Corona Virus Treatment

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by ricky101, Feb 10, 2020.

  1. Islander77

    Islander77 Keen Gardener

    Mar 17, 2020
    Various , allegedly retired
    West Coast of Ireland; offshore
    Disagreeing wholeheartedly and only someone not affected by the
    virus could write this *******

    We have no cure or treatment. It kills indiscriminately and the human cost..

    And from stats the UK, like the US, has not taken enough precautions. Your death rate is shocking .

    Have a look at eg the care homes?

    And if the rate seems low it is because of the rules and restrictions which I thank God and our government for.

    And have a look at the actual death rates. Each one a person , a loved one.

    Here in Ireland we have covid suppressed as we had good ruling and it was enforced.. As travel is opening, that is starting to change. For the worse. covid has not gone away.

    If a few extra restrictions will save lives, as it has done here? The more rules the better. Bring them on.
    • Agree Agree x 3
      Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2020
    • Fat Controller

      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

      May 5, 2012
      Public Transport
      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
      You are quite at liberty to disagree of course @Islander77, however I stand by what I have said. To say I am unaffected by the virus, or it's fall out, is completely untrue. Firstly, I have been forced to shield for over three months (almost four by the time it is over) with the shielding only being 'paused' from 1st August, and secondly the industry that I work in is one of those in an absolutely dire position. I don't own my home, I have zero savings because I have been paying private rent my entire life, so if I lose my job we will lose everything.

      Yes, I agree that there is a human cost to the virus, and yes I agree that our government has dropped a ball in many ways, but the facts remain that the numbers of those directly affected by the virus are currently less than half a percent. The resulting economic damage is going to hit millions, and will cause untold deaths
      • Like Like x 2
      • Islander77

        Islander77 Keen Gardener

        Mar 17, 2020
        Various , allegedly retired
        West Coast of Ireland; offshore

        The toll is so low because of the restrictions. Had these not been enforced there would be deaths as in the US .

        Shielding is a way of helping. Thank you for your support, .

        The plague is not the govts doing. Any success against it IS the govts doing. And your last sentence is not true. I feel for you in many ways but many are far worse off than you. And you have the skills and the health to recover which many do not. My ordinary life is more meagre than yours and I accept that this will worsen with the battle against the virus.

        The virus is causing this not the govt. The virus will cause much more pain in all areas than is happening now. We all need to combat it.

        And by " affected by the virus" I meant seriously ill or dead. That is the priority . Preventing yet more illness and death will lead to economic rescue.

        There are no short cuts,

        Here in ireland we were much more restricted immediately than you ever have been . And we suppressed the virus through that strict government, and the death toll is low. Now we can pick up the threads again slowly and carefully, knowing that if it starts to get out of hand again, we wil go back into strict measures again

        You are blaming the wrong elements here.

        PS am signing off on this thread; I am as always ill abed with a major illness caused initially by a virus that disabled me in my 20s. I am still alive and have different priorities now. But will never be able to mix with folk. And was never able to earn and yes, rented and rent still. That is as it is for many . The effects of this virus will be disabling in this way for thousands and is already disabling many strong folk as happened to me.

        Life for me is still happy; illness has taught me different values.

        So few are affected now according to you, because of restrictions etc that you so condemn, you all have a far greater chance of coming through this.

        Blessings and peace and adieu!
        • Friendly Friendly x 2
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          Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
        • clanless

          clanless Total Gardener

          Jan 20, 2013
          Gentleman of leisure.
          North Wales
          On-line consultations and working from home, it was all going this way before Covid-19. It's all down to money. Work from home so businesses don't have to buy/rent office space and move to on-line consultations so the same number of Doctors can see more people. For the first time ever I had a telephone consultation with my dentist - all he really had to do was provide some reassuring words and all was fine. I wonder how many will continue with their on-line shopping.

          I'm the sort of person who likes to see and talk to real people rather than a screen.

          I have noticed that our on-line shop has short use by dates - I suppose because those in the shops naturally go for the products with a longer use by date.

