Hi @Ed S , they look like Zinnias to me. They are too overcrowded though, they need either potting up singly or planting out now.
They dont look like zinnias to me. Well not the kind I grow anyway. Maybe you could tell us what other seeds you bought. A Zinnia.
If the leaves are small, about the size of a 5p coin or smaller and aromatic, I'd say it's a Marjoram or Oregano.
Oregano was my bet. I had planted some oregano seeds too. My other zinnias look quite different (a good deal more substantial). Sadly, I have practically no sense of smell or else I would have a better idea..!
@Ed S My Zinnias look like Petes photo as well, a lovely group of bedding plants. We have all mislabeled seed trays, it can cause some confusion.