Are you happy in your home?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by moonraker, Mar 18, 2020.

  1. moonraker

    moonraker Gardener

    Jan 16, 2012
    Evening all,
    Well it's been a smashing day and it started when i looked out of the bedroom window this morning around 6,45am,

    All i could see was a light mist floating over the orchard It was a bit like heaven and even better was to come,
    Sun shine all day and a real feel that spring has arrived,

    Ive only had a "T" shirt and jean's on all day, The sad part was we couldn't take out two dogs for the daily walk due to needing a form filled in saying our destination (new law because of the virus) and this form can only be off loaded from the PC after 4pm,
    If caught without the form you get a fine, So the boys had to do with playing in the garden,
    Anyway ive spent time in the greenhouse and im pleased with the sweet pea / Lupin / and tagget seeds all shooting up also i sowed another 10 trays of taggets,
    These are a great Anti green/
    white fly deterrent (so if you have a white/green fly pest around your tom's plant a few tagget plants near them and you'll not have that problem for long)
    And to finish the day off and by the time the grass was dry I managed to cut the Lawn,
    I cut the lawn twice a week if the weather lets me,

    The forcast for tomorrow is again sunny all day and warmish And so i'll have plenty to keep me happy,

    I really do love my home and garden,
    What about you are you happy in your home and location?
  2. jimcubs

    jimcubs Gardener

    Nov 2, 2015
    I’m happy in mine wished I had moved here years ago, we downsized to a larger house with a big garden as you do. But it’s just the view we have sat in our conservatory all day, thank goodness I had underfloor heating put in.
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    • moonraker

      moonraker Gardener

      Jan 16, 2012
      Hi jimcubs,
      Nice to share this subject with you, Impleased to hear like myself your happy out of the rat race and all the crowds,

      As ive said many times we left the uk and moved to france,
      We took that step to enjoy the rest of our lives doing what is important to us you may say the so called free side of life and by that i mean all nature has to offer such as the views of miles and miles of green countryside, pure fresh air and the silence of the evening, All free to enjoy,

      The old farm house we now live in had'nt had anyone live in it for 25 years when we found it and it was'nt for the faint hearted at first sight,
      It needed everything done to it but its location was just perfect,
      Now it's a real dream home complete with a 2 acre garden and a pool plus the free shared life with all natures creatures thrown in for free, wild deer tobe seen every day and the sight and sounds of the grue (crane birds) flying to their winter and returning for the summer again has tobe seen,

      Many an evening i enjoy a summer evening sitting under the moon with a glass of wine and just enjoy the company of one of the dogs by my feet listening to the birds getting ready to roost for the night and later the owl hunting,
      No litter/crime it really is like going back 30 yrs Peace perfect peace And boy am i glad we got away from the way of life i once lived,

      As the years carry on and age creeps up on us ive thought as im sure most people have "what if one of us is left alone !!!! Would the one left behind want to continue this life style ?
      For my answer to this question "Yes" as long as ive the company of one of the rescued dogs and ive found plenty of these little animals just crying out for a second chance and the gardening is never finished is it,
      My wife has said she'd do the same and feel safe here, who could ask for anything more ,???
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      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        We are in an old farm workers cottage in the orange groves in Algarve. Moved here permanently nearly 19 years ago. Started with a blank canvas and now have an overgrown sub-tropical paradise. Beautiful country, lovely people, fantastic weather. No regrets.

        We are 20 minutes from the mountains and 20 minutes from the sea ... but being "confined" to home is a blessing, good for the soul.
      • moonraker

        moonraker Gardener

        Jan 16, 2012
        Hi vitoria,
        Nice to hear a repeat of my own thoughts on "taking that big step to do something ref our life and what we wanted"

        When you said this "confined " again i agree it is good for the soul,

        We're not bothered about going away for holidays,
        I dont want to be messed about with all the hold up's at airports or the threat of what ever other people think is worth while taking chances on, ie bombs 'had enough of those while serving in the Army" or food problems,

        No we've still to get over this 20 odd year holiday,
        Nice to hear from you,
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        • Victoria

          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

          Jun 9, 2006
          Lady of Leisure
          Messines, Algarve

          We have had all our holidays here since 2006. There is so much beautiful country to see, especially below Lisbon in the Sado region ... where they also produce the best wines! We haven't flown since 1997 when we actually bought the cottage and then took the ferry to Santander and drove, our three cats doing the journeys with us every year for four years to the UK and back.

