Slapping a D notice on a thread.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Mike Allen, Jan 18, 2019.

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  1. Mike Allen

    Mike Allen Total Gardener

    Jan 4, 2014
    Retired. Plant Pathologist.
    Eltham. SE. London
    First and foremost. I lve this GC site. I like to think of myself as being an easy going chap, but also a knowleable one.

    Suddenly to read a message from FC. Making statements that we have all heard etc recents ups and downs. Sorry my friend. Unless I receive different post from other members. Yes, I was saddended to learn that one or two had had their feathers ruffled. I see that these few are still posting and joining in.

    I am afraid to say. FC. You and other staff have somewhat jumped the gun. You have given no insight to what the supposed problems are or might be. In fact. IMO you really have jumped the gun. Without disclosing names etc. I wonder just what percentage of membership complained or in fact may have been worried/concerned about Smith v Brown having a bit of a tiff.

    Truly. I had abeel-full of insults, problems on another website. I really thought I was on a good site here. Sorry FC & Co. IMHO you have made a spit in the ocean, a flood. So sorry but IMO. Very badly handled. The members need never to have known anything of this.
  2. CanadianLori

    CanadianLori Total Gardener

    Sep 20, 2015
    Battle Axe
    Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
    Dear Mike Allen, You have limited posts for your 5 years and question the existing staff? I am telling you first hand that I suffered abuse from the banned person. I cannot stress how stupid and low your judgement ride with me. Or do you agree that all Canadians should be treated as ATMs by one who was in power here. Using this forum as a fishing hole was no figment of anyone's imagination.

    I might be banned for this reply, but you should know that you speak from total ignorance. Or are you a predator too?

    Believe you me, the current admin are trying to protect your privacy.and mine too. How did you feel about your URL being tracked?

    I had alerted the admin about my concerns long ago and they trusted this person and told me to ignore the foibles. They'd known this person for years and gave him the benefit of the doubt. It took recent developments to make my accusations finally seem serious. Bye the way, the person led me from GF to here. Not nice for admin but a pleasant bonus for me.

    We're talking serious privacy breeches... shall I name all of the females who, in my opinion got stalked? And felt they'd get banned for expressing their concern because someone was admin?

    If you wish to align yourself with the outcasts, go for it. PM me and I'll send you their current site. And have a wonderful journey there.

    I for one will not listen to pot shots from someone who has zero first hand knowledge of this terrible breech.
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    • noisette47

      noisette47 Total Gardener

      Jan 25, 2013
      Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
      Yes, it does appear that you have a very high opinion of yourself. Hence, no doubt, the long-winded, self-important, badly-typed ramblings you 'contribute'. The admin here do a wonderful job to keep GC running smoothly. Would you be willing to give up your free time to do it? Even if you were capable? If not, I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself.
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      • Fat Controller

        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

        May 5, 2012
        Public Transport
        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
        OK allow me to take this in small steps, as a lot has gone on.

        @Mike Allen - I have a feeling that you are referring to my post in the Andy Murray thread, and linking that with my post about recent events on the forum? If so, and for the second time I have said it, the two are NOT related.

        First and foremost, if anyone has a problem with me, you have two options - either come to me directly and tell me what your problem is, and hopefully we will be able to resolve it as it may be a misunderstanding. If I have overstepped the mark (as I do, sometimes being grumpy as i am in a lot of pain), I will happily apologise (and have done) and hope to make amends - I have no desire to offend anyone.

        If you don't wish to come to me, then make a report either by clicking on the Report link under the post in question, or by sending a PM to any of the other five members of the Admin team, including the boss (@Webmaster). Equally, if you are unsure about anything at all and need to ask a question, please do get in touch with me and I will always endeavour to help. This applies equally to all members of admin.

        We do have a rule that states you are not allowed to question admin actions, even via PM - for clarity, this means that you are not allowed to discuss a warning or a ban here on the open forums, nor are you allowed to come back and question us in the unlikely event that you have been subject to a warning - - this is because all of these decisions have already been debated on a consensus basis by the staff before any warning has been given, and to avoid any acrimonious discussions that are simply not productive. However, you ARE allowed to ask us questions, and you ARE allowed to report our actions if you feel we are out of line - no one of us is above the law here.

        Over the course of the past two weeks, the VAST majority of my free time (as in, when I am not at work or sleeping) has been spent on events here on GC, one way or another - and that is true of my Admin colleagues also. Not only have I been involved in a lot of discussions in the GC office to make sure that we are making the right decisions to keep the forum running smoothly (all these decisions are on a consensus basis with a minimum of three staff agreeing, although these recent events have seen us all agree, including @Webmaster who quite literally puts his money where his mouth is and pays for all of the running costs of the site), but I have also been doing significant administrative tasks including responding to numerous emails to my personal email, and semi-threatening emails to my personal email.

