I've posted, I suffer from AAADD all of the time, in fact I came online to check my email, not managed to open outlook as saw my camera and remembered it's voteing time for the comps but as you do been through most of the other threads first coz it catches your eye so you have a read, had a quick check on the comps and voteing isn't open yet so thought I'd have a look at the pics so I'm ready with my votes but ended up on the "he's got my vote" thread but clicked on the link to the jail site and spent 15 mins looking at mug shots (do you think any of them need a penpal:lollol, then had a check on my facebook(all boring there at this time of night), did eventually get to look at the pics and I do have a list infront of me for tomorrow (if I remember) but done everything but check my email. Had to stop a few times in writing that, my mind keeps on wondering back to things I need to do like checking my email
At one time I could disguise the look on my face for "Now what did I come here for" now EVERYONE knows when I have a senior moment (and they let me know it). CRUELTY TO SENIORS, I say.
Apparently I have AADD (adult attention deficit disorder, one less A, I don't know if it is good or bad ). I find it funny that people assume I am an adult just because I have a driving license, anyway, welcome to the club! For example it amazes people to no end that I cannot count: I know the numbers, but I get distracted and lose count. Typically, when I am at 78 I begin wondering if I am already at 78 or just 68 (these numbers sound very similar in the italian language, sessantotto and settantotto), and get into such a confusion that I get lost entirely. But I have been known to get lost before 7, even counting aloud. But I am cute and witty,so people just tolerate me. You will get along! :D
Younger than whom, I wonder? Well, I posted :D Jokes apart ADD in its milder forms is relatively common, and you can live with it. But it can be a difficult companion sometimes. Keys will be my death. My wallet is only marginally better. I have a beautiful home that is generally horribly messy because I always end up abandoning things where they were used last instead of putting them back. I do not do it on purpose. I just get carried away by the next line of thought. This nearly costed me a job a couple of years ago. Messy business, literally! Ya well.
Keep it going, guys. I'm 60 and you're making me feel like I'm 17.:hehe: Now, where's my skateboard:wink:
I sometimes wonder that myself :lollol: I do have a terrible memory but my birth certificate assures me the numbers are in the right order
I resemble all the points made in this thread and I'm so glad that I now have a name for my various ways and habits and thought processes. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: ps....just remembered, I logged on at 7 am this morning so I could get work stuff going and I'm still here on GS and 5-0...wandering from thread to thread and site to site....:cnfs::flag::yho:
My birth certificate has a different date from the birth registration card given to my mother at the place I was born :(. So if they can disagree on the day maybe the year is wrong as well :hehe: Now, why am I talking about that?