looks like me and my hubby are set to loose our jobs :0(

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by cattwoman25, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    What can I say catt!:dh:......Hang in there girl,we are here for you:)
  2. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    My condolences on the news. That's just terrible! The firms that are going down right now - who'd have thought?

    But Wedgewood is a class act. Cannot imagine someone wouldn't snap it up. God bless you, hun.
  3. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006


    yes we are in a union but to be honest they are really **** they use to have a bit of clowt but they ammount to nothing now the head of union cou;d'nt even be bothered to come to our meeting yesterday which i found disgusting !

    hubby wants to do the bathrooms side of plumbing that kind of thing not the fitting gas fires ect he is qualified in plastering so if he could learn a few other things its poss he could then work for himself ?

    i know what you mean about the building trade which again is such a shame

    everythings such a mess with this country at the mo
  4. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006

    thanks is lovely to know i can come on and get support from you lovely people

    the funny thing is i normally need support growing me toms or spuds :hehe:
  5. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Glad to see you still have your sense of humour :gnthb:
  6. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Aarrhh just lost my post!! anyway cattwoman going to break the posts up so I don't lose again, OK.

    First of all I feel for you so much, please try to keep your spirits up. You have lots of friends on here. It happened to me twice, both within a short time of each other & knocked me for six. What with that and other things I was really bad for quite a while, so I have some idea of how you feel. Just remember you have your kids, although I do appreciate that that could be an extra worry to but just remember they still have you & dad and won't starve.

    If the worst comes to worst I can only offer this little bit of advice....

    As soon as you know anything for sure (either keeping or losing your jobs), get in touch with the Job Centre, or jobcentre+. They have lots of advice on training together with benefit entitlements.

    going to post 2 now....
  7. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    ...post 2.

    If you feel you would like to go into the caring profession whether for the NHS or privately, there is lots of information on courses etc both at the JC and on the net. We need truly caring like you in these sort of jobs and I know you would be so good at it.

    As for your husband, as has been said this is a bad time for building trades and I would look carefully at what accreditation he would actually achieve at the end of it. Again I would think the best place to find out would be the job centre. If it's to do bathrooms and the like and he didn't need to be Corgi registered I would think that's a much better option. I've got a job for him now!

    going to post 3....
  8. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    ....post 3.

    Apprenticeships are really hard to come by these days, it's such a shame. As you said he can already do plastering so he's part the way there already. And don't worry about your ages, there's lots older re-learning mate. Talking of which I forgot to mention LearnDirect may be worth looking at.

    The only thing is of course whilst you are both learning you will find money really tight, but you can survive believe me, ok?

    going to post 4.....
  9. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    ...post 4.

    So sorry about this, I got a phone call in the middle of it! Next time I'm definately doing it on word first!!

    Anyway back to learning - although mine was office type stuff, I was offered a local place to just update my skills with accountancy and IT (did you guess I didn't do it, :) ), which would have been usueful if I had gone back to that work and it was very flexible. That was through different companies but originally through the job centre.

    You can get loads of info from the Job Centre, the Government website (dept. of work & pensions I think) etc and don't forget you can always, always ask on here.

    Sorry this has been so dis-jointed, my original post made much more sense!

    Anyway, cw I wish you all the best and if it's any consolation there's quite a few of us who gone through things very similar to you and been scared, but we're here to tell the tale and to help you any way we can.

    Let us know what's happening won't you. Sending you my love & best wishes.
  10. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    Ah! catt. I really feel for you. I've been down this road 3 times. Take all the benefits you can get. You've earned them. Don't be afraid of the menial jobs (Kitchen porters etc. ) they don't pay much but there are useful perks there. I hope everything works out for you, we're all rooting for you.:gnthb:
  11. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    borrowers thankyou soooooooooooooooo much for taking your time to reply it must of done your head in lol

    great info again thankyou

    currently we have 30 days which takes us to the 4th feb i have heard that they are splitting waterford and wedgwood up so fingers crossed someone will snap it up as waterford is a really big looser and they took over us to keep them selves going and in the process destroyed wedgwoods
    who do and have made a profit.

    well theres nothing to do but wait we have been promised 4 weeks of wages all be it short time pay but its money coming in

    thing is i want to start buying me seeds , plant pots and get going in the garden its killing me off not been able to buy these things lol
  12. nathan7

    nathan7 Gardener

    Jul 13, 2006
    Yes I agree, Take all the benefits that are due to you, I was in a situation in 2004, and it knocks the stuffing out of you, Although mine was a serious illness, It is the shock of it happening, And what to do
    I had a lot of help from my family, and friends, but having to finish my job after 33years laying floors eas hard, We did panic,Tthinking how are we going to manage and survive, But we did we claimed what we were entitled to, and got through, ok we had to cut our cloth on a few things, so chin up and all the best to you and your family We have a Son and his family living in Stoke, not far from the Wedgwood factory, and my daughter- in- laws Father, who lives in Minton, used to work in one of factories producing pottery, it will be interesting to get his views on this latest news , You all take care it will come alright :thumb:
  13. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Cat woman, If your husband wants to do bathroom fitting, he might find a market but to do so soley on a self employed basis will intitially be hard.

    I would suggest he sits his part p domestic installers, or he will be at the mercy of a spark and may well find delays even with a good established working sub. He will also need a fairly good basic knowledge of heating systems. I would also suggest he starts building up a portfolio of work now, with this sort of thing a lot of it comes down to being a good salesman and an ability to plan. I do a fair bit of handyman work these days ( mostly painting, small carpentry etc I find it a bit more profitable and equally as interesting as horticulture, I have fitted a few bathrooms, both for myself, family and friends (my latest):


    I have however always declined to do paid fits as to date my heating knowledge although alright is not high enough for me to feel comfortable nor can I legally do the electrical without a taking my part p, I would also need to change my insurance. Some of the kit needed for doing it frequently like a decent Rothenberger freezing unit, Rubi saw, diamond cores etc is also expensive.

    I'm lucky in that some of my family and many of my friends are involved in building trades and Ive laboured and assisted in quite a few trades and built my knowledge up in this way, If your hubby could perhaps offer his services as free labour for a few days to someone specializing in bathroom fitting then he should get a good feeling for the job and an idea of pitfalls etc.

    Plastering as a full time career might an easier thing for your hubby.
  14. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006

    some really good info there thanks paul i will past it on :idea:

    cracking job of the bathroom too :gnthb: looks lovely

    i have just prompted myself into getting some information in support staff so have emailed the nhs careers ,
    i do go horse riding with my daughter every saturday and the lady who i sit with is a staff nurse up the local hospital and she gave me some good info last week and also said she would put a word in for me if i wanted :yho:

    i have kind of prepared myself ready for loosing mine and hubbys job i always prepare for the worst and if that does'nt happen then thats a bonus sooooooooooooo

    am feeling positive today for some strange reason maybe because of all the support you peeps have given me on here :thumb:
  15. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    hi all

    well looks like this company KPS Capital Partners have bought wedgwoods or its going through

    this is the same company that talks fell through 3 days before it went into administration

    i should be happy but for some reason im not as i don't think they will be keeping us on in the uk

    they are an american based firm so i think they will ship it all abroad now (which will kill it)

    just hope we get our redundancy package

    after talking to a manager on there last night she thinks things are going to start happening next week and they will start to get rid of people !

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