          Pleased you are enjoying life in France.

          Be safe.
        • andrews

          andrews Super Gardener

          Aug 28, 2018
          Waste Management and Consultancy
          South Yorkshire
          We were considering many places when we bought this house. First thought was a Greek island and buying a bar. We were put off as it is easier to take money into Greece than taking it out. Looking at how their economy crashed, I'm glad we didn't do it.

          We did look at France for a while and at the time we could buy a castle with the price of the houses in the UK we were looking at. We chose to stay in the UK.

          Am I happy in the UK ? Yes. I have plenty of space (about an acre) for the dogs and plants.
          This morning I walked the dogs through the fields behind us as the farmer was harvesting sugar beet (couldn't harvest in Autumn due to the rain). I'll now watch the next crops grow.
          I can sit in the hot tub at night and watch the night sky as we don't have massive light pollution.
          Ive just checked the polytunnel and some of the veg, salad and annual plants are coming along nicely. I'll soon be moving my tender plants out for the summer.

          Am I happy with the current lock down ? No. Ive had to agree to start decorating a couple of rooms - a job that I hate !
          • Agree Agree x 1
          • jimcubs

            jimcubs Gardener

            Nov 2, 2015
            We were fortunate that the house had been started to be renovated and was liveable, but ended when the previous owner passed away (53).
            We had many cut off wires and dangerous electrics, all ( I hope ) brought up to date.
            I have 2 rooms to do but in no hurry yet, to take advantage of the views down a valley, I had a 20’ x 20’ wrap around conservatory built ( £350 ) on flea bay everything including blinds thrown in.
            We don’t discourage any wildlife but wish the dog would no roll in their mess, it’s peacefull here only the sound of birds and the dog snoring.
            Our neighbours all chip in to have the edges mowed and planted and they look loverly, except out next door who doesn’t give a s*** and talks to know one and sends notes of complaints to people threatening legal action
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            • Upsydaisy

              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

              Apr 26, 2017
              Living in hope of world wide peace.
              Hampshire. Zone 8b
              We've been in our house now for 38yrs it was a farmworkers cottage and was over 100 yrs old. It had been empty for a couple of years and required a complete renovation. We've tripled the size of it and so there is only a small portion left of the old place.
              It's situated up a very quite lane that is a non through one. There are only 4 other houses and a farm scatter along it.

              Fields, woods and farmland surround us plus the lovely bonus of some stunning lakes that seemingly only us 'locals' know about....and we're not telling anyone!!:)

              Love it here and would really hate to move, but if I was left to live here on my own then sadly I wouldn't really be able to. Too big a property really even for just us 2 now, too much maintenance required and a bit too isolated,especially for an older person. Dread the day we have to part with it....although our sons are adamant that it should be kept on and rented out.....I think I too would prefer to do that, so long as we found people who would love it like we do.:dbgrtmb:
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              • jimcubs

                jimcubs Gardener

                Nov 2, 2015
                Any improvements I do are geared towards how would I do it when not as mobile, also how would either of us do it on our own.
                KISS keep it sodding simple
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                • ARMANDII

