My 7yr old daughter was on the phone to me (she has a mobile but only for when she's at guides so no games etc, just phone calls and texts) to complain that her Guides leader asked her to zip her jacket up because it's pouring rain where they are and her uniform is getting soaked. Now, I am in two minds as to what to do so I did tell her that she needs to listen to her leaders but that is basically because I would have told her to zip up too if I was there. But, I also do agree with some who will say that she should be allowed to learn natural consequences of her decision. So, what would you have said in the same situation?
Hi Gardening Guru I would have supported the Guides leader. A reasonable request, a sensible one and there has to be a respected hierarchy that your daughter ....and you yourself....signed up to Not made it into an issue bigger than it was
Natural consequences of her decision she would have got soaking wet and cold,I'm a dinosaur and believe that age 7 is to young to have a mobile,if she didn't have a mobile she wouldn't have phoned you up,and whether you agreed with her Guide leader or not makes no difference,you have left the guide leader in charge of your daughter thereby trusting her judgement
I would have supported the leader, but if she was that indignant about it I would have said get wet..! I too feel this young lady is a tad young to be having a phone and texting you about things like that.. I am surprised she is in the Guides at 7 and that they don’t have to all turn phones off until guides has finished.. Our Guides do..
For a start if I had a 7 year old she/he wouldn't have a mobile phone,also I'd expect my child to have more common sense and know even at that age ..if it rains and you don't zip up you're going to get wet.
Well, to me it just sounds a bit , ...for want of a better word,.. daft. Its common sense, is it not? Or am I from an age when you just got on with things, and accepted the realities of life?
That is why I asked what you guys would do? I already stated that I agree with the leaders and will be having strong words with her later.
Hi @Gardening Guru , are you sure you joined the right forum. You've created five threads and made twelve posts..... all about your child. Are you interested in gardening at all ?