|65:7|39:1|240:1318 If i had £2K spare (and it would really have to be spare) I'd get one for the novelty value - also it's good how it could cut the lawn so often that the small clippings fall to the roots of the grass which I guess helps fertilise/mulch. Dont think it can do stripes though. I guess in say 5 years these things may be £1-200 would you buy one then?
I think the ones that are currently available are a bit of a gimmick, but I'll be a buyer when they do a proper job, and operate largely unattended. As a kid I remember having to drive the the launderette with my Mother to do the washing. Then we were able to afford a washing machine. Then a dish washing machine. Created a lot of leisure time, or ability to go out to work. Automatic lawn mower would do that too. I don't mind doing the mowing (takes me a couple of hours), but its the fact that it has to be done regardless of my other commitments that would encourage me to automate the task. Got'ta have Regency Stripes though!