Allett scarifying cartridge any good?

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by tim091, Jun 26, 2019.

  1. tim091

    tim091 Gardener

    Sep 3, 2018
    I have just taken delivery of an Allett cylinder mower and wonder if anyone has experience of the scarifying cartridge they sell for it? How does it stack up against a "proper" scarifier?

    They also sell a "de-thatcher" cartridge - what's the difference?!

    Any advice welcome.
  2. Liz the pot

    Liz the pot Total Gardener

    Jul 1, 2015
    Scarifying setups differ. Their scarifier is a tine setup, de-thatcher is a blade.
    Tine setups are designed to simply touch the surface, blades can penetrate if they are fixed but if they are free swinging blades again they are only really meant to touch the surface.
    Normally for fine turf areas a blade setup will have more blades along the length.
    The setups on the Allett are more towards the home owner who wants an all in one setup without the need for various machines.
  3. tim091

    tim091 Gardener

    Sep 3, 2018
    Thanks for the info. I guess I need to figure out which will suit my lawn conditions best. I have a lot of thatch it seems, even though I have raked out twice in spring and again more recently. (I say thatch, straw coloured blades of grass amongst the good stuff).

    You were a great help earlier in the year with advice on my moss/tree roots/shade issues and the lawn is looking a lot better for it. The Mo Bacter helped with the moss but didn't kill it all, I have spot killed all the weeds with both Resolva and Weedol but some are still looking healthy! About a month ago I covered with Scotts Lawn Builder which made a big difference visually, and I have been cutting it long.

    All in all it is looking better but still a long way to go. I am hoping the cylinder mower will be kinder to the grass than the old rotary and in the autumn I can get into some scarifying, moss killing etc.
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    • Liz the pot

      Liz the pot Total Gardener

      Jul 1, 2015
      The MO stuff works well if conditions suit it and it needs to go on heavy but the plus side is it eats away the moss. It will not solve the issue of moss returning though.
      I use an Eliet scarifier which has various blade setups. I tend to stick to a fixed blade which suits my line of work as domestic lawns vary. It’s light enough for me to lift, small enough access all the lawns I do and does a nice clean job.
      I’ve never used the Allett stuff, I’m sure if you were to speak to them they would be able to tell you what accessories are available for your machine and I would expect them to work as intended.

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