Whats the word?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Lyn, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    I need the word for.
    Someone who only ever says and does what everyone wants them to.
    Then talks about them behind their backs.
    Someone that never does or says what they really feel , just incase it may make them look less than perfect.

    An example
    The phone rings.
    Yes of course, I'm here all day , yes come over we'll have lunch.
    She puts the phone down
    I can do without them here today ,bloody nuisance.

    Second example.
    She's invited to a house warming party.
    Did you have a good time I asked.
    It was O.K
    The house was a surprise for her ,I thought it would be a tip.

    To the house owner on the phone.
    Thank you so much
    I had a fab time.
    Your house is just as I expected, lovely.

    There are many more examples I could give .
    They happen on a daily basis.

    Now this is in front of me so what she's really like I dread to think.
    So why you might ask do I have anything to do with this false person.
    Unfortunately she is my Sister in Law. :(
    I never ring her or go to her house unless I'm with my husband.
    She always rings me or comes to my house.
    I don't trust her.
    She is driving me mad.
    What do I do?
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :doh: Gosh, what an awful 2-faced person...!! I cannot imagine what it can be like to have someone in the family like that.... I would only go as you do, with your husband..!!:(

    :mad: Oh dear Lyn, I think if it was me I would distance myself from her... Never convenient when she phones... Just dasing out, have somebody there etc etc.... Not be able to go there so often either... If that doesn't work then I would have to get OH to sort it with his brother perhaps....!!! If that didn't work I would have to tell her to shut up about others when we were together..!!!! :( You poor thing how awful for you..... :mad: Time to take a firmer stance though maybe...:doh::( Sorry I can't offer a solution..!
  3. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    You don`t need the word Lyn-she`s a b*tch, so ask her, "Why are you such a b*tch?" the next time you see her. She`ll say she isn`t, you`ll give her a few examples, she`ll get red-faced and make an excuse to leave, then you get some peace.

    It sounds very similar to the relationship I have with my SIL-it worked for me.
  4. dancing queen

    dancing queen Gardener

    Mar 25, 2007
    Hi Lyn , i think we can all count are true friends on one hand , i work with someone like your sister inlaw always out to stir things up , she has recently lost her husband and we all feel sorry for her but she`s always stirred up trouble since i`ve worked there which is five years now . If it was`nt for the other girls i would have been long gone . These are very bitter people they don`t know how to enjoy life , she`s a snob who won`t shop in places like woolies , poundstretcher etc , We have our works do tonite and she`ll be moaning tomorrow about those who drank to much (she does`nt drink) so Lyn your not alone , rise above it girl cause there the losers in the end , im happy and ive got lots of good friends .Lets call them swag surly whiners always griping :D oooh got carried away there , and relax .:yho:
  5. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Mine is a snob too, I remember a very very funny incident, she came with her family to a bonfire night party one year ( she didn`t come back after this incident), wearing rather ridiculously obvious D&G sunglasses. Swanning around like lady muck in these things. One of my adult stepdaughters came in and starting sniggering at her-"look at the state of that!" she cried

    "what?" said SIL

    "you`ve left the protective film on them!" SD said

    "No I haven`t!" replied SIL, and to prove it she took them off and looked at them, but sure enough she had,-imagine her mortification when, in peeling off the film, she peeled off her beloved D&G logo. It was only on the protective film.

    It was obvious she had bought fakes, and was trying to pass them off as real, and had been publicly outed for it.

    Nothing wrong with buying fakes, unless of course, you were on the receiving end of her sneering tongue in the past.