          The financial system is a mechanism for the 'elite' to control the masses - employment is wage slavery. That's what I've read on the internet anyway :biggrin:.
        • Upsydaisy

          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

          Apr 26, 2017
          Living in hope of world wide peace.
          Hampshire. Zone 8b
          FC!!!!:yikes: I ' luv yer to bits' ,and you're a true

          :star: in my eyes for the kindness and help you've given can you say that??
          It comes down to your definition of ' directly affected ' I suppose.

          This virus has ripped through everyone's lives in varying degrees and one has been left untouched by it.

          Directly or indirectly nobody has been able to escape it and it will effect our individual lives for some time to come yet.

          If not by the pure fear caused by getting the illness and then struggling to survive it, or watching ,as a relative or health professional, as someone gives up the battle ..then think of all the other ways too.

          People desperately struggling to hold down jobs, trying to provide the bare day to day essential staples of a 'normal' life for their children.
          Added to that they have the pressures of continuing to maintain some levels of 'home education ' in the fight to stop their children falling behind,especially for the 16 to 18 yr olds who are approaching their final exams.
          For some vulnerable children is they 'escape' from hunger...or worse still ..abuse.!!! I shudder to think of an abuser with all these added worrries.!!

          Likewise for the all who may be in enforced confinement with their abusers ,whatever age ....unimaginable times!!

          I am fortunate in that despite being in the vulnerable age group we are both well and managing just fine.
          But untouched?....definitely not!!!, yes and most importantly, our children have remained healthy and safe up in London, yes we have got online shopping slots, yes hubs has his meds delivered, yes we have all the modern technology to have face to face contact with family and friends here and overseas, yes hubs and I have each other for company.. .... but untouched???.... where was I when my Dad lived out his last days... I couldn't hold his hand, look into his eyes , see him smile at me. In the end , yes I did say ' *** off to the guidelines and go to him...but it was too dammed late as he was unconscious for his final 32 hours....I try and console myself in thinking...' he did know I was there, I did feel him squeeze my hand albeit very faintly :)....or was it my imagination....I hope not :sad:. We couldn't even do the final thing properly in giving him the send off he so deserved ..2months later and he is sat on the undertaker's shelf waiting to be finally reunited with Mum. When...who knows?

          Now we all have to wait with baited breathe to see what this coming Autumn and Winter will bring.....will the virus spike, will it react to the seasonal changes....will it mutate ?

          The fear of this unknown virus ,is truly impacted on everyone.
          • Like Like x 2
          • Agree Agree x 1
            Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
          • Fat Controller

            Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

            May 5, 2012
            Public Transport
            At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
            I am not saying for one moment that people have not been directly affected - of course they have and it is absolutely awful and I would never wish anything like that on anyone. @Islander, if I appear angry then I can only apologise as I most certainly am not angry - frustrated, yes, but not angry. I'm also not saying that I would or have circumvented the shielding advice - so in that respect, I have accepted it, however that acceptance does not mean that I have to be happy about it.

            Whilst any loss of life it absolutely terrible, and can never be made light of, the harsh truth is that the deaths from C19 in the UK are at a relatively small percentage of the population and not wildly different to a flu season.

            I agree that it is so low because of the lockdown, however I believe that the lockdown was implemented wrongly; it should have been much earlier, much harsher and also much shorter. If everything stopped for 3 weeks (and I do mean everything, other than emergency services) back in February we wouldn't be seeing the economic damage we are now. 14 weeks on of faffing about with partial lockdown has been severely damaging, and has put an awful lot of people out of work and even onto the streets.

            We are all affected in one way or another, and yes we are having to learn to get on with it, however that does not mean we cannot question things, and my question remains as to the severity of our reaction (nationally or globally), particularly in relation to our reaction to flu.
            • Like Like x 2
            • pete

              pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

              Jan 9, 2005
              Mid Kent
              It's ok FC, I've found him now.
              Yeah he certainly does hit the spot in comedic kind of way.
              • Like Like x 1
              • Islander77

                Islander77 Keen Gardener

                Mar 17, 2020
                Various , allegedly retired
                West Coast of Ireland; offshore
              • Islander77

                Islander77 Keen Gardener

                Mar 17, 2020
                Various , allegedly retired
                West Coast of Ireland; offshore

                ???? I agree totally with what you are saying and applaud your post; but my comment re "directly affected" referred to the attitude I was responding to whereby stats were being misap-pplied NOT to the reality of this appalling virus.

                stats are no measure of this plague.

