foster mum to a staffy

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by cattwoman25, Dec 12, 2008.

  1. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    I quickly read through this thread. Saw the toilet issues. Are you crating her? Over here we believe in the crate as the method of choice for housebreaking. When your not around, or can't watch for any little signals, they are locked in a crate, dogs won't go where they lye. The other thing, with my new guys, I would tie them to the foot of the bed when I sleep, again so they could not wander around at night and go somewhere. I too have never had a bitch before. She looks sweet.
  2. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    Personal opinion.
    I wouldn't crate or tie up an older dog.
    If you start as a very young pup the crate is fine for short periods and at night.
    But I would never tie a dog up, ever.
    I have never needed to do it.
    As far as the training, I have never in 40 years had a dog that couldn't be trained.
    Some just take longer than others.
    In my opinion.
    If you put the work and love in you get a great dog out.
    No smacking no shouting just consistent training and loads of love.
    I don't allow dogs on the furniture and definatly not on beds.
    They have their own bed and the run of the house and garden.
    I feel they should be treated as a dog not a child.
  3. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    hi all

    many thanks for your input its really helpfull

    borrowers her name is rosie and thanks for the info on the dogs trust will check that out

    im not 100% that i want to have her done and we have just come out of the bleeding bit and to be honest it was'nt too bad apart from following her round with the mop !

    we have wooden floors so its really not much of a problem

    the only thing that does concern me is the health issuses in not having her done !

    getting pregnant will not happen unless i decide to let her have a litter

    our garden is very secure 6 ft fences all round no gaps and gates to the front which i can't get over never mind rosie !

    nothings getting in or out and as for walks i have her on a lead (retractable) i don't let her off for the simple reason im unsure of how she is with other dogs with not knowing her history and she has started getting very protective of me now when any other dog approches she stands her ground bless her :luv:

    as for the toliet im cursing myself saying this but things are looking good no accidents this week so far

    i have removed all water and food after 5 pm so hoefully this has solved that problem :thmb:

    redstar people has told me about using a crate but i don't feel its right for her with her been older and she is like my shadow so i think it would really stress her out if she had been a pup then i would of looked into it though so thanks for that

    lyn i agree with you apart from the child bit i hate to admit but she's my baby and she gets as much love and cuddles as my kids :hehe:

    my hubby thinks im nuts and i have never been so attached to a pet before as i am with rosie

    i have always had cats hence my name lol

    i will be taking rosie to the vets in a couple of weeks for her jabs incase she has never had them or needs a booster and also to get her chipped so will have her looked over again then

    right i do belive its WALKIES time again lol i don't know who enjoys it more me or rosie :rotfl:
  4. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Awww Lisa, sounds like you and Roise have a really special bond, She will reward you a Zillion times with her love, Staffie's really are Fantastic Dogs, as your finding out:gnthb:
    Just a little warning, next time she's in heat and she's in the garden, dont assume a dog can't get over your fences, I made that mistake and one got over our 6ft gate :dh: cost me a fortune to get Tammy Spayed, as it happened there were no pups there even tho they had tied.....Dee..
  5. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    hi dee thanks for that hubby is going to higher the fences in summer as my friends staffy ran straight through one and under a bus :(

    we are going to put more concrete panels in just incase rosie has a go little ******s arn't they bet your glad tammy did'nt get caught :thmb:

    my dad has had a chat with his friend for me who as always owned staffys and the first 2 bitches he owned one after the other he had done and they both started fitting a few yrs later and had to be put down the first one was 5 yrs old and the second was just under 7 he swears it has something to do with having them done

    so he has since never had a bitch done and they have lived to be over 11 yrs which im told is a good age

    so i will proberly end up leaving her alone to be honest although our walk this morning was more like a run everytime she saw a dog she was on one with me sliding behind trying to stay up right :flag:

    so she must be after a bit of male company :yho:
  6. high kype

    high kype Gardener

    Oct 24, 2006
    hi cattwoman 25 all rosie needs from you is lodes of love that you can give her and she will give you lodes back i have got a black lab that i got from a Friend how is dying with the big C
    we give her all the love that we can and she loves us for it

  7. Little Miss Road Rage

    Little Miss Road Rage Gardener

    Jul 1, 2008
    Hi Catwoman I have a Staffy bitch and I had her done. I couldn't stand 1. the spotting and 2. the male dogs following us round the park. She was encouraging them too, even getting on a rock so she was accessible to the mastiffs. I've had no problems with her.

