I bought the above about 5 years ago and like it as a very colourful foliage plant. it is going an amazing colour of red now just before leaf fall. It has somewhat outgrown it's allotted space and while I could prune it I can afford to move it somewhere else with more room for it to grow. I normally move deciduous shrubs in early Spring as winters here can be a bit severe and I am never that keen to move things just before winter sets in. However, the weather here is still quite decent and soil pretty dry which makes transplanting easier. Has anybody transplanted Physocarpus and if so when? The shrub is about 5ft tall, I suppose I would be best to prune some off it which will mean loosing the flowers for next season but perhaps wise. It is not a shrub I have lots of experience of, Appears pretty tough but anybody's 1st hand knowledge would be useful thanks.
Silu, yes I have moved it. I also hard prune it every year. Not bothered about the flowers at all; young foliage is most colourful Despite annual pruning my Diablo grows 6' plus every year. It often suckers.....why not have a look and pot them up; you can also take hardwood cuttings now Like you, I think moving shrubs, perennials now is sensible......soil is warm and likely to remain so for several weeks yet so plenty of time to settle in before the winter. Also you can see how they will look and fit in next season. . I am moving a lot of perennials now too ...as I always do
Thanks @Verdun. Yes not that fussed about the flowers either to be honest so will prune it before moving. You, obviously living where you do and me somewhat at the other end of the country, have to cope with fairly dissimilar climates, however, the new spot for the shrub is on a slope so very unlikely to suffer from winter wet while getting established. The longer I garden the more I am convinced that temperature is not so much an issue as soggy soil is! I'll have a look to see if there are suckers and maybe if there are leave the sucker/s in situ. It's a cracking shrub I have Dart's Gold too. Not a vigorous as Diabolo but a great yellow leafed shrub. I am very much a "foliage gardener" as flowers are often so fleeting. I do make exceptions tho, Rhododendrons being 1 for a kick off!
I completely agree with that statement. Most of my gardening life has been on heavy wet Wealden clay. Sussex has a relatively mild climate but the cold and wet regulary kills things here which on other soils would survive. So much so that when I had an opportunity to make a courtyard garden I filled it with sharp sand. You’d be surprised at the Mediterranean type plants I can now grow. It’s a whole new gardening world for me. Sorry for going off on a tangent @silu : can’t help with the physocarpus.
Silu, Love foliage too Best of both worlds here .......free draining soil and mild temps.....but you are right about the wet soil over winter. Even the Beast from the East was not a problem here I have several yellow leafed shrubs but Darts Gold is one I dont have........it would go well with my eucalyptus so have to look in my wallet again