun in the morning! Sedums like as much sun and heat as possible. Better if afternoon sun; best in full sun all day.
    Drainage? They like sharp drainage....I never water sedums here.
    Feeding? Do you feed it? Don't. Sedums can overproduce foliage at the expense of flowers if fed or grown on rich soil.
    Overcrowded? Dont let other plants flop over it. Sedums like plenty of dry air around their foliage.
    So....poor, dry soil in sun :)

    Cuttings often do flower earlier I find. With those I would remove the flowered stems and pot on.:)
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Outlander

      Outlander Gardener

      Mar 13, 2018
      Thanks for your reply @Verdun. I think pretty much all that you said tbh. i'm not sure there is anywhere in the garden where it will get sun all day but will look at it with a view to moving if necessary.

      Soil is not very well drained. I am constantly adding grit to improve. It's not clay or anything but I think the previous owner simply imported ten tons of top soil. :rolleyespink:

      Yes it might well have been over watered during the hot weather and there is a Rose growing behind which tends to arch over it. Plus it could have been fed when feeding the other plants such as the Rose.

      All in all, I think it needs to be moved to a more suitable site.

      Thanks for the tip with the cuttings also.
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