Tete-a-Tete Bulbs

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by digger1, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. digger1

    digger1 Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 8, 2009
    Last September / October time I got 2 bags of Tete-a-Tete daffodil bulbs, but due to problems in the garden I was unable to plant them as I planned. I was going to keep them until this back end, but reading another thread on here it says it's unusual for bulbs to survive that long without soil.

    Should I just plant them out now into pots (I know it's late) but just so they are in soil or is there a better way of storing them?

    I want to eventually plant them in the garden once it's ready for planting.
  2. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Toni I would plant them now in pots or tubs and put them outside, the reason for planting daffodil bulbs in the autumn is that daffodils and narcissi need about 12 or 13 weeks of cold weather, from 3 to 9 degrees Celsius to reset them for blooming so there's a good chance you will get something out of them this year,when you have sorted your garden take the whole lot out and plant them out.
  3. digger1

    digger1 Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 8, 2009
    Thank you walnut. Will do that today - the kids will love being able to help with that!

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