                But you have expressed this far better than I ever could; thank you. And yes, my family is directly affected, with one death already and at least 2 more in quarantine,

                The post I was replying to seemed to have no idea of the total effect and terror of this virus

                OK? OK>
                • Friendly Friendly x 1
                • Islander77

                  Islander77 Keen Gardener

                  Mar 17, 2020
                  Various , allegedly retired
                  West Coast of Ireland; offshore
                  replying to upsadaisy

                • Islander77

                  Islander77 Keen Gardener

                  Mar 17, 2020
                  Various , allegedly retired
                  West Coast of Ireland; offshore
                  Agree with much of what you say. But please bear in mind that this is a new and unknown quantity and that we have the terrible toll in China and now in the US,

                  Yes the UK govt faffed about; Bojo wanted " herd immunity" at the cost of thousands. And clamped down too late.

                  Abd re stats; what we get here is the actual daily numbers of the UK deaths and that is not small nor trivial.

                  When the UK came round. they followed the advice of specialist medical authorities ie lockdown. This is what we have to trust. Not what we would like.

                  There IS going to be a cost in human terms in every aspect of life. That is unavoidable, as they say the "new normal" . Life is never going to be the same in the world. And a three week lockdown would not have changed that. The virus is leading us not vice versa.

                  here in Ireland we are watching the situation after months of lockdown, and already case numbers are rising. Also commercial financial folk are trying to make the running. One family got back from Iraq and have caused a cluster in Sligo.

                  It has not gone away, and we are in this for the long haul, and we are told here that if need be we will go into total lockdown again.

                  China got a massive second wave by opening too soon and too widely.
                  • Like Like x 2
                  • Agree Agree x 1
                  • pete

                    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                    Jan 9, 2005
                    Mid Kent
                    Lockdown, in my opinion is only a means of suppressing the virus, it will never wipe it out.
                    So personally I can only see a socalled second wave as inevitable regardless of when you ease a lockdown.
                    Probably a third and fourth until people get immunity, acquired in one of two ways, either you catch it and recover or they eventually get a vaccine.
                    • Agree Agree x 3
                    • Islander77

                      Islander77 Keen Gardener

                      Mar 17, 2020
                      Various , allegedly retired
                      West Coast of Ireland; offshore
                      Not sure that that holds up in medical terms. Not everyone catches eg seasonal flu whether they are vaccinated or not. And as was said so cogently here in Ireland, by keeping numbers of infected at bay by lockdown we gave the medical services and hospitals a chance not ot be totally inundated at once. It gave the chance to manage the rate of infections. It was called flattening the curve. Also gives folk the chance to take stock of how best to avoid infection by changes in their way of life.
                      • Agree Agree x 1
                      • shiney

                        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                        Jul 3, 2006
                        Retired - Last Century!!!
                        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                        I understand that one man has died from mishandling of individual situations because of the change in rules to try and cope with the pandemic. He was being supported by the state with carers coming in and also having food deliveries. Both these stopped because of medical and care services being directed towards the backing the struggle that the NHS was having and his food had been organised for him but that service had stopped. He died of starvation. It was on the radio today.

                        There are problems building up now over prospective unemployment due to furlough going to end and to businesses closing. People will die of neglect and suicide (apparently the suicide rates have gone up) and I can't see how this can be avoided. i'm pleased I'm not running the country.
                        • Agree Agree x 3
                        • pete

                          pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                          Jan 9, 2005
                          Mid Kent
                          That is basically what I wrote, flattering the curve is suppressing it, it's not eliminating it.

                          And if you don't catch it all well and good.

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