Brexit -am I stupid or what

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by wiseowl, Dec 10, 2018.

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  1. longk

    longk Total Gardener

    Nov 24, 2011
    @Fat Controller - I agree that there was too many Brexit ministers but frankly they were all useless towards anyway. There was a fifth of decent candidates in truth, maybe Rory Stewart would have been a decent choice?
    As for that clip, no context means no meaning, especially from such a biased source.
    In the EU election no deal parties got 35% of the vote, parties who endorse a second vote got 35% of the vote! It was the fence sitters (Labour and the tories) who got wiped out. So the nation offered up no clear indication whatsoever.
    Taxation? We have one of the lowest overall rates of taxation and another uncommonly low rate of income tax among developed nations. All the extra taxes are optional - if you spend you pay. The more you spend the more you pay. As I've said before petrol tax has historically been high in the UK for over one hundred years. Nothing new.
  2. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    The fence sitters were part of the problem, and indeed are part of a greater problem also - the main reason that the SNP did as well as they did is because Labour were so bloomin' useless! (Generalisation coming here...) Scottish voters would rather gouge their own eyes out with a fork than vote Tory, and generally the vote would be split between the SNP and Labour; only, at the moment, Labour are such an unpalatable prospect that nobody wants to vote for them either. Farage will be seen as a posh Tory type to those in Scotland, so they ain't voting for him either - who do they have left, but the SNP.

    The real worry is that there are a great many people in politics that simply cannot seem to understand why the country is returning the votes that they are; they are not interested in digging below the surface to see why people are so unhappy; they are not interested in stopping or changing policies that people don't want or deem unfair, instead choosing to bulldoze their way ahead and balls to those complaining, because "We know best" "It's for your own good" (or attitudes to that effect). Until this sort of thing is addressed or understood, things are not going to get any better.
  3. longk

    longk Total Gardener

    Nov 24, 2011
    The trouble is @Fat Controller that if a policy/law costs someone money they will deem it unfair or unpalatable. But that's life, nowt's for free. And sometimes people need a kick up the butt to help themselves. As a smoker I accept that I should be taxed to buttery in the same way that I did when I was a drinker. Libbie and I accept that we pay more tax because of what we earn but there are others who would say that I could have bought a new car with that instead. Modern people are basically self centred.
  4. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    Aye, I accept that some things will be deemed unfair or unpalatable, but there are things that are downright unfair to everyone - ULEZ being one of those. Equally, are you saying that you are happy that you are getting value for your tax pound? Is it self-centred to want the public services we are paying for to be there and to work? The roads are in a pretty poor state across the country, our railways barely work, public transport is in decline (again), the NHS is on its knees, schools are falling apart, there is a housing crisis. social and elderly care is shot to bits, and kids are killing each other in the street.

    Never mind though, we are going to have a really fast railway line between London and Birmingham.

    Aye, I wonder why people are so unhappy, and are voting the way they are.....
  5. Verdun

    Verdun Passionate gardener

    Oct 16, 2012
    West Cornwall
    Well, if the “experts” were right we would already be in a mess.
    Thus, yes, the UK is thriving despite the hapless politicians :)
  6. Redwing

    Redwing Wild Gardener

    Mar 22, 2009
    YES, because the people are now informed and ‘the people’s will’ has changed.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • longk

      longk Total Gardener

      Nov 24, 2011
      It is harsh but I remember Oxford (let alone London) in the eighties and it was foul. My godfather was over from NZ last summer and was surprised how much cleaner the air (and the buildings) was. ULEZ deffo needs tweaking for those on low income and I find the exemption of historic vehicles perverse.

      On the whole yes. Everything in life could be better and the same goes for how our taxes are spent but what we have here compared to others is good. I could run things better, as could you no doubt along with everyone else on this forum, but on the whole we are lucky. Now I appreciate that it is easy to say that if you are more comfortable financially (and I for one can remember raiding the copper jar for a packet of fags in the past), and I appreciate that it easy to say that if I can wander around at night without fear, but on the whole we are lucky and reasonably well served. I would prefer it if my taxes weren't wasted on things like maternity and paternity leave, the House Of Commons refit, HS2 and spent elsewhere instead but as Dennis Healy once said, government is no place for principles and ideology, it is about compromise.

      As above really. They are there and by and large they work. Not perfectly but compare it to the US for example. The gap between rich and poor grows, food banks are becoming an essential community resource and that should not be but imagine the outcry if taxes went up to pay for it.

