this might sound stupid.... but how do you decide where to plants things... i have loads of things in pots that i have acquired or grown from stolen cuttings etc and loads of seeds still in packets because i just don't know where to start...
Hiya ridgiemum In a similar situation myself...prob most of us too....where I have loads of plants in pots, good plants too, growing on and waiting for the perfect spot Firstly research what each plant it moisture, is it dry, is it sun or is it shade? Group plants according to these needs and you won’t go too far wrong. The best adage is to grow plants that suit your soil and conditions .... Colour! Determine what may work together colour wise either complementary or contrasting Shapes.....mix mounded plants with spiky upright ones. Remember you can always change things, move them about. What plants do you have? What sort of garden and space do you have?
we have just under half an acre.... were still building the house but are also trying to sort the garden, mainly because the weeds are really strong.. so we've had to do it in levels.... behind the house is going to be sort of a patio... and then to the right, its three levels... highest level is grassed with a fuscia hedge, grown from cuttings of an existing plant which needs dug out for the extension to be built... and azaleas which are not doing well... there's a pergola between two levels and its got roses climbing it... the slightly lower level has a septic tank which limits us.. but its grassed as well and i want to make it an orchard.. see post in "trees" about the apples and i also have a plum tree... more grass in a third level and a coffee courtyard... ill try and add photos, but its a bit technical for me! plants in pots... 5 holly... 7 kashmir rowan (grown from berries) 7 more fuchsia, a willow, an oak (self seeded so i stuck it in a pot), an elm (again self seeded) a hydrangea, couple of ivy... ive planted four broom along the boundary wall of the "orchard" and stuck in a honeysuckle... we're getting the sun all day every day, there's very little shade, its very windy (top of a hill) and the soil is clay deep down, but pretty good on top.....
photos!! this is the "orchard" not quite finished and the side of the house.. boundary wall is really low, but over a metre from the road... dunno if we should put trees in or not...