Environmentally Friendly Ideas

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Snorky85, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. Snorky85

    Snorky85 Total Gardener

    Jul 7, 2013
    Thought I'd start a thread so that maybe we could start to share any eco/environmentally friendly ideas we have which could either help reduce plastics that we use or help reduce chemicals etc etc.

    I decided this year that I needed to make a more conscious effort to get rid of plastics in my day to day use. I know my singular efforts wont make a massive difference, but doing something is better than nothing.

    Please share your tips - I'd really like to read them and take them on board.
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      Last edited: Feb 24, 2020
    • Snorky85

      Snorky85 Total Gardener

      Jul 7, 2013
      To start the ball rolling these are the small things I've made a conscious effort to do since the start of the year:

      1. I am no longer buying those trays of ready cooked rice anymore - they were so quick and easy to use (and I was rubbish at cooking rice) but I made the effort to learn how to cook rice properly and so no longer buying that micro-rice in the plastic trays - just one plastic bag that the rice comes in.
      2. I've got back to using washing powder rather than liquid. Although the powder can be messy, it isn't in plastic bottles - it comes in the cardboard boxes which can be recycled more easily. I wish there was an alternative for softner!
      3. Changed use of feminine hygiene products so they don't contain plastic.
      4. Got a composter for up at the allotment
      5. Buying the "refill bags" of dettol surface spray and hand wash etc instead of just buying new plastic bottles every time.

      I'm stuck with plastic dog food trays at the moment - our dogs have a special diet and really sensitive tummies (and LOADS of allergies) so it's really difficult to find the right meat for them. Unfortunately the one they are ok with is in plastic trays. I've tried using the trays to do seedlings in, but we use one tray a day and there's only so many seedling trays you need.
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      • Loofah

        Loofah Admin Staff Member

        Feb 20, 2008
        Are the dog food trays recyclable? If not then to make yourself feel better, write a note to the company and ask them to replace with recyclable material? Have never had the need for a surface spray as I just wipe down after washing up which hasn't killed me yet...

        One our friends went nuts for this in the past year - she has driven everyone mental with evangelical speeches on the topic. That said, we have also tried to cut down on plastics etc. I helpfully remind my wife there are 6 gears not 4 in her car and she tells me to take the recycling out in the stormy weather. It's very symbiotic lol
        Good idea on switching back to laundry powder, I think we'll look at that too. Moving house has provided (or will provide) a good opportunity to remove plastic in the garden, so plastic pots and trays will be done away with in favour of terracotta (maybe) and a seed bed of some description. Erica has moved to bamboo toothbrushes and there is a surprising quantity of bamboo products being made now (including underwear which does not bear thinnking about!!)

        In Woking we now have a new shop that only sells eco friendly stuff and you have to bring your own containers to take products away in (eg soap and other items that would ordinarily be individually wrapped). Haven't had the chance to look it up yet but it's run by a woman that lived just a few doors away until I moved Kate's Eco Shop
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        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          We try our best - within reason.

          No chemicals used in the garden. Almost all fresh foods and almost no prepackaged foods. Rice is bought in 20kg bags (haven't checked to see whether the bags are recyclable). Almost no prepackaged meats - but I do like my ribeye steak from Aldi, and then use the tray they come on as plant trays.

          I've been wearing socks made from bamboo for years and can definitely recommend them. They're softer than cotton and the ones I buy have no discernible seams and no elastic tops are necessary - which is good for my legs and feet because of circulation problems. :blue thumb:

          We have had our plant pots for years and recycle them amongst friends etc. when they buy plants from us. Most of them, when the plants are put in the garden, come back to us rinsed out and ready for further use. One of the local private nurseries has a very large recycling bin for people to put their old pots and trays in. Other people come and take whatever they need.
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          • Snorky85

            Snorky85 Total Gardener

            Jul 7, 2013
            Oh no evangelical speeches here - I hate that whole preaching malarky. When I was veggie I hated it when I heard vegans and veggies going really OTT. If people want to change they will and they don't need forcing, it's more likely to push people to the opposite extreme.

            Oh and I second the bamboo - my husband has bamboo boxers and socks and they're very soft. Good idea though - I will look for more of that to replace my clothes when they're worn out.

            I've just message the dog food company on facebook about the plastic trays...lets see what they say.