    Shame, wasn`t it?:hehe:
  6. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    Your right she is a snob.
    She won't shop in anywhere but the top places incase she is seen.
    But she comes to my house, sees things I have got from the pound shop etc and asks me to get them for her.
    I don't , I say they were sold out.:)
    What gets me so mad these people she treats so badly behind their backs thinks the sun shines out of her ***.
    If you met her you to would think she was wonderful.
    So sly.
    If you asked her why she did she would look at you as if you were in the wrong.
    I'm sure she can't see what she's doing.
    I tell her why don't you just tell them the truth , tell them your to busy to have them over.
    She say's, well you can't really can you. :scratch:
    Another thing she does that drives me mad ,she air kisses everyone, twice.:dh:

    She's my Husbands Sister
    The rest of her family are not much better but I hardly ever see them thank goodess.
    My Husband is a hard working good man and I do feel a bit sorry for him to have such a family.
    The only good thing is he knows what they are like.
    He tries to keep the peace and tells me to take no notice.
    But it is so hard.
    With Christmas coming I just no they will be here.
    With their false wishes and bloody air kissing.

    Rant over
    I feel much better for that.:D
  7. Shobhna

    Shobhna Gardener

    Jul 26, 2006
    Milton Keynes, UK
    there's alwasy some miserable people in this world who seem hell-bent to make everyone else's life hard. They seem to get some sort of perverse satisfaction out of it.

    I only hope there is some justice in this world and that they get their dues.

    Not wishing to hijack your thread......but I'd tell you in a PM what she had done to me if you wanted to know. right at the moment, I'm finding it hard to deal with the bit*h anyway.

    In fact, it'd be nice to be able to tell someone. Have had to bottle it up.:(
  8. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Tell us Shobna, we could all use some help dealing with the family at this time of year. They`re all under our feet, or soon will be. We can help each other.
  9. Shobhna

    Shobhna Gardener

    Jul 26, 2006
    Milton Keynes, UK
    This is not family Claire, this is one nasty horrid person who thinks that she is a cut above the rest and someone who I wish we had never met and who has managed to cause a great upset between me and my husband.
    Someone who I could really do without.

    To put it mildly........she if off my Christmas list.

    One of the things that my Mum has taught us that if you eat someon's salt (as in if you eat food at someone's house) you owe them your respect and that you never ever do anything to hurt them because you have broken bread with them...............well............I wish I'd broken bread with a hungry dog because at least it would have been faithful and it would have guarded my house.

    I will post in a seperate thread if everyone wants to read a cautionary tale and sixth sense in play.
  10. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    Thats just the problem she's not really nasty outwardly.
    It's all done behind backs and in a way she can say she ment it a different way.
    So frustrating.
    She's just so selfish and can't seem to see what she's doing, is in my eyes wrong.

    Don't worry about this thread if you have something on your mind go for it.
    Unless you prefer to PM me.
    I must admit I feel better for having a rant on here.
  11. Shobhna

    Shobhna Gardener

    Jul 26, 2006
    Milton Keynes, UK
    True Lyn, I need to rant over this one too and I will do tomorrow morning when I have a bit longer to put it on paper.

    luckily, all my sisters-in-law are not too bad. one of them does not much like to speak to me but I can deal with that, and some of her remarks are meant to hurt but so far I have managed to tell myself to forgive and forget.

    As you say, you SIL knows that she is being horrid but can't help herself, perhaps she feels inadequate about something else and this is her way of dealing with it. Is she just seeking attention?
  12. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    The word your looking for lyn is "KIPPER" she is a two faced yellow b---h without any guts.:hehe:
  13. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    Good word
    Now to add it casually into a conversation with her.:rotfl:
  14. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    Yes!..excellent word:gnthb:
    Lyn...I didn't realise you knew our neighbour from down the road:dh: I've always said that if she visited and I had put a dog turd in the middle of the living room she would smile and say 'Ohhh isn't that lovely!'..:skp: Then ring around with the news:rotfl:
  15. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    That makes it even worse.

    I have an aunt like that, very high and mighty, complete snob but played a big part in my childhood until I was 16. Since an incident at a family funeral, when she acted like an even bigger bitch than usual, neither I nor my parents have spoken to her, apart from the bare necessities (such as grandmothers funeral this year).

    I guess we all know someone like this. But at least if its a friend you can drop them. A bit more difficult with family, especially in laws! I feel for you Lyn :(

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