Brexit -am I stupid or what

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by wiseowl, Dec 10, 2018.

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  1. Loofah

    Loofah Admin Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    Well bit of a dual post with the moan thread... Brexit has now officially affected me as all my projects in Europe have been canned by the US bean counters and I’ll be out the door early October
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    • noisette47

      noisette47 Total Gardener

      Jan 25, 2013
      Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
      I am sorry to hear that, Andy.
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      • Loofah

        Loofah Admin Staff Member

        Feb 20, 2008
        Thank you noisette, bit upsetting to be honest as signed the exchange of contracts on a house purchase the day before!
        • Friendly Friendly x 5
        • ARMANDII

          ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

          Jan 12, 2019
          Well, I would take a guess, Mike, that in those days the Supreme Court didn't have much to do with National crisis, or cases that were
          connected to international politics and intrigue. I would think that then going to the Supreme Court, should a plaintiff ever succeed in convincing a Court to pass it on to the, the cost per day would have been around £12,000 a day. Today a High Court can cost upwards of £50.000 a day, whereas the cost of a Supreme Court is around £150.000 climbing to £250,000 a day. But the number of times I have seen a person found guilty and, indeed to my mind they mostly certainly were, screaming outrage and threatening to take everyone in the Court to a higher court is beyond count.
          Without mentioning specifics I have seen a case, in the High Courts where a small Business man was taken to Court for for failing to pay a bill of £100 although later it was proved his Secretary had postedd a cheque for that amount. He decided that he would use every legal right that he could find to use legislation and the resources of the Court and to cost officialdom as much as possible by asking for Interpreters, specialised equipment, historical research, the use of experts in different fields of expertise, forensic evidence, etc, which in the end cost more than £250,000 over the 5 day trial......all over a £100 cheque. He ended up being found guilty on a lesser, much minor charge, was fined £75, while the Prosecution was given a dressing off by the Judge and made to pay the Defence bill.
          I can also remember a Defence Lawyer,who was known to take anyone as a client, knocking on the door to my office, coming in and sitting down uninvited, and sitting there for silently for a couple of minutes and, looking up at me, said glumly "you know, Mr....., I work for the Scum of the Earth" I don't know whether or not he was looking for sympathy, since he was making a good living out of it, but after trying to finding some sort of comforting words in my mind, could only look at him and reply "but you still take their money, don't you". He sat there for another minute or two and then left without a word.
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          • ARMANDII

            ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

            Jan 12, 2019
            Actually, shiney, it's a characteristic of court cases, and this thread, where original text, words, etc get changed (unconsciously)to emphasise or strengthen a person's belief or argument while believing the changed word(s) mean the same thing as the original words. To be honest, I usually stay silent and take a sip of my Tea:dunno::cat-kittyandsmiley::coffee::heehee:. But take the recent case of the definition of Common Law being quoted recently, where the first component was changed to a similar sounding phrase but which the definition change the meaning completely. Courts, Judges, Legal Consultants, have to interpret law to the letter, while Barristers, Solicitors, and the Media are paid to find ways to take a different "view point".
            People are determined to view Boris Johnson as the Villian of the Piece, willing to see the worst, seizing every political and media attack on his him as confirming his evil intentions of leaving the EU and placing the blame firmly and solely on him, and that reflects in the slight changing in wording, leading to a totally different meaning, in the Media, the threads in this Forum and another Forums.........but that is, I suppose, Human nature.
            I, switched on the TV last night and found myself watching Nigel Farage speaking on the podium of the BREXIT Party conference. I view myself not an extremist, a fanatic, blind to the effects that it might have on ex-pats, but I found myself nodding to his basically calm, frank, explanation of what BREXIT means to him and his loathing of the EU. He is a very good orator, he doesn't rant, (as the Media always decribes his speechs) but I think the real secret of his ability to attract support from the moderate persons is that he speaks in plain language without shouting, echoing what most Brexiteers think. I wouldn't buy a second hand car from the Man but he is going to be a threat to all parties in a General Election and is now offering a "none agressive"pact in the coming General Election, so it is not far fetched to envisage a Hung Parliament with Farage being part of a viable coalition Government........which would really be a case of a Fox among the Chickens!!! It's not something, I personally, would want,as I would rather have a Conservative Government with a working majority although I may add have a been a Labour voter but,after the Blair/Brown debacle, and now Corbyn, the extremists of the Left and the rise in power of Momentum within the Party I can never vote Labour again.

