Seedlings / Greenhouse

Discussion in 'Greenhouse Growing' started by digger1, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. digger1

    digger1 Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 8, 2009
    Thanks all for some really great tips - will try a few different ideas and see what happens - I can't do any worse than my previous attempts :doh:
  2. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    I would agree with Strongy. I never water my seeds and seedlings for the first couple of months or so when they are in a propogator. By having a transparent top, you reduce the moisture loss a lot. All I do is spray them each day or so with a weak solution of Cheshunt compound. For me this avoids the danger of overwatering and acts as an anti-fungicide at the same time. I use the cheapest plastic tops over a seed tray, so I have to remove the tops every day to ventilate them - and to let new carbon dioxide in.

    There is no exact right or wrong way. As long as you give the seeds what they want - compost, moisture and air, they are tough little items and will thrive often inspite of what you do not because of it!

    And I always keep in mind what Beth Chatto wrote in one of her books - she never throws away seed trays that haven't germinated for two years. Sometimes seeds germinate many months after sowing.

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