            Agree with the garden plastics - I've been going for the terracotta or fibrecotta type too. And have been recycling plant pots over and over best I can. Also nipped to a local nursery to pick up a few plant pots to use and they were happy for me to take what I wanted. All good ideas.
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            • Loofah

              Loofah Admin Staff Member

              Feb 20, 2008
              ...Googles 'fibrecotta '...
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              • john558

                john558 Total Gardener

                Feb 14, 2015
                Ramsgate, Kent
                I reuse Coffee take away cups to grow Runner Beans in, the ones I have must be 5 years old, yes a bit tatty but still useable.
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                • andrews

                  andrews Super Gardener

                  Aug 28, 2018
                  Waste Management and Consultancy
                  South Yorkshire
                  I use a keep cup on the odd occasion that I have a take away coffee.

                  Plant pots are reused

                  All of the grass cuttings and chicken shavings are composted and put back onto the beds.

                  We are part of a local plant swap group who aim to swap plants locally rather than buying imported plants, reducing carbon footprint. We do buy plants from afar if we cant buy locally

                  We collect egg boxes from friends and reuse these to supply people with our hen eggs

                  For our waste management business we chose the greenest routes wherever possible although some companies are driven by cost only so chose a less green option

                  Our wax melts (new sideline) have no glitter / plastics in them, use sustainable soy wax and very limited packaging. We are moving to biodegradable cello bags once the current stock runs out.

                  We repurposed a load of cups & saucers for use as fragranced candles as gifts. They can be used as cups once the candle has burnt out.

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                  • CanadianLori

                    CanadianLori Total Gardener

                    Sep 20, 2015
                    Battle Axe
                    Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                    @snorky - I used to have issues cooking rice until someone, from St. Vincent, told me that they don't do the 2.5 cups water to each cup rice and cook until the water is absorbed - they put about 4 cups in the pot, cook the rice until it is the tenderness they want, then strain. (The water can be cooled and used in the garden) This is so so easy and never any stuck to the bottom of the pan. I've also made rice in the microwave. Same as for 2.5/1 , cooked on high for a few minutes. Let sit 5. Check. Cook on high, let sit... etc. When done, spice and eat.

                    I give my empty egg cartons to an acquaintance who sells eggs collected from her own flock.

                    I foot wash some of my clothes. I have a Drumi which uses only a few gallons of water and a drop of soap.

                    I always reuse my plant pots. Some are over 18 years old. I put my egg shells in the garden and potting soil.

                    I use solar power for my greenhouse fans and lights etc.

                    I use microfiber clothes for wiping things down and dusting. Only need water. Not chemicals.

                    My dishwasher soap is in those pillowy thingies but the container lasts me about a year and then I reuse it as it has a handle which makes it easy to use when harvesting peppers or other small items. I also have one that gets all of the bits and pieces that won't fit in the junk drawer. :heehee:

                    Guilty on the textile front - I am now sewing my own clothes and I don't see any affordable sources for bamboo cloth. I have cut apart garments and remade them into something else, or updated them.

                    @john558 I'm glad you posted - I rarely do take away but I have a large Styrofoam cup from my lunch combo of hotdog/soft drink today. I was in the US and obviously no one in their right mind takes anything across the border that is not absolutely necessary. We don't have foam cups up here any more (at least as far as I know) and the idea to use as a pot will at least get it used one more time before going in the trash.

                    My grandchildren think I'm a green granny - not sure though if that's because of my eco friendly attitude, my growing stuff, or the look on my face when they tell me about some of the things they get up to!
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                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      I use that method - but the old traditional method in India used to be to put the rice in a pan and pour in water until the level is the length of the first joint of your index finger above the rice, cover and gently simmer. The amount of rice and the length of the finger never seemed to make a difference :heehee:. I think it depended on how long they would let it stand after cooking.

                      Same here - but I do get some free eggs :blue thumb:

                      Me too. :thumbsup: Am I allowed to use that phrase now? :whistle:

                      We use those for dishwasher and washing machine. The dishwasher has a built in container for it and we just chuck it in with the clothes in the washing machine. I try to buy the biggest bags I can, as they're plastic, and the big bags use a lot less plastic than buying smaller bags more often. We need to buy specially for washing because of allergies.

                      At the bridge clubs that I run we have done away with plastic cups (been using them for years) and people have to bring their own or they don't get any tea or coffee (it's free).

                      I use a metal water bottle.
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