Gas and elec bill :0(

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by cattwoman25, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    hi all

    im normally in the gardening section but would like to ask anyone about there gas and elec bills

    i am with scottishpower and from the 29th sept - 26th dec i have had a bill for £490

    now i check my meter every week without fail due to been handed a bill for £805 3 yrs back with the price rises and all

    but i think its just nuts these prices we are using an average a week £40-£50

    i mean we are only in a 3 bed bungalow im not running a chippy here

    i do think that some peeps will be in for a shock when they get there bill this yr

    i just think what im paying a week is nuts anyone in the same boat ?
  2. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    With you all the way-We live in a four bed-yes it`s a good sized house but we don`t live in Balmoral, and we have had a figure of £170 per month given to us for our monthly direct debit.
  3. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    I live in a 2 bedroom house 02 and i was paying £52 per month, when the gas went up they wanted £104 per month even tho i was £70 ahead, so i came off the scheme and pay what i like using the same card, I have to pay in full when the bill comes in, I now pay £60 a month and with the £70 i reckon that will cover the bill, and of course the bills will be less in spring summer....£490 seems a lot to me....
  4. Mikkel

    Mikkel Gardener

    Oct 23, 2008
    We have been with British Gas for years and after moving here in 2007, transferred the account. Since then, every single bill has been estimated and for around £85 which I made a point of paying. In July last after paying yet another, I wrote and told them I Refuse to pay another bill until a Meter Reader comes out and actually reads it. Then before they could answer, they upped their prices 35-40% and very soon afterwards, Demanded I read it for them, which I point blankly refused to do. They then sent Another estimated bill, I refused to pay, so they kept adding money on to it. Eventually they did arrange for a meter reader to call out, but we stipulated the time he was to call by due to another appointment we had. Nobody called, so we went for our appointment, but when th meter reader did eventually turn up and 3 hours after we got back, he was refused entry. :mad:

    A new appointment was made, and we waited in All day for him to call, but to no avail, no apology, telephone call, or a kiss of my rear. Three days beforehand however, we had a Bogus meter reader try his luck, who also got rather aggressive towards me and all because I refused him entry and so the police were called. I got his vehicle details, a partial photograph of his face, he tried it on at four other addresses, yet still got away. As I told the police, No ID, and No appointent, or even Late for it, means NO entry. :mad:

    As for our meter being read, we are still waiting and because of my age and health, we are on the Priority Service Register and they are supposed to Read our meter on a Quarterly basis, whether they like it or not. So, no reading taken, No money gets paid over.

    British Gas have threatened me with a locksmith to gain access to our home and charge us £361.00 for it, PLUS a deposit on new keys, plus the cost of what is owed for electricity supplied. I have also had a letter from them dated 10th December 2008, apologising for the trouble we've had and a promise I would have an answer to my complaint Within 14 days. I was given a phone number should I not hear anything, so allowing for busy postal period, I left it until this week. When I phoned, the letter writer is on Annual Leave until the middle of the month. :mad:
  5. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Hi Mikkel, terrible about the bogus meter reader, must of been a conman or burglar! but im just wondering if the first meter reader was genuine, why wouldn't you let him in? or take a meter reading yourself, at least you would know it was the right reading :)
  6. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Hi cattwoman - I use a good web site run by Martin Lewis who is on the telly sometimes with his money saving tips. I used his ideas to switch to the lowest priced supplier a couple of years ago (this changes all the time). We got a good deal last time we switched - we are on an internet tariff and that costs us about £100/month for gas/electric (4 Bed detached).

    Anyway on this part if his website its worth checking his ideas on how to save, for instance you might be able to switch suppliers to get a much better deal:Cheap Gas & Electricity

    This is the current advice:
    "In August all the major suppliers, British Gas, Scottish Power, nPower, EDF, E.ON and Scottish & Southern increased rates (see price rise charts). While prices were expected to rise in January, the rapid global economic decline means it's now predicted there'll be a price freeze or more likely a price cut"
  7. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    I'm not sure what your all saying, but I only pay for what I use and always in arrears.

    Never liked the idea of Direct Debit, everyone I know has had theirs increased unless they protest against it.

    They are using their customer base as credit as far as I'm concerned, totally wrong and should be outlawed.
    If it means I have to read the meter OK, I never, ever, pay an estimated bill either.
  8. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    Totally agree, Pete, the only DD we have is for the telly license. The utilities? No chance.
  9. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    What's even more sickening is the fact that the price of gas/oil has been steadily dropping since late last year, but at the time of the year when we all need the heating on, has this drop in price been passed on to us consumers? Has it heck!
  10. Mikkel

    Mikkel Gardener

    Oct 23, 2008
    Hello Youngdaisydee, because of a local crime prevention scheme where we live, we have stickers issued by the local council on each door stipulating Callers by appointment only, and so we keep to it, plus as I believe I put above, we made specific time for meter reader to be here by due to us having another appointment at a specific time and expected to keep to, not wait for him to turn up just when it suited him. About reading the meter myself, we are on the Priority Service Register where they are required to read it themselves and every quarter.
    In the past, we have had a number of distraction burglaries, plus bogus meter readers, so when the bogus one even refused to show ID, I warned him off and fast.
  11. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Ahhhhh Mickel, Thanks for explaining, its Now Crystal Clear, I Thought you were just being Awkward hahahahaha (only Kidding) Good Luck with gettin'g your Meter read and i hope its not too expensive... Dee..
  12. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    I'm with a scheme called Staywarm which is for us old age pensioners! We pay a fixed monthly tarrif and use as much power as we need to. It's rated on house size, occupancy and post code and at present I pay £90 a month which, whilst it seems a lot, I'm at home nearly every day, all day long and can have my heating on around 15-16 hrs a day without fearing an "adjustment" bill at the end of the year. I've been on it since I turned 60 and am more than happy with it.
  13. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Is that £90 a month every month, summer and winter Daisees?

    I'm a bit confused how you post code alters your energy consumption.
  14. Mikkel

    Mikkel Gardener

    Oct 23, 2008
    Sorry, but what I forgot to say was that at our previous address, we were on Pre-Payment meter and in one period of just 7 weeks, British Gas sent round 4 meter-readers, until I so Very nearly hoisted the 4th one out physically, but for my Partner stopping me. After that, I refused any of them entry unless they got British Gas to advise us in advance and the reason WHY they needed to read a Pre-Payment meter so often. Upon moving here, we went on to quarterly and I will go back to Pre-Payment again if I get one more bit of trouble, Or I will be changing Supplier and Very fast.

    We used to pay for our water via direct debit, until we used a couple of pounds more than we had paid for over 6 months and they wanted to increase our payments by almost double. I told them: "If you increase it just 1p per month, I Will cancel the direct debit." When the next bill came in, we were in Credit and to this day, we still are, but they wont reduce the payments, or give it back, so when the next one comes in and we are still in credit, I will cancel the dd, until such times they reduce the payment required. I am determined their staff are NOT going to hide behind the company name and try Ordering me about, or demand more than what we need to pay.
  15. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Was it one of those blue key meters?

    There was a bit of thing going round at one point where you could buy them at a quarter of the price black market, they would have been checking them.

    How can they refuse to hand over money that`s yours? I`d get Martin Lewis on the case if I were you Mikkel. I reckon there are a few companies that have a price out on his head these days.

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