I'm so excited!

Discussion in 'New Members Introduction' started by Pink, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. capney

    capney Head Gardener

    Jul 9, 2008
    Retired and glad of it.
    York..in gods County of Yorkshire
    Pink. Hi and welcome.
    You have been hooked lined and sinkered.... as they say.
    I wish you well in your project
  2. joyce42

    joyce42 Gardener

    Feb 15, 2008
    Hello Pink,Now the snow has gone you can soon get clearing, have a good think before planting a hedge - they take uo a lot of room and conifers are very greedy,especialy leylandi joyce
  3. Upcountrygirl

    Upcountrygirl Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 1, 2009
    Hi Pink,
    Looks like you've got lots of potential in that garden!

    That brick thingy looks like a greenhouse base. if your funds won't run to a new greenhouse at the moment, you might be able to pick one up second hand on ebay - I sold my old 8x6 for around £80. I agree with a previous comment, though -- it's best not to be tooooo ambitious otherwise you might find it all gets too much. Best to focus on a few things that you really want to do, and do them well. There's always next year!!
    Best of luck with your plans.
  4. Pink

    Pink Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 4, 2009
    Thanks again for all the advice. :)
    I've bought some seeds from Ebay, lots and lots of them and I'm growing loads of seedlings in a big cupboard (with a huge light 250 watt lightbulb). I am waiting till they all get big enough so I can transplant them into the garden but I don't know yet where they will all go.

    For some strange reason, the lavender is not growing that fast. I have planted loads of bluebell seeds but not yet had a single seedling from them yet. The foxgloves and snapdragons are just now starting to appear (the seedlings are so tiny!).

    Snapdragons - took ages but are finally showing little tiny seedlings
    Foxgloves - as Snapdragons
    Poppies - So lovely! really starting to thrive but still only about half an inch high
    Parsley - Wonderful! Same as the Poppies
    Nasturtiums - I love those! They seem to 'sulk' for ages and then suddenly - Boom! They explode out of the soil and grow like... well... weeds I guess!
    Carrots - I think once they get to the seedling stage I (or my toddler) accidentally kill them!
    Spinnach beet - never appeared!
    Lavender - very very slow but finally getting a few seedlings
    Bluebells - nothing yet!
    Geranium - like with the nasturtium, seems like nothing for ages but then they start growing really fast

    Sadly there was an incident here on Friday. It seems like it was an attempted burglary and the teenage burglar was stabbed to death. I don't know the details, but our street is a crime scene and the news reporters and journalists and police have just about trampled my front garden to bits.

    I'd just planted nasturiums out there but they've been squashed now.
  5. Kathy3

    Kathy3 Gardener

    Jun 28, 2006
    welcome to GC pink ,you will love this site,
    sorry to hear your bad news, but you will overcome it girl
    just hang on in there, good luck
  6. Pink

    Pink Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 4, 2009
    thanks Kathy, I hope I didn't sound like I was too worried about the garden. I know nobody suggested that but just to mention, I'm not really bothered about the garden, not compared to a teenage boy dying. I don't know the situation (nobody does yet) but I have a 2 year old myself and the thought of losing a child (in any situation) would give me a cold sweat. It's just unthinkable.

    Sorry, I'll try to talk about gardening.

    One of my friends was telling me that she planted loads of tomato plants and they were all destroyed by 'whitefly'? I've never heard of whitefly. She said they burrowed into the tomatoes and ruined her entire crop. Another friend was telling me about something called neem oil. Apparently it stops small flying pests from attacking seedlings and you can buy it on Ebay? I haven't checked it out yet though. I don't know how it might protect tomatoes from whitefly.

    I was thinking for a hedge maybe to use lavender instead of conifers? It's so pretty and smells so nice? I'll just have one conifer so I can put lights on it at Christmas time!

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