Brexit -am I stupid or what

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by wiseowl, Dec 10, 2018.

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  1. Loofah

    Loofah Admin Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    If their bunch had put one iota of effort into the campaign then we wouldn't have this shitshow in the first place! They rested on their laurels and it blew up magnificently
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    • Beckie76

      Beckie76 Total Gardener

      Jan 26, 2015
      Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
      Well that has just summed up David Cameron who I still believe did this to pull peoples bluff....he had no idea we would get this outcome! He was so sure of himself...well that backfired!
      Until Cameron was interviewed on morning tv afew years ago I actually really liked the man...I don’t know if any of you saw the interview but he was sitting at his kitchen table with his family eating breakfast & was asked about the cost of a pint of milk...he didn’t know the price of a pint of milk (an everyday essential for most people) yet he was running the that point I switched the TV off & thought he was a complete twit....then we went to Brexit :noidea:.
      Sorry a bit off topic, but my point is we need people in charge who have a ruddy clue about the average person on the street, people who set out clear guidelines so everyone can read them & understand them, then vote accordingly! The amount of people I’ve spoken too at work who are moaning about how it’s goung to take longer to get through an airport now (shock inconvenient!) did anyone not realise this??? I mean was it not obvious??? Far too many people got on the back of Forage & his awful political showcase! We actually need foreign workers here to work in our factories, clean, wash cars, waiters/waitresses, sow, etc etc because those jobs have become unattractive to far too many English people who won’t work for minimum would rather be on the dole??? Go back to work people!
      The whole campaign was an absolute load of nonsense & far too many people didn’t actually think/know about what they were actually voting for! Now we have people stockpiling paracetamol & fretting about there being no food in the country etc etc, more scaremongering, yes it might be a bit tight but stockpiling & being selfish wont help! the EU have actually stripped us of just about everything so yep we are sort of up a gum tree....thank god they need our money hey!!?? This is an utter mess & we have no one good enough in my opinion to sort it out! Yes May is trying her best but how can she really get the best deal when she’s against what she’s doing :noidea:..I’m not intelligent enough to understand :rolleyespink:

      I’m going to shut up now because I’m getting a bit wound up!!! Not that you’d notice of course!....**goes off to look for some asparagus! :whistle:
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      • Loofah

        Loofah Admin Staff Member

        Feb 20, 2008
        I'm not too fussed if a PM doesn't know the current cost of milk - it's a demanding job and I'd prefer it if they just let that responsibility (??) fall to the housekeeper (I have no idea if this is even what happens at No 10) on the proviso that the PM keep their eye on the country and does a bang up job. Needless to say I'm constantly disappointed.
        Teresa she doing her best? Is she? I look at her speeches (mostly rehashes of previous diatribes) and am left thinking it's broken her. The lights are on but no-one's home.
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        • Beckie76

          Beckie76 Total Gardener

          Jan 26, 2015
          Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
          @Loofah, I think May is utterly exhausted & understandably so.

          My point about Cameron not knowing the cost of a basic everyday essential is purely that he was in charge of the country, he should have an idea about the rough costs of everyday items...we can’t in my honest opinion have someone in charge who is so out of touch with reality....I’m happy for us to agree to disagree :dbgrtmb:. Xx
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          • Loki

            Loki Total Gardener

            May 3, 2015
            Does anyone else feel like it's a game of chicken?
            Who is going to brake before they go off the cliff?
            Tories/ EU.......
            Labour/ Tories .......
            Sadly, I don't see a third option..:mute:
            I just wish they'd all stop thinking about their careers and a potential place in history :doh: this is too important.
            I'd like to think that they are aware of the genuine hardships people are facing, whilst they jet all over the place, wine and dine possible investors and claim expenses for it :rolleyespink:
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            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              I whine and dine all the time! :heehee: That's my job as a grumpy old man. :old:
              • Funny Funny x 5
              • Fat Controller

                Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                May 5, 2012
                Public Transport
                At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                I agree with most of what you say @Beckie76, but not with one point and it is one that I have heard a number of times - We actually need foreign workers here to work in our factories, clean, wash cars, waiters/waitresses, sow, etc etc because those jobs have become unattractive to far too many English people who won’t work for minimum would rather be on the dole??? Go back to work people!

                This is actually not strictly true - it is not that people won't or don't want to work for minimum wage, but in many cases they can't afford to. I saw this at play in my own industry, where companies were struggling to recruit bus drivers - it was quite quickly discovered that the money being offered for new starters (a quid or so above minimum wage) meant that people were not going to earn enough to pay their rent, let alone anything else. One company, local to us, got smart (well, they thought they did until they got caught) - they rented houses that were quite large, and then brought drivers over from Poland and put them in large numbers into each house and took a peppercorn rent from each driver (they effectively split the cost of the rent and bills amongst all of the drivers living there) and those drivers were sharing rooms, sometimes three or four to a room.

                They were reasonably happy, as they were working full time, plus overtime, and paying £50 a week for a bed and bills; they were then able to send a load of money back to Poland each month, and did so for a year or two at which point they could move back to Poland having made enough money to buy themselves a house there outright, and then be able to work on the much lower wages over there.

