Need help/answers from gardeners

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by wakeywakey, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. wakeywakey

    wakeywakey Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 15, 2010
    Hello there, I'm currently trying to do some market research to try and figure out the best strategies possible for a business which we have built up for a program we are involved in at our college.
    If possible, we would like some answers for our questionnaire so we can consider what our next move would be.
    Thanks in advance if you full this out :thumb:
    No user/names will be given out to any third parties, all information collected in this survey will be used in our group at college within our business.


    Q1) Which age category do you belong to?

    A: Less than 16 years
    B: 16-25 years
    C: 26-40 years
    D: 41-60 years
    E: 60+ years

    Q2) How many seeds do you expect to receive in an avaerage packet?

    Q3) What art would you prefer to feature of a packet of seeds?

    A: Illustration of what the seed will grow into
    B: Photograph of what the seed will grow into
    C: Other (Please specify)

    Q4) Which 3 seeds do you sow and then harvest the most each year?

    Q5) If you could only plant one seed a season, what would they be?

    Q6) Hoe much do you currently spend on seeds (annually)?

    A: £0.00 - £5.00
    B: £5.01 - £10.00
    C: £10.01 - £15.00
    D: £15.01 - £20.00
    E: £21.01 +

    Q7) How many packets of seeds do you averagely buy in one transaction?

    Q8) Do you think young children would be more tempted to start gardening if produce had personalities and names? (E.g: Cool Corey Carrot & Short Sally Strawberry?)
    *Please give a reason for your answer*

    Q9) Do you think a "Grow a vegetable and stick a sticker on a 'I have grown a...' chart" would encourage young children to start gardening with parents/guardians?
    *Please give a reason for your answer*

    Q10) If applicable, where do you currently get your seeds from and for what price-range?
  2. Chopper

    Chopper Do I really look like a people person?

    Mar 18, 2009
    Seal Clubber
    Ilminster, SOMERSET
    If you are at college, I really hope that one of your subjects is English.

    I fail to see how your questions can offer useful information.

  3. Axl

    Axl Gardener

    Nov 23, 2009
    Q1) Which age category do you belong to?

    A: Less than 16 years
    B: 16-25 years
    C: 26-40 years
    D: 41-60 years
    E: 60+ years

    Q2) How many seeds do you expect to receive in an avaerage packet? Totally dependent on which seed's being purchased/cost of mature plant/annual/perennial/rarity/ease of germination/ease of care.

    Q3) What art would you prefer to feature of a packet of seeds?

    A: Illustration of what the seed will grow into
    B: Photograph of what the seed will grow into
    C: Other (Please specify)

    Q4) Which 3 seeds do you sow and then harvest the most each year? Far too many to list. Top three probably Poppies of different varieties, Nigella, Agapanthus.

    Q5) If you could only plant one seed a season, what would they be?


    Q6) Hoe much do you currently spend on seeds (annually)?

    A: £0.00 - £5.00
    B: £5.01 - £10.00
    C: £10.01 - £15.00
    D: £15.01 - £20.00
    E: £21.01 +

    Q7) How many packets of seeds do you averagely buy in one transaction?

    Q8) Do you think young children would be more tempted to start gardening if produce had personalities and names? (E.g: Cool Corey Carrot & Short Sally Strawberry?)
    *Please give a reason for your answer*

    Yes. A very basic and effective marketing tactic but the examples above are very age specific and quite a narrow age range at that.

    Q9) Do you think a "Grow a vegetable and stick a sticker on a 'I have grown a...' chart" would encourage young children to start gardening with parents/guardians?
    *Please give a reason for your answer*

    Undoubtedly, yes. No need to explain why.

    Q10) If applicable, where do you currently get your seeds from and for what price-range?

    Local supplier, price depends entirely on product.
  4. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
    I'm not going to answer the questions as I think you will find the data impossible to analyze
    To analyse data from a questionnaire it really needs to be closed questions - yes/no type answers..
    Open questions like what would you plant will give you as many answers as people you ask - and what can you do with the information.
    I would suggest you re do the questionnaire and I'm sure GC members will be happy to help.
    I hope this is helpful.
  5. HBK

    HBK Gardener

    Sep 5, 2010
    While I agree that the questions are possibly too vague to create a broad perspective of interviewees I have 5 minutes to kill and well, if it helps.

  6. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    You could have spell checked it first. It looks more like kiddies homework than a survey - please prove me wrong.
  7. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    I have to say that lately, there seem to have been a number of posts here in the name of 'student research' and whilst I have no reason to believe that they aren't genuine requests for information, in this instance the questions are so diverse and (as Alice has already already pointed out), will be so difficult to analyse that the results will be meaningless - unless the object of the exercise is to see what percentage of 26-40 year olds who spend over £15 on 6 packets of seeds each containing an average of 150 with an illustration on the front, would think an 'I've grown a plant' sticker for children is a good idea.

    If you genuinely want to ' .... try and figure out the best strategies possible ...', might I suggest you begin by taking a more professional approach to both grammar and spelling and then 'figure out' exactly what information you are trying to obtain by wording your questionnaire accordingly?
  8. makaw

    makaw Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 21, 2010
    After reading through this it sounds like the person asking the questions, Is actually doing a market research as to gaining the exact pricing for products he or she is planning to start a busines,

    I agree the questions are a bit vague so it would be better for he or she visit local gardening stores or even try B&Q I am sure the answer could be found, With that way of doing a market reseach
    you can buy packets of seed to find out how many seeds are in a pack,

    Then repackage to sell on remembering to put the right seeds ito the right packs don`t want to mix them,

    Another way would be to go look for suppliers with catalouges ask them to send you some samples, I am sure that if you tell them that you are thinking of going to go into competiton with them they would be only to willing to comply with all of your inrerest in all your are asking,

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