Land drain before lawn

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by ric1982, Mar 1, 2021.

  1. ric1982

    ric1982 Apprentice Gardener

    May 25, 2020

    I am planning to create a drainage in the garden as currently the garden gets flooded when it rains heavily. Following are my items in the shopping list.

    Perforated Land Drain Coil Pipe 100mm x 25m | Drainage Superstore®

    DRAINTEX Drainage Geotextile Membrane Landscape Fabric - 2m x 25m | Drainage Superstore®

    Land Drain Coil 100mm to 60/80/100mm Branch Junction | Drainage Superstore®

    200 mm pea gravel.

    Geo textile membrance + some large rocks + bricks to create a soakway (7 feet deep x 8 feet length x 2 feet wide).

    The perforated pipes to draw water (surround the pipes with geo textile fabric and pea gravel) from garden into soakway in fork fashion.

    The soil is not too clay but there is enough clay to hold the water in heavy rain. I am planning to add compost into the soil before putting top soil (for lawn) so it improves the drainage.

    Does this sounds ok? or am I missing something? (Just dont want to do this large project to find out in the end that its all for nothing)
  2. Jiffy

    Jiffy The Match is on Fire

    Aug 25, 2011
    Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
    The only other thing i would do is if you can pipe the water from the soakway to a ditch or drain (if you can) as once the soakway is full, the water won't go anywhere and can even stay wet if you get lots of heavy rain and go back up the soakway as well
    Not sure on the rules for pipeing soakways into house drains

    Good that you are using pea gravel and not limestone as limestone will wear away with the water over a long time
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    • ric1982

      ric1982 Apprentice Gardener

      May 25, 2020
      Thanks @Jiffy .

      I have got a drain but not sure if its foul drain or rain water drain.

      I am also two minded about using geo textile membrance over pipes. Some say its good idea other says dont do it. Any thoughts?
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      • Jiffy

        Jiffy The Match is on Fire

        Aug 25, 2011
        Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
        The membrance will stop the very small bit of soil going into the pipe ie sand/clay washings (muddy water) but if you have very sandy soil and use the membrance then the sand will be stopped by the mambrane but could and mean could slow the water down from getting into the pipe if you know what i mean, i've not used it my self but i see the idea, one thing that i have done is to dig a bit deeper then put a bit of stone in the bottom then pipe then stone on top (more stone is better than less) then your soil it all can be a catch 22 with different soils etc so it only a guide
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        • ric1982

          ric1982 Apprentice Gardener

          May 25, 2020
          @Jiffy Do you know many bulk bag (800KG) of gravel did you used for your drain. I am going to use 25meter length of pipe for my french drain. Its just difficult to guess how much I need to order hence.

          Also did you dug soakway as well if so did you used gravel in the soakway ?
        • Jiffy

          Jiffy The Match is on Fire

          Aug 25, 2011
          Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
          Most of what i did was field work, so most of the time it was 20ton + loads of limestone, one field we did we ordered over a 100 tons, so times we didn't have enough and sometimes we had more but then that was put into the gate ways of the fields

          It will depened on how wide/long/deep you dig and the size of stone ie: 20mm limestone or 5-10mm gravel to how much you use

          as for a pit sockway you can use any clean stone/gravel even builder waste but it must be clean stone no soil/dirt etc
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