Brexit - am I stupid or what?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by PeterS, Dec 16, 2017.

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  1. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Well as far as I'm concerned I'd like to see the so called "affluence" of the SE distributed across the whole country.
    We are descending under a pile of concrete down here and its about time other parts of the country took some of it.;)
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    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      I agree. :blue thumb: We have a lot of problems with piles here as well. :hate-shocked:
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      • Freddy

        Freddy Miserable git, well known for it

        Jul 15, 2007
        Retired - yay!
        Pop into Boots, there’s a cream for that :)
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        • SimonZ

          SimonZ Gardener

          Feb 9, 2009
          The insight offered is appreciated. Two questions:

          During the Ref, Gordon Brown argued that many regeneration and employment schemes in his constituency had been paid for with EU money. Is this true? And would such money still e available if the UK were not in the EU? Thanks.
        • ARMANDII

          ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

          Jan 12, 2019
          Gordon Brown, Simon, spent most of his time bickering and warring with Blair. He was not a good Chancellor and an even worse Prime Minister and he is a, in my opinion, he's hiding behind the fact that the money that the EU is good enough to give to the UK is the money the UK gave to the EU.:wallbanging::snorky:
          • Agree Agree x 1
          • longk

            longk Total Gardener

            Nov 24, 2011
            Quite probably. The area of Scotland where his constituency was is a major recipient of EU aid.

            Conjecture, but probably not. Budgetary pressures on any subsequent UK government are unlikely to allow it.
            • Agree Agree x 1
            • noisette47

              noisette47 Total Gardener

              Jan 25, 2013
              Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
              :biggrin: Thou jesteth, but the GJs are mostly just that....ordinary folk who've got together to protest (peacefully) against Government proposals. They've set up a system of blockading roundabouts near commercial centres. They let the traffic through, especially those who display a GJ on their dashboard as a sign of solidarity, hand out leaflets and chat to motorists. I have heard of cases of intimidation, but only when drivers were openly hostile to the GJs. It's hard to judge how many just show a GJ as a matter of expediency and how many genuinely support the protest, but knowing the French, there is still a reasonable level of solidarity here. Oh and the GJs have taken over some motorway toll gates and disabled the barriers so motorists can go through free.
              None of that is suitably sensational for the MSM, though. They prefer violence and bloodshed caused by genuine yobbos and activists v. the CRS:gaah:
              Thanks, FC :) I'm fine. My GJ isn't just on the dashboard for show...:biggrin:
              Anyway, bit of thread drift there....back to Brexit :sad:
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              • noisette47

                noisette47 Total Gardener

                Jan 25, 2013
                Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
                They'll be concreting over Lincolnshire next year, @pete. No Eastern European cheap labour for fruit and veg picking!:)
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                • SimonZ

                  SimonZ Gardener

                  Feb 9, 2009
                  I was going to add "please disregard your view of the individual and focus on the issue," but decided as an experiment to omit that, and am not at all surprised that the first answer contains a personal dig at Brown. So often our response to a political issue is coloured by our thoughts about the person saying it - almost every twitter post I see by or about Tony Blair is followed by people accusing him of being a warmonger, etc - completely ignoring the point made. Just as I don't think it is fair to judge the Brexit promises of Gove, Johnson etc on their conduct in other areas, or the Leave campaign as a whole by the racist antics of a depraved few, I think it is wrong to disregard his argument about EU funding just because you disagreed with his policies in office.
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                  • SimonZ

                    SimonZ Gardener

                    Feb 9, 2009
                    There is a serious debate to be had about cheap migrant labour. No doubt this will swing from Eastern Europeans to Africans if we leave the EU or EEA, but the fact remains that many Poles, Lithuanians, Romanians and others have been abused by unscrupulous employers, in situations made easier to enact due to the current terms of EU membership. I have heard people with my own ears discussing how they could employ Eastern Europeans more cheaply than Brits, and once had an experience - which may have been a one-off - which seemed to confirm some of the stereotypes. This is, I went to a local farm to ask about seasonal work picking strawberries, and was told I would have no luck as "we only employ Poles now." I did not stick around to ask if this was because they found them better workers, but I fear it is likelier due to the lower costs. I rarely share this anecdote because I know I'm likely to be deluged by accusations of scaremongering, xenophobia, Daily Mail smears and lies, but I have never forgotten it.

