Fruit plants in winter?

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by pauby, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. pauby

    pauby Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 22, 2010
    Hoping somebody can give me some advice. I'm trying to keep the questions all about fruit just now so hence the one thread (with many questions)

    A little short story first. Just purchased a second hand greenhouse and put it up and then discovered the delights of grey mold. Had a raspberry plant, blackberry and two strawberry plants in there but don't think they have been badly affected.

    So this has prompted me to find out if they are hardy - the strawberry's are Cambridge Favourite which are hardy and the raspberry is Glen Clova (hardy) and blackberry is Waldo (can't seem to find if it's hardy or not). I've put them outside but as I am just slightly north of Inverness, I'm wondering the following:

    1. How hardy are they and will they survive here.
    2. Saw mention in other threads about the leaves dropping on rapsberry plants. Leaves on my rapsberry plant are going yellow and I'm taking them off - is this the right thing to do? Strawberry and Blackberry leaves are fine. Will the leaves on the plants just die off or will they stay - just want to know what I should do.
    3. The plants are in raspberry and blackberry - 25cm pots and strawberry - 15cm pots. What I'd like to do is re-pot the strawberrys into a tub and trail them up some canes. Can somebody tell me what size tub I'm looking at (would like to put them in the same tub) and the best way to trail them?

    I am trying to combat the grey mold by keeping the vent in the greenhouse open and the door open during the day to keep air flowing. Hopefully it will help as from what I have read, moisture when it's cold and wet is the biggest problem.

    Any other advice would be gratefully accepted!
  2. Dave W

    Dave W Total Gardener

    Feb 6, 2006
    Anything I fancy and can afford!
    Tay Valley
    ALL the plants are hardy and will survive frosts no bother at all. In fact you'd be much better off with them planted in the garden if you've space for them. Though if you want to get some early strawberries then you could leave them in the greenhouse. Best bet if you want an extended strawberry season is to have some in the greenhouse and some outside.
    You'll get less grey mould if you the fruit outside.
    As far as the leaves dropping - just let them fall off, but clear them up to prevent disease carrying over.
  3. Loofah

    Loofah Admin Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    It might also be an idea to use Jeyes fluid or similar to disinfect the greenhouse if you're having mould issues so soon after getting it
  4. pauby

    pauby Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 22, 2010
    Thanks for that guys. I appreciate it.

    The house is rented so I don't want to plant anything as I want to take it with me! Any suggestions on the strawberries and whether they need re-potting and how to trail them?

    All the plants are now outside and only the veg remains in the greenhouse. No sign of mold after opening the vent and opening the door during the day although it's getting a little colder now so I'm more reluctant to do that.

    I have some Jeyes fluid here for the driveway so will look at the instructions and give the greenhouse a good clean. I did wash the glass before putting it in but only to remove any dirt rather then disinfecting it for mold. I assume that now the mold is 'in there' it will be very difficult to remove as it will no doubt be on the soil and especially at this cold and damp time of year.

    Thanks again.

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