Old Laurel Hedge

Discussion in 'Gardening Discussions' started by Andy Franklin, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. Andy Franklin

    Andy Franklin Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 16, 2018
    Hi All, I'm new to for forum but I hope it will be the first of many discussions.

    I recently moved into a new home (well 18 months ago) and the garden is lined with a laurel hedge.

    I think its probably around 20 years old, the base stems are a good 5inches Diam.

    Its not been looked after in the past and a few of the plants can died and I uprooted these and re planted with the hope they will eventually blend in.

    The problem I have is, the end of last summer one died (right on the end of the row) i had it professionally trimmed and the dead one taken back down to the floor, in the past 4 weeks the healthy one next to is randomly shed 80% of its leaves and it not looking great. (image attached is a few weeks old, more of the leaves have shed since. If there something I need to be keeping and eye on?

    its a good 4 feet deep I throw a hose pipe in the middle of the bush every 2-3 weeks maybe this is to much / no enough? I try to take out as many weeds as i can from the bed but its hard as its so thick in there. I have attached a pick, the ones to the right have all been re planted as they where dean when I brought the property.

    I suppose I'm worried next year the next one will die and so on.... ?

    Thank you in advance for your reply's.

    Attached Files:

  2. WeeTam

    WeeTam Total Gardener

    Mar 9, 2015
    Southern Scotland
    Might be worth a soak once a week if your in a dry area. A little feed may help too. Watch out for too much rock salt on the pavement this winter if its a harsh one and the council go nuts with the salt spreading.
    Really easy plant to take cuttings from btw so free replacements if yoj have a dead un.
    I take cuttings,12 inch,strip lower leaves,chuck em in a bucket of water,put in light shade,come back mid spring where theve made roots,plant them up.Sorted.
    • Informative Informative x 1

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