                    Historically, the accusation that support for Remaining related to the exploitation of migrant labour has been brushed off as false, or with well-meaning assertions about the need to firm up labour market regulations (I have had many discussions with my local Lib Dem party about this). But gradually, the Remain side seemed to start ignoring it entirely. In that tv debate with Cameron a few weeks before the vote, Nigel Farage argued that the current rules prioritise Europeans over Africans or Asians (though I think the blame for this can be leveled at governments as much as the EU) and that rich people wanted to remain because "it means cheaper cleaners, cheaper nannies, cheaper gardeners." He was rewarded with an avalanche of laughter - no-one took it seriously or even tried to answer the charge. Now, two and a half years on, I have come across Remainers who have dispensed with the pretence and are openly admitting that they "don't have a problem with" EU migrants "doing the jobs we won't do." This is a reprehensible situation and should be top of priorities when it comes to our future relationship, in our out, with the EU.
                    • Agree Agree x 1
                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      Slightly off topic. :noidea:

                      To a certain extent I'm not sure whether this last part of your comment is correct. On the face of it if someone won't do the job then someone else will. The bad side of it is if the employer is only offering a sub-minimal amount for the work because he can get away with it. As an (ex) employer, I paid the best rates in the area and had the best and happiest employees and are still friendly with them after 18 years of retirement.

                      The problem comes with the actual rate of pay (I'm all for setting minimum levels and better controls and penalties over employers that break those rules). I have just had an example of the problem in the ground. We are now in the situation of needing help in the garden and I've been looking for a gardener. I've spoken to a few gardeners and had greatly varying quotes of per hour rates. If I assume that all of them can do the job properly and someone from another country offered a lower charge than the others (but still way above minimum rates) I would give them the job. I've had quotes from £40 per hour down to less than half that. Would I be wrong in giving the job to the cheapest quote (still way above minimum wage level) to someone from another country? In actual fact the person who has got the job will be getting more than double minimum wage and is born and bred locally but the question still stays the same.
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                      • Scrungee

                        Scrungee Well known for it

                        Dec 5, 2010
                        Central England on heavy clay soil
                        Brexit: UK can unilaterally revoke article 50, says ECJ

                        :ideaIPB: That's great news, there's now no need to panic about a short notice, unplanned no deal exit causing chaos. The UK could simply cancel Article 50 on 28th March, then issue another one on 29th March so we can prepare for it :stirpot:
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                          Last edited: Dec 10, 2018
                        • SimonZ

                          SimonZ Gardener

                          Feb 9, 2009
                          You make some excellent points. I hope my post didn't imply I disagree with giving jobs to those from overseas as a thing in its self.
                          • Friendly Friendly x 1
                          • Fat Controller

                            Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                            May 5, 2012
                            Public Transport
                            At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                            I agree with @longk that Gordon Brown's constituency is quite likely to have been a recipient of EU aid, and would add that I suspect that a lot of it will have been in relation to regeneration of industrial sites to create jobs - BUT, there are two points to that, the first being that the likely reason for the need for that aid is failure(s) by our own government, and the second being that we are a net contributor to the EU, so essentially we got a wee bit of our own money back.

                            With reference to the exploitation of labour from the likes of Polish workers, again that is a case of the data only being shown one way. Over the years since Poland joined the EU, I have had a LOT of Polish staff (hundreds) and they were/are all paid exactly the same as everyone else; many of them were here away from their families, so a number of them would rent a house (three or four people splitting the rent between them made for a sensible level of rent), lived a very quiet life and sent the bulk of their earnings back to Poland. A number of them managed to get sufficient money by doing so, within a couple of years, that they could afford to buy a home in Poland, cash, and have enough left to allow them to do it up and then be able to afford to live on Polish wages.

                            In the early days of this, I did hear of one rival company to ours actually buying a house and then making it into an HMO (not with the relevant planning permissions) and then quite literally stacking as many staff as they could into this house whilst paying them a low rate of pay (with free rent) in order to try and undercut everyone in the area; this backfired on them very rapidly though as the staff they had encouraged to come to the UK and live in this house very quickly realised they could earn a lot more money, quite literally around the corner, and be quids in even if they had two share a house between a handful of them. Apply this same principle to strawberry picking or whatever, and you can see how they could work for a wage that someone born and bred here, renting a home with a family and a couple of kids to support simply could not afford to do.
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                            • Fat Controller

                              Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                              May 5, 2012
                              Public Transport
                              At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                              I saw that on the news - what a surprise.............. not.
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