                At the same time, I had my family to look after and I was paying £1000 a month in rent and then had all the bills on top - I got by, but only just, and to be honest to this day I am not a lot better, and I am a manager. If I had to go back to driving tomorrow (not that I would be medically fit enough to drive PCV anymore), I would not be able to afford to pay my rent and bills on the wages paid - - and yet, would be on the fringes of the level of being given housing benefit support. It is not so much that we need those foreign workers, but rather that our jobs market is such that they are the only ones that can afford to do some jobs.
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                • Loofah

                  Loofah Admin Staff Member

                  Feb 20, 2008
                  This is a systemic problem is it not, and not restricted to transport? It's especially problematic in the south east but naturally exists throughout the UK - current wages in public sector don;t reflect reality of living. Its acknowledged but the gov't aren't lifting a finger about it at least not in any real practicable sense.

                  I read today how the chamber of commerce feel businesses have been hung out to dry with the absence of any proper info on what to do following Brexit. The gov't just said 'we're focusing on getting our deal through'. Which is so utterly blinkered and infuriating that I actually threw my phone!
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                  • Beckie76

                    Beckie76 Total Gardener

                    Jan 26, 2015
                    Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
                    Oh whoops....a really bad case of multiple occupancy there! :yikes:...totally’d be amazed at just how many rogue landlords are prepared to do that, it goes on all the time :nonofinger:.

                    I can totally understand your point FC but I do think that the foreign workers can live on less money than us because they have lower expectations. It would be lovely if we could up the minimum living wage so everyone could have more disposable income & live a better quality of life, but that would mean prices would have to rise significantly to cover the cost. There’s no easy solution.

                    I’ve recently had a conversation with my brother about his finances, he works more than full time, his GF works part time because they have two kids, they get child allowance, but that’s it, their health visitor went to see them a few weeks ago (routine check) & she said to the GF do you know if your partner moved out you would be financially better off!!! That isn’t how it should be is it???
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                    • Loofah

                      Loofah Admin Staff Member

                      Feb 20, 2008
                      No it's not and it's another illustration of how successive governments have been incapable of developing sustainable solutions to pretty much anything.
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                      • Fat Controller

                        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                        May 5, 2012
                        Public Transport
                        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                        Sadly, it boils down to a lot more than the foreign workers having lower expectations, and being happy with less disposable income - I know a lot of people that are working full time (and more) and only just managing to keep the wolf from the door. And this is why the other sharks manage to get their pound of flesh (and ultimately decrease living standards even more) - washing machine or fridge breaks down, they (we) have no choice but to purchase it on credit, and that can be anything from 19.9% apr to 39.9% apr if your credit rating is half decent, up to 59.9% apr if it isn't. Are people supposed to live without a washing machine or a fridge? Are they items only reserved for the upper classes?

                        @Loofah, you are spot on - this is more widespread than I think any of us imagine. 'Beds in sheds' is a big thing around here, and a lot of them are occupied (illegally) by foreign workers that are working for these low wages. A huge part of the problem as far as I am concerned is actually not the wages as such - but rather the dire lack of affordable housing in this country. Back when I was a kid, people earning those lower wages generally lived in a council house, with reasonable rent levels, and those who wanted to (and had enough money to do so) could buy a house if they wished. Now, we have people earning the lower wages having to try and afford to pay mortgage money just to keep a roof over their heads.
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                        • pete

                          pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                          Jan 9, 2005
                          Mid Kent
                          I buy bread every week, I buy petrol every week.
                          I aint got much of a clue how much bread is, or milk, some idea on petrol but cant really say at the moment.

                          I need all kinds of stuff, so just pay, there's not much choice.

                          ask me how much I get paid each week, and I could probably tell you.;):biggrin:

                          Current wages do not reflect the cost of living full stop, regardless of public sector or private in my experience, but then in my experience they never have in the last 50 yrs, so nothing new there.
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                          • Beckie76

                            Beckie76 Total Gardener

                            Jan 26, 2015
                            Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
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                            • shiney

                              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                              Jul 3, 2006
                              Retired - Last Century!!!
                              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                              I agree that it was silly to expect Cameron to know the cost of everyday small items and the media should have just ignored it. He was making enough of a hash of things without picking on silly details.

                              I have a lot of friends who are given the shopping list by their wives and just go round the shelves picking the things up and paying at the till. I'm more like @Beckie76 although I don't check prices on line. Supermarkets can even have different prices for the same product (different wrapping) in different parts of the store! For instance, if you want to buy some type of nuts for eating/snacking it's cheaper to get them in the 'baking ingredients' aisle than in the 'snacks' aisle where it can be over £3 per kg higher.

                              I was shopping yesterday and Mrs Shiney asked me to get her a loaf of spelt and rye bread. The 400gm loaf was 80p and the 800gm loaf was £1.90. :doh: I asked the baker why and he said "because that's what the company tell us to charge". :noidea: I also asked why the 400gm loaf is a softer texture and he said it's because they bake them, on the premises, in different types of oven :scratch:

                              @pete A large loaf of a reasonably well made split tin is £1 in Sainsbury's. I think their bread is better than Tesco's as they use a better quality of flower - mainly Canadian. I bought petrol yesterday at £115.99 per litre. :)
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                              • Jiffy

                                Jiffy The Match is on Fire

                                Aug 25, 2011
                                Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
                                It's all down to contracts with the millers as to what type's of flour, it's a mix of British, Eu, Ukrane, Canadian and more Wheats and in some cheaper breads Barley and can have what even type of flour you want, price = Quality/ Quality = Price for the type of bread you want to bake

                                Canadian wheats are higher in protien and selenium than Bristish wheats
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