My better half has hinted that she would love a new ironing board and iron. I am completely lost with these, so many irons and boards out there. Ive been looking at the steam generator ones and Philips do some but I’m wondering if anyone has one or what’s a good brand to go for. Same with boards, never knew there were so many.
Were on our second steam generator iron and I'm told that its much better than the previous steam irons. Ours is a Tefal and is still going strong after a good 5 years
Steam generator irons are the best! I have a domestic one that I use now and again and would never go back to a regular "steam" iron. I also have a large system for business that holds 7.5 liters and puts out 80 pounds steam pressure but there are times I don't want to fire it up when I am just looking at something like doing a shirt or other small item. My domestic one allows me to refill the receptacle without shutting it down. If you get her one of those, she'll love it!
Thanks, sounds like it’s going to have to be a steam gen one then. Quite a few to pick from, it’s like buying a mower!
I'd go for a portable industrial vacuum ironing board and steam iron if I had the money and space. They are used in clothing factories to finish off clothing articles before the labels are kimbled on. They are fantastic and beat any consumer product you could ever buy.