            I also think that is Boris's secret and that he has brought a huge culture shock to the House of Parliament where MPs shout, rant, throw accusations, insults etc while basically saying nothing of substance and achieving absolutly nothing. The use of frank and plain language is, in fact, a foreign language in politics and it is, for me, refreshing to hear someone reply to a question delivered by an opposing side,reply in polite, but blunt, plain English that at the moment is received in Shock, Outrage, Disbelief and an inability to do the same.
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            • ARMANDII

              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

              Jan 12, 2019
              Sorry to hear that, Loofah. I have no glib, reassuring reply, but I do think you will survive as you are a man of Intelligence and mental courage that will see you through, despite what you're are thinking at the moment. I can only say, I've been there (3 times) and know what it's like, so I wish you Luck, my friend.:love30:
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              • noisette47

                noisette47 Total Gardener

                Jan 25, 2013
                Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
                Eeek! Not good timing, as if it ever is! Would this be a good opportunity to buy a chauffeurs outfit, tie some ribbons on the Jag and set up a wedding car service?:)
                • Friendly Friendly x 1
                • Loofah

                  Loofah Admin Staff Member

                  Feb 20, 2008
                  Thanks, it will be ok, just a bit of bad timing in all! I’d also feel better knowing there’s an opportunity just around the corner
                  • Friendly Friendly x 2
                  • longk

                    longk Total Gardener

                    Nov 24, 2011
                    Did you at least get the right gender of passport!!! I'd checked in online so just went straight to security. From there I just went straight to a little room with some important looking men :yikes:

                    I think that it's about 15 flights a day so fairly easy to get another one especially when they saw the account that it was booked by - money talks and there are times when I'm happy to take advantage. I didn't even get bumped down to cattle class :biggrin:

                    Absolutely. That was exactly the ruling that Gina Millers action was seeking. Seeking a ruling on legality would have been a constitutional nightmare. But if anyone is in doubt just consider the fact that he/his team would not submit a signed witness statement to the court.

                    That is not good at any time. Here's hoping that fortune takes a shine to you in the near future.
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                    • redstar

                      redstar Total Gardener

                      Aug 6, 2008
                      Domestic Goddess
                      Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                    • CanadianLori

                      CanadianLori Total Gardener

                      Sep 20, 2015
                      Battle Axe
                      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                      @ARMANDII I agree that Boris speaks plainly and without airs. His opposition would accuse him of being succinct because they prefer to talk as thespians in an antiquated theatre. I really dislike hearing the posturing (yes, our PM does that too sadly) and selfie style talk. Listen to my vocabulary see my rehearsed body language.

                      Boris connects, in my mind, with those who are tired of the bs and want to cut to the bottom line.

                      Refreshing. :)
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                      • Fat Controller

                        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                        May 5, 2012
                        Public Transport
                        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                        Now this is interesting..... (you will need to zoom in)

                      • longk

                        longk Total Gardener

                        Nov 24, 2011
                        Sadly, if it's not lies that comes out of his mouth when he speaks then it will be utter ballcocks instead. His relationship with the truth is known to be tenuous at best.
                        • Informative Informative x 1
                        • WeeTam

                          WeeTam Total Gardener

                          Mar 9, 2015
                          Southern Scotland
                          Imo none of the political leaders are to be trusted anymore and the system is broken beyond repair now.

                          The 48% will try any tactic fair or foul to over turn a democratic vote.
                          The 52% are furious their vote has been deemed to be meaningless and not as important as the 48% ers.

                          And now the country is to be governed by the courts in London it seems......
                          • Like Like x 1
                          • ARMANDII

                            ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                            Jan 12, 2019

                            Oh, come on, longk!!! I think that allegation has been laid against the door of all Politicians, dead and alive:wallbanging::doh: I've been at meetings when I've had to present evidence about things that were happening within organisations where there were problems that had severe problems caused by individuals. I've been called a Liar, had Security called in to escort me from a building and then called back in, within minutes, when the evidence was proved factual. We have sat watching TV for decades listening to Politiicans saying thousands of words and actually saying nothing, or listening to them promising the World to the listening audience and ten years later nothing has happened. Just because a Politician or person is in the spotlight for whatever reasons and is disliked by the opposition doesn't make him a Liar. He's told everyone in the UK that he's determined to honour the result of the 2016 Referendum, come what may, he's been using plain language in the Parliament, to the shock of those used to hiding the truth behind vagueness and talking in the deliberately obscure Parliamentary language answering extremely hostile and insults and speaking a language that we all understand..........plain English.
                            Now he's facing allegations of sexual assault, misuse of grants........all of which most people question the timing of those allegations and the fact that the latter comes from a Labour run Organisation, while the former are allegations are over 20 years old. Allegations are just that, allegations, but if the "hatred" is there then people will shout "It must be true, it is true" and I have, over the last 15 years, got tired of hearing that outside and inside Courts.........I guess Human Behaviour will never change

                            I've always loved the conundrum...........

                            "I always tell the Truth, and I am lying now.":doh::heehee:
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                              Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
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