Health is important

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by DianneW, Feb 24, 2021.

  1. DianneW

    DianneW Head Gardener

    Dec 26, 2020
    Just a couple of points that hopefully can be added to:-
    Excellant service...that is what you want to hear and your wish is my command...
    Two occasions....that stand out for us here in the French Health Care System
    No.1 Mr. W had a mole on his face that was growing, so had it check out via the Dr.
    Appointment was quick the examination was very exact and not just face was given the once over,,,his whole body was scrutinised to make sure every nook and crany was checked over...same for me with Hashimotos disease which you can get a lump in the throat that can be an issue or nothing at all, but a quick scan shows no issues.. but no the operator here in France decides to do a scan of every organ of the body...because they care so much and detecting bad stuff just still gives you some chance of survival...That is the reason I posted this, to show how taking extra care can work if people just pull together...
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    • Mike Allen

      Mike Allen Total Gardener

      Jan 4, 2014
      Retired. Plant Pathologist.
      Eltham. SE. London
      May I echo the last sentence of Dianne' s post. Being interested in medicine along with my other interests. I'd like to add to this thread. Back in my childhood days, our GP, well actually we had two. Both were great friends of the family. Often mum would take me to the surgery for some childish ailment. A prescription was usually written at the end of the consultation. Mum would pass over half a crown, two shillings and six pence, todays equal 12.5p Either Doc often passed it back. Most times the afflition responded to the bottle of jollop as we called it, or we took the pills, or applied the cream.Finally we gave up. Perhaps years later, we consulted the doctors about some ongoing problem.

      Now medical science has come a long way. Many lessons have been learned. May I quote my own recent experience. Having been refered by my GP to the local hospital. Receiving treatment and surgery. Then being passed onto Guys hospital. Here I really got the works. I joked about it, but I am so glad for it. Guys have a system. It's sign posted. Older persons unit. Here you get the works. General physical, internal if needed. X-ray, ECG, EEC, MRI scans. You name it. You get it. Many general practices now operate a keep well clinic. This is good. OK. I had a cardio scan. It was found that I have Aortic stenosis. This is where the main artery returning blood to the heart, the valve has gradually corroded and is functioning at a reduced rate. Left untreated a heart attack is on the wall.

      So what does this mean. OK. We all know that one day, our life is going to stop. Deep down we don't want this to happen. Our bodies, so wonderfully made. Our bodies will fight continuously even if we are in a deep coma, to stay alive. So please consider. How much medical science has come, and bannish the thought that these medics want to take over your life. These people want to help you to endure, ro stay as healthy as possible. Rhe rest is upto YOU.
      • Informative Informative x 1
      • DianneW

        DianneW Head Gardener

        Dec 26, 2020
        Sometimes here, it feels like they 'own you' but they actually prefer prevention over cure, which does result in extra tests and re-tests, so I was summoned to the blood clinic this morning before 8.00 am and need another before mid of March as I have a few appointments you do...One thing I do protest at is the amount of prescriptions they want to give you..there I find Google is a wealth of information aslong as you read up on official web pages. Better to know @Mike Allen Allen forewarned forearmed...

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