      These are historic issues. The railways dating back to Beeching and the roads to the latter years of Thatcher.

      Yup. That is what happens when services are privatised. If they can operate at a profit they can be run by the state/local authority that efficiently as well for less or get more for the same.

      At any given time the NHS is said to be on its knees. Always has been, always will be in the eyes of the people. Yet it does perform wonders.
      The problem is that people will insist on living longer, that people have become medic botherers over every little thing, that new techniques require investment if they are to be offered and that there are still too many damned chiefs. Thank god for the immigrants who prop it up I say.

      And in our day they weren't? Jeez, we sat there with no heating, a bucket in the corner to catch rainwater, windows that didn't open, lockers with doors falling off, broken chairs, thirty year old paint, bog paper that merely moved the poop residue around yer bum cheeks rather than cleaning, cold showers, do I need to go on? And this was in an affluent town in the era of Thatch! They are a darned site better now. A bit of discipline would help and a higher bar as far as results would negate the UK need to import skilled better educated workers from abroad but there you go, we don't want to put the little treasures under too much pressure.

      I agree. God bless Thatch for having a dream!

      I daren't even start here for fear of offence. It's a toughie though. The reliance on private providers needs to go, and then maybe adopt the Logans Run model :sofa: Does anyone have any less unsavoury ideas? People survive longer, be it into old age or longer than they may have done as a result of medical conditions or trauma. Care costs.

      Yes. But why? Is it a lack of investment in them, social conditions, social attitudes, lack of parental guidance or what. Is it as a result of not enough tax revenue being spent or other factors. The modern way of expecting everything now maybe? Peer pressure? Image? Lack of effective deterent in the justice system?

      Well praise the lord for that! And we'll have cross rail too!
      But then five minutes ago we were moaning about the state of public transport and the railways! But far less important in my opinion than getting the basics right. Especially as we've just spent the weekend in the Netherlands where it all works together, planes trains and buses.

      Christ, I dread your idea of recession! It is keeping its head above water, but not thriving.

      Are you suggesting that a few enlightened souls may have worked out that Boris, Nigel and their chums lied to them! :whistle:
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      • Verdun

        Verdun Passionate gardener

        Oct 16, 2012
        West Cornwall
        Whatever is said 50% of folks will disagree. It’s the nature of the beast. :noidea:
        Everybody ...everybody..I have spoken to about brexit has maintained the same view as 3 years ago. The second vote will be close, too hard to call whatever anyone says. If the vote goes the other way there will still be unrest, maybe even more so than now.
        Europe is notorious for having 2 or 3 referenda until the powers that be get the vote they want!
        Nobody knows what will happen if we leave the EU. Wild speculation often based on hype and scare mongering that’s all.
        Remember, there was great dissatisfaction within the UK about the borders, the money we were paying in, the way EU laws over rule our own, etc.
        • Agree Agree x 3
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        • Fat Controller

          Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

          May 5, 2012
          Public Transport
          At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
          See, you were making fair points up until then - and this is the problem. Ever since the referendum, we have been hearing that people who voted leave are stupid (hell, Junker himself called us stupid as we were heading to the polls on Thursday, as if that was going to bring people round to his way of thinking!); we've been told that we are racist, facist, Nazi's and so on, and to be honest all it is doing is feeding the ill feeling - - making people feel belittled, and as though they are being dictated to by people who think they know better.
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          • pete

            pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

            Jan 9, 2005
            Mid Kent
            Maybe we should only let clever people vote?;)

            Wouldn't half save a lot of problems.
            • Agree Agree x 2
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            • longk

              longk Total Gardener

              Nov 24, 2011
              Smilies on the end always meant tongue in cheek but sorry if I offended anyone.
              I will not take back what I said about the lies that they told though. Even Peter Oborne, a long time and almost fanatical Brexiteer has now said the same................

              "The Brexiteers made a succession of claims about leaving the EU that have turned out to be untrue."

              "They made exaggerated and false claims about British finances after Brexit. They used illegal methods, and their funding was obscure. If the Brexit referendum had been a general election the Brexiteers would have been chucked out of office."

              I posted that link before but nobody bothered to read it or chose not to comment because it was uncomfortable reading. The fact is that whilst the charges against the remain campaign were that they only offered negative quotes and references (admittedly from respected sources) it is only the Brexit campaign that has been shown to have lied and (at best) misrepresented the truth. For Mr Oborne to actually swallow his pride and say that he was wrong on the very thing that has largely built his career of late is quite something.
              So when a Brexiteer says no problem we leave with no deal and we trade under WTO rules they neglect to mention that there are problems. Our schedule has to be formally submitted then the 160 odd member states have three months to consider and then if they want raise objection. If needs be it is then debated and negotiated. WTO rules also restrict subsidies for agriculture etc.