    She is a rescue and she is such a lovely dog. It's the first staffy I have had and I will deffinately have another one. My hubby had one that looked like your Rosie. She's gorgeous. She's my little baby and she's really cuddly and loving, a big softy. Everyone knows her and loves her down the park.
  8. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    hi all hope your all well

    well here's a little (lol) update

    i have rang the local dogs home and rosie is now legally ours hooray !

    the toilet part is 99.9% now

    3 weeks ago rosie went out into the garden ( been fine all day ) and when she came back in after 3 mins she was in a right state !

    she could'nt move her back end
    her eyes went glazed over
    her entire body was twitching
    she was been sick
    gasping and panting

    hubby had to pick her up and put her on the sofa as she just could'nt move !
    this was on a sunday so after 3 hours she was'nt really improving so i rang the emergancy vets
    who told me they needed to see her to tell me what is wrong and leave her for a few more hours if she is still the same contact them back

    well she did start to move a little after then so decided to stay up all night and sleep next to her to make sure she was ok 2 days later she was 90% back to normal so i took her to the vets for a check up christmas eve

    vet was happy everything was ok

    new years eve 10 o clock in the morning she sat up and went funny again but this time could'nt even move her head

    this time she was going to the vets no messing i rang up and had to be there for 2 0 clock as she was'nt improving at all

    i got there he had a look at her took her temp which was 105 he looked shocked and took it again !

    ran off got a paper told me to sign it and that she would have to stay in she is very ill and had got pyometria

    an infection in the uterus caused by been in season and infection had got in and her uterus was filled with puss

    he told me she would have to be scanned and proberly spayed but he would tell me more later

    i was nearly crying when i left her there one good thing was she was'nt with it so did'nt fret

    2 hours later the vet rang 5 o clock he told us that she was on a drip as she was very very weak and the uterus had also ruptured causing the infection to go through out her body basically she was on deaths door blood poisioning

    he told us it was 50/50 if she would pull through and they have got to remove everything and flush her all through

    so you can imagine me i broke down my poor baby

    half past 5 they operated i got another phone call at half 6 telling me that it was done and she was in recovery and only time would tell and they would ring back later

    half 11 i had the phone call she was FINE :gnthb:

    new years day i bought her home and she is really doing well now almost back to normal

    this is quite common in bitches which i did'nt know but do now i can't believe we nearly lost her

    anyway since then she's been great she even came and woke up us when the house flooded on saturday what a clever baby she is .

    anyway just thought i would let you know how we were doing

  9. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    OMG Lisa, poor rosie, we nearly lost our sophie the same way, as i said earlier but she, like rosie pulled through, Phew, and you know what, dogs are brilliant, no pretending to be ill, and in a couple of days, there up and wanting to get back to normal, Amazing :thumb:
    She will be fine and no more nasty infections because they took everything away.... Dee...
  10. Celia

    Celia Gardener

    Jul 27, 2006
    I have to say that if you do not intend to breed with her then have her spayed. It could prevent a lot of problems in the future, a 6 foot fence is no barrier to an amorous dog! We had Millie spayed before Christmas just after her first season which went on for 4 weeks. She was quite miserable during this time and refused to eat which was quite worrying. My niece uses baby pants on her dog when she is in season!
  11. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Lisa what a terrible time you have gone through with Poor Rosie. I am so pleased for you that she has come through it all. Our pets cant tell us how they feel, but let us know in other ways how much they appreciate us looking after them, like your Rosie she is there looking after you.I really believe that. 02
  12. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    heres a pic of rosie chilling on her sofa (use to be mine lol )



    she went to the vets yesterday had the all clear and was signed off :yho:

    i also think they did something else as she has turned into a puppy running wanting to play all the time and she even crys or wakes me up to go to the loo since she has had her op

    hubby says maybe because we have saved her life twice in the short space we have had her she is aware and is paying us back in her own way !

    hubby keeps saying she's from heaven:hehe:

    who knows

    i just want to pick her up and love her to death all the time but........................... i struggle lifting 3 stone :rotfl:

    so just have to get on the floor with her and do it :D
  13. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Aww bless, She looks really happy, be carefull when your playing with her, hub once got a cracking black eye when he and Tammy were messing around, they have heads like concrete Hahaha..
  14. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Glad to hear the good news about Rosie. Nice to see she has 'her' settee already,:)

    I know what you mean about the weight etc. Joyce is too heavy for me to lift too. She seems to know though that I can't take too much from her and when she was able to jump around she used to leap on my husband but never did to me. They just seem to know but as YDD said, be careful.

  15. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006

    we have already head butted :( and it hurt :hehe: she's also turned into a puppy so i have chew marks too :flag:

    but i love her too bits i have got my eye out for another but hubbys having none of it :mad: except when he's has had a drink lol

    i will get one :thmb:

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