Help please, bare patches and scorch marks.

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by DaveMc, Jun 10, 2021.

  1. DaveMc

    DaveMc Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 10, 2021
    I had turf layed in July 2020, and noticed in the spring there were some dry bare patches, I out down 3kg of smart seed in April, I don't think I did it very well, none of it seemed to grow at all, the birds seemed to like it though.
    Then I tried patch magic, I bought 2 of the small tubs, the first one didn't do much, the second one has had a bit more success, but the patches are now greener than the rest of the lawn, I tried feeding the whole lawn, but now have scorch marks as a spilled some whilst using the hose feeder device. Any advice would be greatly appreciated please, I have attached couple of photos as well.

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  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Welcome to the forum @DaveMc

    Patch Magic has nitrogen fertilizer which will green up the areas you scatter it on. Then you have added more feed so maybe you have over done the amount of fertilizer. Too much will kill grass and anything else as you have found out. You can't do too much until that extra fertiliser washes away, watering may help but will take time.
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    • Janet mahay

      Janet mahay Gardener

      Oct 24, 2018
      Uk west mid
      • Yes too much fertilizer can damage grass but you need to repair the lawn Rake the burnt grass out and water the soil well. This is to wash out any product which may remain in the soil. If it particularly bad it may be best to dig the area out and replace with fresh topsoil.
      • Overseed with fresh grass seed. Sow fresh grass seed at 35g per square meter (about a handful) and rake it into the damaged area. If you would like the area to blend in with the rest of the lawn, overseed into bordering areas too. For a major burn it may be best to re seed the whole lawn and. For best results, bury the seed. It needs soil contact to germinate. Burying the grass seed will improve your chances of success
      • .you need to keep it well watered morning watering is best and For the next three weeks keep the area moist and try not to let it dry out. If the weather is hot, watering several times a day may be necessary. And cover seed with netting to stop birds and rodents eating it
      • Grass seed can take up to ten days to germinate. Even then the new grass can be very thin and difficult to see. Only after it is starting to thicken will the area look like it is disappearing. Try not to mow the repair until the new grass is around 6 inches high. This will enable it to start to put down a good root system before being ready for a cut

      • another surprising way i read but i have not. Tryed is to treat a scorched lawn with sugar to the grass. sugar will help enrich the soil and will benefit the organisms and microbes that help keep your grass alive. Spread 1 pound of sugar for every 300 square feet of lawn.
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      • DaveMc

        DaveMc Apprentice Gardener

        Jun 10, 2021
        thank you for that, will keep watering, I did soak it once I noticed it has suffered from the feed.
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        • DaveMc

          DaveMc Apprentice Gardener

          Jun 10, 2021
          @Janet mahay thank you for your reply, I have just bought a scarifying rake, so will try that on the burnt patches.
          is it best to wait until autumn to reseed or will it Work in June and July, also is it best to get a roller to flatten in new soil, or can I just flatten in with my feet please.
          The new patches are starting to grow, but the surrounding parts need trimming, is it best I would assume to trim them by hand rather than risk damaging the new grass in the middle? thanks again
        • Liz the pot

          Liz the pot Total Gardener

          Jul 1, 2015
          No roller needed, just insure it’s firmed over.

          You need to be careful with fertilisers round new grass as it can be all too much and kill the new grass plant.
          You can reseed but it needs to be kept damp and perhaps it’s best done when the weather is not scorching hot so a bit of planning comes into it.
          The other way is to grow grass in a pot then transfer the plant into the areas but if it were me I would pick a week where the temps where not scorching then dress and keep the area damp.

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