              Anyway, if any offence was caused I apologise. Please note that I never set out to be insulting nor called anyone a snowflake if they were offended (as I understand that would be against the rules as a Remainer :heehee: )
              • Friendly Friendly x 2
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              • longk

                longk Total Gardener

                Nov 24, 2011
                Although I pressed agree it wasn't because I think that it should only be "clever" people but I do believe that the issue was far too complex for those of us without a specialist understanding of the question.

                As an aside this mornings Reith Lecture on Radio 4 made some interesting points on the referendum..............

                BBC Radio 4 - The Reith Lectures, 2019: Jonathan Sumption, 2/5. In Praise of Politics
              • pete

                pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                Jan 9, 2005
                Mid Kent
                There's no answer to that, the bloke lives in a tiny world totally devoid of reality.
                Perhaps he should get a proper job.
                Must admit I only listened to the first 5 minutes.

                I then carried on watching some paint dry.:biggrin:
                • Funny Funny x 3
                • Fat Controller

                  Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                  May 5, 2012
                  Public Transport
                  At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                  No offence taken @longk, nor any intended - I was merely pointing out that this is essentially at the core of the problems that are being faced across the entire EU.

                  We have the rich/well off who are seemingly more in the know than the scum like me. They don't mind paying over the odds for fuel, road tax, plastic bags, flight taxes and so on because they can afford it. If they have a mortgage, it is so low that they don't even feel the monthly payments on that new hybrid car that they have to buy to avoid the congestion charges or high taxation - indeed, they could afford those taxes, but they wouldn't look 'hipster' enough.....
                  They may be like me in that they cannot stand sweeteners no matter how hard they have tried, but that is OK because they will happily pay over the odds because it is protecting the kiddies (aye, right!), and they will recoil in horror when someone dares to say that they voted to leave the EU because it is catastrophic, it is racist and so on.

                  But those folks, who see 75-80% of their income go on rent and council tax really feel it when these additional costs are imposed on them; I can think of one chap off the top of my head who treated himself to a nearly new car just before he retired. A diesel X-Type estate. He has cherished this car, and it was the car that was going to see him to hanging up his driving gloves. But, he is now faced with a car that is essentially valueless that he will not be able to drive off his driveway as of this time next year because he lives within the extended ULEZ zone. He is now a pensioner and simply cannot afford a new car, but equally he cannot afford the £12.50 a day that it will cost just to move off his drive and head for the motorway - if he heads into town, that rises to something like £24 - - that isn't a tax, that is daylight robbery. My own mum, quite badly disabled, has only just managed to get an appointment to see a doctor........ having not seen one for over three years because she has been fobbed off by receptionists and practice nurses etc. Yet, they will happily keep sending out prescriptions for heavy duty drugs to try and help her pain - no kidney function tests, no liver tests, no GP's available. Having had a PIP assessment at the end of last year, they decided to remove her mobility component and thus her car, so even getting to the doctors is now going to be a case of relying on neighbours and friends - - and worst of all, I am unable to do a thing to help because of my own circumstances.

                  When it boils down to it this is all about the 'haves' telling the 'have nots' what to do, and how to think, and that is what is coming home to roost.
                • anth85

                  anth85 Gardener

                  Mar 21, 2019
                  So what your saying is people have voted to leave and are sticking by it because the government said that they should have voted to remain?

                  But it's ok that the likes of Mogg, Farage, Johnson et al are saying to leave so that is who people agree with. The term establishment is banded about all over yet I think these lot suit that a lot more and say for example all the scientists at universities.

                  For the environmental part of your post, I'm not sure if you are aiming that at EU green policies. But I'm sure they will be a factor and unfortunately, it's crap, but we are all going to have to do our bit. If this guy loses out on his xtrail for the sake of there being less pollution that fair enough, big diesels are on the way out the same way as leaded fuel was. That is a big problem for me too since I tow a caravan. It would be nice if someone could come up with a way of making these cars greener though, fitting an extra catalytic converter or soot collector or something like that, even at the expense of a bit of power.

                  The bit about the NHS sits solely 100% with the Tory austerity policy. The EU has nothing to do with that, yet it is somehow blamed for it.
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