                  ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                  Jan 12, 2019
                  I'm more than happy and content living in my modest House that is, and always has been, a Home with so many memories attached to it. I love the countryside that the UK offers and has, and also living in West Cheshire with it's patchwork fields and it's Forests where you can still go for a walk and take your dog(s) with you.
                  I've just been to the local Plant Nursery with was full of Gardeners being sensible while not letting the Virus stop them enjoying gardening. Then, driving down the narrow country lanes, having to stop while a Lady on a Horse while leading two other Horses. She gave me a cheery smile and wave and then carried on down the lane while I took in the Trees and Daffs lining the lane. I passed a parking area in the lane for people wanting to walk in the countryside which was nearly full, so people are enjoying Life while being sensible. Then I drove passed Meres that mirrored the sky, and then past the Local Farms selling eggs and veg. The Sun might not have been shining, but I was wearing a T-shirt, jeans and a light Fleece and, after driving through the narrow Cheshire country lanes, when I got home made a Mug of Tea and then sat on the patio taking in the garden plants that were in the midst of a Spring growth, I knew I was Home.:yes::hapydancsmil: To be honest, I feel sorry for those who have left the UK for "sunnier climes" because, despite the grey dull Winters, the UK during the Spring, Summer and Autumn is, in my opinion, a far more beautiful country than anywhere on this Earth.
                  So, yes, I'm happy because I'm in a place I love and adore.:love30:

                  And I appear to be not the only one..........

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                  • Victoria

                    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                    Jun 9, 2006
                    Lady of Leisure
                    Messines, Algarve
                    PLEASE don't feel sorry for me ... :imphrt:
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                    • CanadianLori

                      CanadianLori Total Gardener

                      Sep 20, 2015
                      Battle Axe
                      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                      I like where I live. I'm in the burbs and while I envy those with larger gardens, I also realize that there's only me to take care of things.

                      My home is 32 years old and I am an original owner. I helped with tthe kitchen renovation some 24 years ago which swallowed up a second room and I love cooking, baking and entertaining in there. My close girlfriends come often and in a group sometimes and we have a noisy get together. Lots of laughs and good food.

                      The 5 year old hospital is only 3 miles from me and anyone I talk to when there, comment about how beautiful it is. Being this close, sirens are rarely heard as it is a quiet zone. No engine breaking or other Nasty stuff either.

                      I have lots of room to play and work in here as it is just over 2,000 Sq ft and that is not counting the cellar which is full 8ft height and another 1,000 Sq ft. Lots of room to store things or for indoor growing. Got about 140 seedlings left down there waiting for warm weather.

                      I also have another utility kitchen in the cellar for extra space to bake or use the second dishwasher.

                      Being in the burbs is obviously not everyone's choice but I do like being close to everything and knowing that the day I can no longer drive, the transit service is excellent. Also one of my son lives three blocks away so that is handy.

                      The birds seem to have no issue flying here to visit and have a snack and my friend Orzech the opossum visits. Lots of squirrels and chipmunks here too.

                      I am happy in my home :)
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                      • ARMANDII

                        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                        Jan 12, 2019
                        I've never felt sorry for you, Victoria, as I have too much respect for you:love30: You are a very tough, intelligent, courteous and caring person who has found the place and home that she loves and wants to be, and you know that I'm happy, (and jealous:heehee:) for you to be where you are as you after working and travelling abroad know that you are Home!! .
                        I was referring to those who are living abroad and telling people who, indirectly, tell people in the UK how good it is to live abroad and how they feel "sorry" for people living in the UK. Those are the people that don't know what they're missing. I served, while in the RAF,some years in some glorious places abroad such as Kenya, Cyprus, North Africa and the Middle East but, always after some years I had a "home sickness" for the countryside, the climate of the UK, and even the dull, grey, cold Winters:heehee::cat-kittyandsmiley::coffee:
                        • Agree Agree x 1
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                        • CanadianLori

                          CanadianLori Total Gardener

                          Sep 20, 2015
                          Battle Axe
                          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                          @Victoria your home sounds lovely and some day I will visit the region. I believe my girlfriends and I might do a group visit in the next few years. Don't worry, we will be gentle with our partying and not trash the place. :heehee:

                          I agree, happiness is what gives you comfort. That said @ARMANDII is correct too, I would really miss the freezing cold winters with the deep snow and bitter nights. Even the stars look frozen in winter :)
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