Ask andrews.

Discussion in 'Gardeners Corner Question Time' started by andrews, May 3, 2019.

  1. andrews

    andrews Super Gardener

    Aug 28, 2018
    Waste Management and Consultancy
    South Yorkshire
    I'll give it a go …

    1. How did you come to join Gardeners Corner?
    Last year, in our apartment on a rainy day I was on the laptop and decided to look for poly tunnel forums (had just put our tunnel up) and I stumbled upon this place

    2. Name the countries or counties you have lived in?
    Only England although we have our place in Bulgaria and go there as often as we can so I class that as a second home

    3. Describe the type of work you do.
    Started off on a mechanical and production engineering course but never went down that route. Worked in IT since that course ended, initially as an engineer but moving into IT Service Management about 25 years ago. Left that world 3 years ago and now work for our waste management company. Its a big change but mush more rewarding

    4. Describe how you first got into gardening?
    A case of necessity initially. Bought our first house 34 years ago and tidied up the small lawn. Moved a year later and had a bigger garden to keep tidy. Got interested in gardening about 6 years ago when I got actively involved in the tropical planting when it changed from a chore to a hobby. Before this I was pretty much the hired hand for the lifting and shifting.

    5. What would be your dream type of garden and do you think you will ever be able to achieve it?
    Dream garden would have this in it
    When I first saw it they wanted £35K but it now seems to be increasing (quite a bit). I cant afford it at either price !! Id have tender tropicals in this and then have the rest of the garden as hardy tropical with running water through it. Edit : I think that any garden that I have will be constantly evolving and never really finished

    6. Have you any particular favourites in celebrity gardeners, flowers, shrubs and/or vegetables?
    Love Carol Kleins enthusiasm and hands on approach. I also enjoy watching Alan Gardner and his explanations of how he sees gardens and designs differently, being autistic

    7. Have you ever entered any of your plants into shows?
    No. Happy for people to look around the garden but don't want it to become an obsession. Having seen a woman spend over £300 on a plant at a succulent auction to take away the competition for her best in show example of the same plant I knew it wasn't for me.

    8. If you had a garden created in your memory, what plants do you think would most adequately sum up you and your life?
    Design would be more relevant than the plants. It would start of messy, leading to more orderly
    • Like Like x 4
      Last edited: May 3, 2019
    • Marley Farley

      Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

      May 11, 2005
      Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
      Under the Edge Zone 8b
      Moved it so it is your question time @andrews ..
      • Like Like x 1
      • Sian in Belgium

        Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

        Apr 8, 2011
        Just south of Brussels
        Interesting to know a bit more about you... :)

        I’ve seen you comment on a lot of the “tropical” threads. Do you have a favourite tropical plant you are currently growing? And one you aspire to grow?
      • andrews

        andrews Super Gardener

        Aug 28, 2018
        Waste Management and Consultancy
        South Yorkshire

        Hmmmmm … favourite tropical plant. A lot of what we grow is more hardy with a tropical look. I like structural plants so palms, cycads, yuccas are up there.

        For foliage it is probably canna musifolia right now as the leaves give a banana feel but don't get ravaged by the wind as much as banana leaves.

        This year it may change. I have musa zebrina, musa sikkemensis and musa velutina growing from seed so one of these may by up there. I also have fuchsia boliviana growing from seed and although this is not really tropical, I love the look of the flowers.

        For big impact it would have to be my brugmansia zunni yellow spider. It has a stunning flower.

        So there you have it …. kid in a sweet shop time. I don't think I can chose a favourite
        • Like Like x 1
        • Sian in Belgium

          Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

          Apr 8, 2011
          Just south of Brussels
          :heehee: Sounds just like me!! As my father-in-law would say, in his understated way,
          “They’re all nice!”
          • Like Like x 1

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