        I would remind you that all of us staff do what we do for free - we are members just like you, who happen to have made a further committent to be here a minimum amount of hours each month, and respond to problems as they arise. There are no other perks, I assure you. We have nothing to gain from warning people, banning people, or just simply being a referee of sorts, and we have to deal with everyone on the same footing whether we personally 'like' them or not (and again, I would refer again to the man that owns the site that would deal with us if we didn't).

        Believe me when I say that I would much rather not have to come online of a morning, evening or weekend and deal with people that are grown adults choosing to behave like petulant children. The events that have taken place here recently are such that they almost certainly fall foul of the law, and it is only the good grace of those on the receiving end that has meant that people are not getting their door knocked by their local constabulary's finest.

        Also referring to the law, we are bound by confidentiality and not able to discuss matters in detail on the open forum - first and foremost, this is out of ordinary decency, but secondly we have laws such as GDPR that prevent us from doing so.

        Now, to be honest, I may get banned for what I am about to say, but can we please all stop looking for ways to dig at each other or look for conspiracies that don't exist, as it is nothing but utter tripe that wastes your time and mine. We are supposed to be adults, we are supposed to be friendly gardeners. Enough now.

        Please be very careful about putting two and two together, as very often you will reach five.
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        • Redwing

          Redwing Wild Gardener

          Mar 22, 2009
          If this is true, it is indeed serious. Probably criminal too.
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          • HarryS

            HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

            Aug 28, 2010
            If this is indeed true it should not be swept under the carpet and covered up .
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            • Victoria

              Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

              Jun 9, 2006
              Lady of Leisure
              Messines, Algarve
              Having been a Moderator on this Forum many years ago, I agree with FC and can confirm it is a thankless job taking up much of one's time for no personal gain except the knowledge that one has contributed to the smooth running of the Forum.

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              • Snorky85

                Snorky85 Total Gardener

                Jul 7, 2013
                Well I just wanted to say admin/webmaster and mods, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all your efforts you put into running this site and dealing with all the :poo: that comes along with it.

                When I’ve had issues in the past you have dealt with it swiftly (thanks personally to FC for this) and you have never made me feel like I was a nuisance.

                I feel for you-must be horrible when you get negative comments despite trying to do your best. (I’ve been in similar situations, doing something for free and you still get **** for it and it makes you feel like jacking it in).

                Well THANK YOU-you are appreciated.
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                • Fat Controller

                  Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                  May 5, 2012
                  Public Transport
                  At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                  That would be up to the individuals concerned, and of course subject to there being sufficient evidence. I would respectfully ask that we cease looking at/for problems and move forward.
                  • Agree Agree x 8
                  • roders

                    roders Total Gardener

                    Feb 26, 2006
                    Mike Allen ,it appears you did not read or take on board the seriousness of the situation FC has reported to us.
                    It is more than just a local tiff and I for one have some idea as to the work that the Mods do having been on hear for donkeys years.
                    A thankless task.......I salute them all :love30:

                    Please read this , taken from FC’s report.

                    “In the recent days, we have had a number of things happen including people creating multiple accounts (known as sock accounts, including deliberately altering location information to hide these accounts), others disrupting the peace and harmony of the board, ad hominin attacks, abusive communications to the staff team and unauthorised deletion of members accounts. Clearly, we cannot allow this sort of behaviour to happen, and therefore we have had to take suitable action. It always saddens us when that action means that people leave us, and we genuinely wish anyone who will no longer be sharing our company all the best for their future”
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                    • Redwing

                      Redwing Wild Gardener

                      Mar 22, 2009
                      Who are the current moderators?
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                      • Fat Controller

                        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                        May 5, 2012
                        Public Transport
                        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                        Myself, @wiseowl, @ARMANDII, @Marley Farley, @Webmaster and @shiney helps us out when he can.

                        We don't have moderators as such, as that resulted in a tier system where there was mods and admin, with admin being able to overrule the mods - with everyone being the same, it allows for fairer discussion of things, nobody gets overruled (although we don't always all agree, so there has to be a consensus of at least three agreeing), and the only person who can overrule is @Webmaster because he owns the site.
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                        • john558

                          john558 Total Gardener

                          Feb 14, 2015
                          Ramsgate, Kent
                          Come on folks agree to disagree if you wish, but ha, lets get back to enjoying this site for what it is...............oh and Spring will soon be on its way:gardening::dig::sunflower::hapflower::peapod::kooky::idea::hapflowers2::tomato::wheelie::parsnip::potato::leek::pepper::carrot::corn:
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                          • Fern4

                            Fern4 Total Gardener

                            Jan 30, 2013
                            The gardener of the house!
                            I've been a member of said forum for sometime and Zig is a mod on there anyway. I haven't spoken to him but there's no law to say we can't!! :snorky:
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                            • ARMANDII

                              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                              Jan 12, 2019
                              Exactly, members should be free to do as they think fit and there will not be any discouragement from GC
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