Brexit - am I stupid or what?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by PeterS, Dec 16, 2017.

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  1. Scrungee

    Scrungee Well known for it

    Dec 5, 2010
    Central England on heavy clay soil
    Not old, stoned and mental?

    Baby boomers increasingly being admitted to hospital for drug-related mental health problems

    Drug use hits baby boomers’ mental health

    NHS hospitals treat soaring number of older people for drug misuse
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    • Fat Controller

      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

      May 5, 2012
      Public Transport
      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
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      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Those news quotes are typical of misdirection by truth! Numbers are easily manipulated when taken in isolation.

        When you look at the figures the drug related older admissions has risen, over the last decade, from .017% of the population to .03%. A miniscule amount of the total. Some of that can be accounted for by the rise in the actual numbers of older people.

        In the same news item there was this quote:
        "Although total numbers remained lower than in younger age groups, older people had the largest rise in both drug overdoses and hospital admissions for mental disorders attributed to drugs."

        It's a pity that the media are only looking for sensational news items without doing a proper analysis of the meaning and implication of them. Statistics! Pahh!!!!!!
        • Agree Agree x 2
        • ARMANDII

          ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

          Jan 12, 2019
          Oh, we have had our "moments of :gaah:" on this thread, Simon:dunno::heehee: But there is a long standing and strong essence of friendliness and respect among GC members, that sincerely makes me proud to be a member, and which after a proverbial storm in a teacup has nearly always allowed the thread to continue.

          Well, I don't think Shiney and I fall into the elderly category as we're both in our second childhood:dunno:
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          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            I was told that I was in my third - but that's only statistics! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
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            • ARMANDII

              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

              Jan 12, 2019
              Well, put your thoughts of animal welfare aside, if you can, Simon.............and think about money and profit which is what basically drives any trade/trading. The UK and most countries within the EU transport live animals to other countries and, again, the evidence is that the UK is the only one that appears to adhere to fairly high standards regarding animal welfare of those animals being transported. One of the reasons for that is there is a close control and focus, within the UK, of animal transport to prevent epidemics. Eastern European Countries, France, and the Mediterranean Countries, North Africa, and the Middle East do not really practice the animal welfare standards that we would all like and, indeed, some obviously don't recognise or accept such standards as necessary as they are not signed up to any agreement.
              Having said that, close and frequent checks made by Government officials have to be made to ensure that standards don't fail within the UK. There are export firms in Scotland that first export to Ireland knowing that animal welfare transport standards might not be as rigid. Several firms that did so have been closed down due disregarding the dictated standards.

              Would you like my Bank Account number, Shiney???:scratch::whistle::heehee:

              And that is the crux of the problem, where European countries will bow to economic, political, and historical practices with that particular country, even though signed up to various agreements, all of which is, basically, driven by the God of Money and profit.

              Some countries trading of animals would collapse should they thought of attempting to raising animal welfare standard due to the expense and resources needed. There are many factors involved but, as I said, it's all about money and what standards exporting countries can afford to, or want to, recognise.:dunno::coffee:
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              • ARMANDII

                ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                Jan 12, 2019

                Well, all tariffs are penalising and meant as a barrier as demonstrated by Trumps trade war with China while also including most other countries. America has spent years trying to break into the EU but doesn't want to accept any EU tariffs or trading standards/regulations. Canada spent years "negotiating the CETA free trade agreement before settling arrangements in 2017. So all EU or other countries tariffs impact negatively on African countries and is one of the reasons why Africa has turned to China for trade and finance.
                So is the EU a force for good in international trade? Well, I guess it is, that is, if you are a member of a closed international club.:dunno: The real question I think you mean, is the EU a force for good in Global trade? The answer to that depends on whether you're in the EU club or not. Even then of the original principles was that, using the Euro as a common trading/economic tool, all members of the EU would be equal, eventually, in trade and wealth, but with regard to the Mediterranean countries such as Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain that has not been effective, and while the recently joined East European countries have benefited to a degree it is only a degree, and they are also able to maintain their historically low standards and regulations in many areas basically being allowed to ignore EU standards while the EU discreetly turns a blind eye. The EU is not the perfect solution that it aspires to be and there appears to be a radical Right Wing reaction rising among it's members that is causing political unrest within the EU itself.
                That fact seems to underline a personal, but growing, view that one of the EU's errors was to mutate from a trading organisation to a political organisation.
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                • Kandy

                  Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                  Apr 23, 2006
                  Head gardener
                  In the Middle Of Blighty
                  I would LOVE the winter fuel allowance after working all my life but have to wait until I am 66 to get that AND the state pension but like thousands of hard working women we are being made to wait an extra six years and I certainly won’t be refusing it or giving it away to charity...:mad::cry3: but I doubt if I shall even live long enough to collect it the way I feel at the moment:sad::old:

                  I told Mr Kandy before we all voted that we had been in the EU for too long and it was going to cost us too much to get out of it and it won’t be the mega rich business people that will suffer when we do leave it,it will be the ordinary working classes that will suffer:sad::old:
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                    Last edited: Dec 6, 2018
                  • Jiffy

                    Jiffy The Match is on Fire

                    Aug 25, 2011
                    Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
                    It's because some drivers wouldn't let onto there lorrys any animal which looks like it's not well or may die in transport as they don't want the incurance claim agaist them
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                    • wiseowl

                      wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                      Oct 29, 2006
                      Philosophy of people
                      Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                      and men:sofa:;):heehee:

                      I give my Winter fuel allowance to charity and charity starts at home and after 60 years working my nuts off and serving in the armed forces I feel that I am entitled to it:old:
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                        Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
                      • SimonZ

                        SimonZ Gardener

                        Feb 9, 2009
                        This is precisely the sort of passage I would love to show to the many obsessives I meet on both sides of this debate, who burst blood vessels proclaiming how saintly or evil the EU is depending on their viewpoint. I have tried to have many calm discussions with folk on either side, but with many, as soon as I touch on the complexities of issues such as the above, they immediately accuse me of either being blinded by EU propaganda, or being indoctrinated by the Daily Mail. What amazes me is that few of these people gave a flying fig about the EU before 2016, yet almost overnight the UK became split in ways we have not seen on any other issue, except perhaps the Iraq War, for many years. I know it was an issue of rising importance to some, but I am literally now hearing people who by their own admission know little about politics and care even less talking about civil wars and blood on the streets if "their" view is not endorsed by the executive. Now, if I were tasked with making a decision on leaving or remaining based on the information above, my only justifiable option would be abstention. I regard the turning over of this question - on binary terms - from Parliament to the electorate to be a great abrogation of Parliamentary responsibility, and one that has caused enormous rifts between families, friends, workplaces and communities. I even know several people who left the country as a result of it - an extreme reaction, one might say, but still something which would not have happened had we not been lumbered with taking these decisions. I have read and listened to a lot of material about David Cameron and his government, and strongly believe he did what he thought was right and inevitable in unleashing the referendum, but it will go down in history as a great mistake - especially when we could have had one on particular aspects of membership, or the Lisbon Treaty, rather than In/Out. Its like going to the doctors and finding yourself tasked with making decisions about heart by-pass operations - I'm not afraid of admitting that I'm unqualified to take such momentous decisions - even if the ref was only advisory it was treated as binding. It looks like we will have another ref soon, and as I say I'm strongly tempted to abstain. I am often irked when people respond to this by accusing me of not caring or of moral laziness - when for them the issue is either one of extreme bigotry, or simply shrugged of vis-a-vis, "I'm a Leaver because I don't want to pay that Brussels lot a penny!" or "I'm a Remainer because its racist to vote leave." There are of course many intelligent counter-arguments to both these claims, but I think I'll leave it there for now!
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                        • Kandy

                          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                          Apr 23, 2006
                          Head gardener
                          In the Middle Of Blighty
                          @wiseowl You can blame previous goverments for that.I remember my dad telling me that Harold Wilson (Labour) was talking about bringing the age for men retiring down to 60 and he was looking forward to it but sadly it didn’t happen and he had a massive stroke aged 61 for which he never recovered from and died aged 61 after paying into the system for all those years.My dad also served in the Royal Engineers and was in Palestine at one point so he served King and country for five years:sad:

                          In all my years of working I was only allowed to claim unemployment benefit for a few weeks after being made redundant and was waiting to start my new job but they didn’t want me to start until a certain date.There is even talk of the free TV licenses being stopped for the over 75’s and I expect it will happen the year that Mr Kandy nears that milestone:biggrin:
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                          • Jiffy

                            Jiffy The Match is on Fire

                            Aug 25, 2011
                            Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
                            With some people you can't even say "good morning" to them now with out them going mad/angry :sad: which has happen to us, so we are very, very carefull what we say now, tis a bleeding sad world we live in now
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                            • wiseowl

                              wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                              Oct 29, 2006
                              Philosophy of people
                              Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                              Hello this is all I can say about "Brexit" Baa:heehee:

                              Just took this one
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                              • wiseowl

                                wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                                Oct 29, 2006
                                Philosophy of people
                                Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                                Good evening vote just taken are government found in contempt

                                Yes 311
                                No 293

                                Gov to publish full Brexit legal advice

                                I just love this thread and now I am waiting for someone to explain what this means to a wise but not a political aware Owl;)
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