Garden redesign - questions galore!

Discussion in 'Garden Projects and DIY' started by sunnycusack, Jun 15, 2020.

  1. sunnycusack

    sunnycusack Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 24, 2020
    Hi to everyone!
    I'm Lorna, in Scotland, enjoy gardening (and the rewards) but would definitely say I'm a novice, so looking forward to all the advice/tips given. Decided to start a new thread, rather than spouting it all in the newcomer thread :)
    We inherited an established (and not very well looked after) garden when we bought our house 3 years ago. Currently have plans to redo it; installing raised beds basically, trying to keep as many of the established trees/bushes as possible around the border, so there will no doubt be loads of questions asked in the coming weeks! :)

    How to move bamboo - Is it possible to plant singular canes? Would love to spread it out in a row along the raised bed to create some kind of privacy.

    Oh and here's the garden! Some work has been done since - the fir trees have been taken out, and a taller fence installed at the side of the house. Will need to post photos as we go, but it's slow going as we only really have weekends to work on it. It certainly doesn't look this 'tidy' now
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
  2. sunnycusack

    sunnycusack Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 24, 2020
    The last couple of weeks have seen big changes - can finally see in reality what I have imagined, what a great feeling! The side path has been relaid and a woodstore rebuilt (to a better standard), drain has been laid next to house, a sleeper step installed to the start of the side path, and the start of positioning roughly where we want the sleepers! (Exciting!)
    Thanks :) [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. sunnycusack

    sunnycusack Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 24, 2020
    Last weekend produced this - the beginnings of the raised beds, and the new patio! We have had to raise the patio slightly, then angle it towards the drain. Even made time during the week to make a squirrel feeder (in second photo), which I'm glad to say has been getting used :yahoo:
    IMG_20200607_143534.jpg IMG_20200607_195115.jpg

    And the weekend just past created this - a box has been installed around the rowantree, and the second level of sleepers. I take it the fuschia bush/tree will need to be boxed in as well?
    I hope to spread the bamboo along the edge to provide more privacy, leaving a group of bamboo where it is in the corner. Fingers crossed it takes! Has anyone tried this before? Any tips?

    IMG_20200615_102815.jpg IMG_20200615_102825.jpg
    Thanks :)
  4. Arlandria

    Arlandria Gardener

    May 22, 2020
    Surrey, zone 8b
    No tips for you I'm afraid as it's outside my knowledge, but it's looking lovely! I really like the beds around gate, they're so inviting.
  5. Tim David

    Tim David Gardener

    Jun 4, 2020
    If you have any paving slabs left over it may be worth putting some on their edge buried into the ground in front of the bamboo as depending on the bamboo they can be very invasive.
  6. IanMacK

    IanMacK Apprentice Gardener

    May 3, 2020
    Hi Lorna. From your photos, the bamboo doesn't look like its an invasive species.
    If you've been there for 3 years you should be able to judge if the type is clumping or spreading.
    (I'm in Aberdeen and have 14 varieties around my garden perimeter - having dug out and binned 2 types because of their rampant invasive growth).
    You can use paving slabs to edge the bamboo in - I used corrugated PVC roof sheeting cut into 12"/300mm strips between each bamboo plant and also the grass area.
    I can't see properly if that is bamboo in the sack (or pampas grass ?) - if it is bamboo then cut out all the dead canes, prepare the soil well - adding moisture retentive material really helps, then soak with water after planting.
    If you try and lift and split the large clump of bamboo in the corner then it will be a pretty heavy duty job - when I have lifted bamboo before I've had to dig out 12-18" cubes of root & soil !
    In answer to your direct question - can you plant individual canes - I would suggest not to try that method. Better to split up the clump into sections for planting as a screen.
    My new canes for this year are only now beginning to show so timing is ok - they are pretty hardy !! Even if you prematurely lose some canes I'm sure that new growth will appear - good luck !
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020

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